Tag: Nick von Werssowetz

Always nice to watch those cutty NYC spots with some classic Biggie playing in the background. Another new volume of Mean Streets by LurkNYC that is on point. Featuring Carlos Mendoza, Thomas Delcaprio, Nick Barrio, Grady Smith and more.

One of the nicest things about the current state of the skateboard industry is that there are a lot of new companies with fresh ideas popping up and right of the bat Hotel Blue seems to be carving a lane for itself with this video. We feel that new companies tend to work out best when the person running the show has an opinion of his own and since this company is run by the same person that created LurkNYC  we are sure the company will have a strong direction. All in all, we like the vibe, the team, the skating, and this clip, and if you do too, you should familiarize yourself with Hotel Blue.

Featuring Giovanni Vacca, Adam Becerra, Mark Poole, Dylan Fulford, and Will Blakley.

Nick a.k.a. Mr. LurkNYC has been making videos like crazy! Every time he finishes one he seems to fine tune or change his style just a little bit. This full length video seems to be another culmination or a compilation showing the best side of the current style of LurkNYC videos, with that being said this video is very well balanced in both the skating, music and nostalgia departments. Enjoy!
