Tag: Nisse Ingemarsson

A Swedish masterpiece by Fritte Soderstrom presented by our friends over at FREE.

Featuring Martin Sandberg, Nisse Ingemarsson, Hampus Jansson, Sebastian Ström, Konrad Annerud, Simon Karlsson, Josef Skott Jatta, Daniel Grönwall, Vilbur Fritzon, Viktor Castro, Mario Eriksson, Axel Lindquist, Simon Hallberg, Vincent Huhta & Axel Berggren.

A video by Gustav Tønnesen for Sour Skateboards.

Featuring Oscar Candon, Koffe Hallgren, Daniel Spängs, Erik Pettersson, Barney Page, Gustav Tønnesen, Josef Scott Jatta, Vincent Huhta, Martin Sandberg, Albert Nyberg, Nisse Ingemarsson & Simon Isaksson.

Russell Houghten seems to approach every one of his projects differently but always with a strong effort towards a powerful visual presentation.

Now, these edits deliver on the cinematic front but we are not sure if they please the other part of the skateboard spectrum, namely the fisheye, raw back alley kind of crowd. Is this even necessary? All good art discriminates so it is all up to the viewer. Watch and Judge.

While the skateboarding is as amazing as always, the edit of this new Sour Skateboards clip differs quite a bit from the ones before, which is a nice variety. Traditionally, you will find some faces of the Skate Mafia guys as well.

Featuring Nisse Ingemarsson, Josef Scott Jatta, Barney Page, Albert Nyberg, Gustav Tonnesen, Erik J. Pettersson, Koffe Halgren, Daniel Spängs, Martin Sandberg, Wes Kremer, Tyler Surrey, Jamie Palmore and Alexis Ramirez.

Scandinavians living the life in Barcelona is basically the vibe we get watching this new video by Sour Skateboards. As you probably expected from our northern neighbors there is a lot of tech stuff mixed with creativity in this edit. Enjoy!

Featuring: Josef Scott Jatta, Nisse Ingemarsson, Barney Page, Evan Smith and many more.

Seemingly the Sour Skateboards’ crew spent several days and nights at the Weining Lu Plaza in Shanghai, which is no surprise at such a dream spot!

Featuring Gustav Tonnesen, Josef Scott Jatta, Daniel Spängs, Jonas Skröder, Koffe Halgren, Erik J. Pettersson, Barney Page and Nisse Ingemarsson.

Sour Skateboard’s Nisse Ingemarsson recently stayed a week in his lovely hometown Stockholm and in the good company of his friends he produced this nice edit that really makes you want to go skate and, moreover, probably to consider Stockholm as your next travel destination. Featuring Martin Sandberg, Micael Ericson, Victor Larsson Ble, Simon Karlsson, Erik Nylander, Nisse INgemarsson, Albert Nyberg and more.

I personally am a fan of such raw edits because they always remind me of the feeling when your crew and you come home from a session and watch the complete tapes of the day together while capturing the best of it. Here is episode number 12 brought to you by Sour Skateboard’s finest: Daniel Spängs, Erik J. Pettersson, Gustav Tonnesen, Jonathan Lomar, Josef Scott Jatta, Nisse Ingemarsson and Simon Isaksson.

Some people might argue that Barcelona is dead for skateboarding because the Spanish metropolis has been overrun by skateboarders over the last two or three decades and its spots might have seen every possible trick. Well, the guys from Sour Skateboards disabuse every unbeliever and with finesse and expertise they show once again that there are no limits when it comes to skateboarding and NBD’s.
