There are many things to say about this Vans trip to Milano, things like Samual Norgren holding his own by keeping close to himself, Helena Long, Aurora & Miriam’s ripping, Florentin Marfaing’s magic, but most of all we feel strongly about Chris Pfanner bringing his mother on tour. Simply amazing!
Tag: Milano

Place Presents: Gunes Özdogan in MAGENTAPES

Place Presents: Vivien Feil, Soy Panday & Ruben Spelta in MAGENTAPES
Supreme – STALLION
Supreme opened a store in Milan and Bill and the gang are back with some new friends!
Centrale – Milan
Our friends over at Live Skateboard Media teamed up with Josh Roberts to create this clip. It features Milano Centrale as the stage for the likes of Leo Valls and friends to play on.
Office Session
In der Mittagspause ein bißchen Bowl skaten? Im Büro von Comvert ist das Arbeitsalltag. Die Company mit Sitz in Mailand hat sich in ein altes Kino eingemietet und mal eben so einen Bowl unter die Decke gehangen. Office Porn und Bild des Tages!