Tag: Reese Forbes

An iconic shoe, skated by a lot of iconic skateboarders over the years. I remember when these came out and people started buying them, there was a pivotal moment when a lot of my friends switched from baggy jeans and És Accels into sweatpants and Nike SB Dunks. I also remember when I first noticed I wanted to try on a pair, it was when I saw Niell Brown slowly destroying a pair of the  Carhartt SB Dunks during the day. I also remember my very first pair of SB dunks It was the Wieger Van Wageningen (Piazza) Dunk, to be honest, if felt pretty cool!

These shoes were (re)built for skating but they were being heavily sought after items of streetwear that had more than double the store value on Ebay, Some of us in the skatepark saw their money making potential and where smart enough to stack some boxes of OG SB Dunks under their bed, and are to this day literally sleeping on some money waiting to be made or worn. All I got to say is, it is a great shoe and however Nike SB decides to tweak them they were sick then and they are still sick now and they”ll still be 15-years from now!

In honor of the SB Dunks birthday, the kind folks over at Nike SB created a Nike SB Dunk website celebrating 15 years and a video showing the history of the shoe through the people who skated it. Enjoy!

Text by Roland Hoogwater
Image taken from The chrome ball Incident

Dan Wolfe just did skateboarding a huge favor, he uploaded all of the parts in EE3 (1996) in 60p. Back in the day this video put a spotlight on the east coast and changed the way people skated. Eastern Exposure might even be the reason why Bill Strobeck edited big chunks of Cherry in black and white. And to this day EE3 is a classic with some truly great skating in it.

Für die Mittwoch Madness und wahrscheinlich auch nur extra dafür, wurde David Clark mit altertümlichen Kameras verfolgt, Daewon Song ins Wasser geschickt, Cory Kennedy durch die Hintertür begleitet und die Bombaklats wurden ins Schnittstudio befohlen. Naja, dann ist da noch King Of The Road Teil 1 mit Anti Hero, die den Freifahrtschein ins Nirvana gebucht haben. Ankunft noch unbekannt.
Den Anfang Macht David Clark, der sich Texas genauer anschauen konnte und dabei begleitet wurde von Jake Donnelly und Reese Forbes.

Ins Wasser gefallen ist er des öfteren in den vergangenen Jahren, eingetütet wurde trotzdem. Hier ein paar ‘Behind The Scene’ Clips mit Daewon Song und seiner Auswahl an ungewohnten Spots.

Cory Kennedy hat einen anderen Weg gewählt um an das Ziel zukommen, angekommen ist er trotzdem..irgendwie.

Unser momentane Coverboy Tim Zom und seine Jungs von Bombaklats haben einen Trailer für euch, direkt aus Rotterdam ins Wohnzimmer.

King Of The Road
2012 startet mit den Jungs von Anti Hero und schließt as heutige Clip-Update ab.