Tag: Alex Odonahoe

To be honest, when somebody asks you who your favorite skater is you always think about the pro’s. In my case, Brian Anderson would be the most likely answer you would get back.

But if we are really are being honest, your friends are your favorite skaters, the difference being that you don’t get the joy of waiting for their parts because you are out on those missions getting some awkward BGP’s, guest tricks and hugs in for the edit. Right?

After the Lynchian man in white passes Nils catches a flash and put together this backside lipslide shove-it.

Well, when we caught wind that my friends Nils & Daniel started working on this project together, I said:

“Don’t tell me any tricks you did, and don’t ask me to come along for the filming missions.”

Roland Hoogwater, early 2019.
The nickname “The Mule” belongs to a famous pro skater but at times it sure fits Mr. Brauer.

I wanted to have the joy of watching my favorite skaters part exactly when it dropped. And so it happened*, they went out to Hannover, Budapest, Croatia, Lissabon, Potsdam & Israel and made this project a reality and I stayed at my post and did my own thing patiently waiting until today.

When all of a sudden I got a message…rushed over to Free’s website and did like you are about to…Press play! And after that simply wait 2 more years for part 2 to show up.

Remember that Killa Cam’ron song “U’ WASN’T THERE”? Well we actually were here and this is pretty fucking hard.

All photos by Biemer.

Text by Roland Hoogwater.

*I actually cheated the one rule and got some guest tricks.

Detroit is a city in the state of Michigan, which is a place in the midwest of the United States. At one point in time, a lot of cars were being built there, hence the name “Motor City”. After the decline of the motor industry, the city emptied out but somehow the music scene remained. Just google “Detroit Musicians” and take a moment to scroll through one of the most defining lists of musicians you’ll ever come across. Stevie Wonder, J Dilla, Theo Parrish, Aaliyah, George Clinton, and Eminem just to name a few. The City has some kind of rhythm to it and our friends from Berlin, Hanover & San Francisco felt a lust to bust some moves.

All Photos by Friedjof Feye Text by Roland Hoogwater & Daniel Pannemann.


Harrison Hafner is the smart guy, he brought his tools and made sure that nothing would hold him back skating a spot. We can all be proud of Harry that he’s still skating with all the dirt he has stuck in his eyeballs, after all these years of having very dirty hands. BS Tailslide in quite the muddy situation.


Nils Brauer would never leave the house without his first-aid-kit and the car you see behind the yellow rail would drive immediately to the next hospital in case of an emergency. Shortly after he landed this BS Fifty he got his full body disinfected by a nurse that was coincidentally at the scene. Tragically, she forgot one important thing and to this day, Nils is still struggling with serious side effects of touching the fence with that one hand that didn’t get the cleaning treatment. Get well soon, Buddy.


Alex O’Donahoe is a weird name but then again he is a weird guy. But in a very good way. He believes in conspiracy theories and eats quite a lot of Spaghetti. He regrets grinding that bench and actually going for the BS Feeble Grind wasn’t such a good idea either, “It’s just a lot of information for the government to have against me..” – he said.  If you count all the windows of that building behind Ayo and do the analogy to the 9/11 case you might get some answers that will totally leave you shocked.


Tjark Thielker didn’t come to Detroit to break Fidi’s fucking fisheye. And he didn’t. But he also didn’t come to Detroit to skate. He was just trying to find some really cheap furniture to ship back to Berlin and he did find some cool things. Unfortunately for him, his partner Dominik couldn’t pick up the phone and they never arranged any of those shippings.

Get the NEW ISSUE 62 to see more about the “Mom’s Spaghetti” tour.

It has been a while since a Skateboard Magazine from Europe released a full-length video project with the magazine at once. Our issue 61 comes with a 19-minute film, all filmed with a VX and Hi8. In times of Instagram and extremely fast ways of having your footage being released, we as a team got together and worked on this video for about four weeks.  Thaynan Costa, Hugo Maillard and Willem van Dijk came for a visit and every one of these guys killed it.

A big thank you to everyone involved, besides the lineup above this video features: Tjark Thielker, Timo Meiselbach, Nils Brauer, Jan Hoffmann, Paul Röhrs, Giorgi Armani, NSVC, Alex O’Donahoe, Peter Buikema, Deniz Bulgurcu, Daniel Pannemann, Roland Hoogwater, Valentin Cafuk, Alex Raeymaekers, Mats Edel, Jonas Heß & Danny Sommerfeld.

Filmed and edited by Peter Buikema.

Header-Photo by Henrik Biemer, Hugo Maillard BS Lipslide.



We are happy to announce Peter Buikema from The Netherlands as one of our new interns. Peter was already working for us in Amsterdam last August and just a few weeks later we invited him again to ‘The Dam’ for our release of the new issue.

Together with Alex O’Donahoe, Bobby Groves, Tjark Thielker, Budget Beuker and the rest of the PLACE crew we decided to stay for the long weekend to go out skating, of course. The result is our brand new series “Pete’s B&B” and this is our first episode!

Photo by Friedjof Feye.

We don’t need to tell you that this episode of LurkNYC’s Mean Streets series is kind of special to us, still some of you might ask why? Because this video does not only document good skating in the big apple but it also chronicles some of the best days we had traveling through New York together with Nick von Werssowetz and his crew.

Featuring Alex Odonahoe, Daniel Pannemann, Danny Sommerfeld, Dylan Drew, Dylan Fulford, Grady Smith, Kurtis Colamonico, Pat hoblin, Scott Garrison, Thomas Del Carpio and Will Blakley.
