Tag: leon rudolph

Those of you that know us have seen us popping up in Leon Rudolph’s latest edit s/o, now if you don’t know what s/o stands for it is short for shout out. I guess that is what Danny Sommerfeld is giving Leon with this behind the scenes style gallery!


Shout out to the end of summer.


Shout out to ignoring the rules of photography.


Shout out to all the cars that passed by and made Franz lose his focus.


Shout out to the next man on the come up.


Shout out to all the teachers that told me I would never amount to something


Shout out to all the people that lived above the buildings that I was hustling in front of.


Shout out to all the places we travel to only to pass by in a second.


Shout out to JJ for bringing a mic to a skate session.


Shout out to ankle braces and smiling faces.


Shout out to all the prayers that were written down by sprayers.


And finally, shout out to all the people that skate second-hand grip and own a first class pet.

Check out Leon’s edit by clicking here and to see more of kaffeezigarette click here.

All photos by Danny Sommerfeld

Text by Roland Hoogwater

Very recently, we had not one but two Placemag sympathizers for a visit in Berlin, Leon Rudolph and Franz Grimm. As Leon is always down to film something, the guys cruised through the city and produced this, naturally, nice edit. And, of course, shout out back to you Leon!

Featuring: Franz Grimm, Danny Sommerfeld, Roland Hoogwater and Steffen Grap.

It seems that every time we fly somewhere Leon finds the urge to release something new, the last time we were instantly hooked and the video became our pre-session go-to skate clip. This one is special because it contains the first “real” Max Sand footage in a long time! Max is the kind of skater we have come to love, he possesses the right balance between board control, a do or die attitude and a way to make any type of make a good one. Max can get away with stuff a lot of us can’t, one-foot landings, clipping a ledge, an out of balance kick turn often followed by a look into the camera. He just makes you want to go out and skate and that is the most important thing.

Additionally, we want to give you some insight into why this thing is called 2backpacks. In a way, it is an homage, firstly to Danny Sommerfeld’s skating and secondly to a guy in Bremen who recognized Danny and told his friend “Do you see that guy? He always carries two backpacks, one for his stuff and one for his big nutsack!” A classic remark that stuck with all that were present.

Every year there are a lot of companies and crews that want to do a tour or to just spend a couple of days in Berlin. The skaters want to see and skate the famous spots like Kulturforum, Naga, Polendenkmal, Bänke, Frankfurter Tor and many other. Recently, the German Converse Cons team riders Daniel Pannemann, Danny Sommerfeld, and Jonas Heß met in Berlin to produce a clip, yet with a whole different approach. Next to some of the before mentioned famous spots, they rather tried to find something else, something that gives the viewer a new perspective of the endless possibilities a city like Berlin can offer. With this aim in mind, they chose the right photographer, Henrik Biemer, who is known for his unique way in which he depicts the place he calls home, whereby he is always looking for some new ways to shoot something whenever he goes out to skate.

Text by Paul Röhrs

All Photos by Biemer
