Tag: Alexis Jamet

At first when I started the Giddy series I wanted every one of them to have a different theme but in the end, I think they all end up looking almost similar to one another, same style of music same vibe.

Romain Batard is back with one of the most interesting video series in skateboarding. And ever since he delivered that quote in our interview with him he has been steadily delivering Giddy’s with a stronger sense of concept and individuality.

Steve Malet kills it in number 8! He is one of Paris’ most exciting skaters out there right now even though he is not even originally from France. But Steve is only one reason and this Giddy truly delivers from the skating, the editing, the song choice and the special effects. It is a good rounded out piece of work!

Gangs signs, checks, fist pumps, devil horns and much more in this amazing Giddy with a strong concept that managed to consistently surprise us!

The “Paving Space” sculpture set is made by the French Raphaël Zarka, who also really wanted his pieces to be used with skateboards. Lucky enough there were enough willing skaters coming from Paris to try out the very interesting shapes of the objects standing in BPS22 Charleroi, Belgium.

Filmed by  Romain Batard and feat.: Alexis Jamet, Hugo Corbin, Joseph Biais, Roman Gonzalez, Yann Garin, Pierre Subra and Jimmy Cholley.

New York 1993 is a film by Louis Deschamps, a lot of people write “A Film By ….” and when is something a film? We are not sure but this video is not a video at times it truly is a film. This trip to New York Must have been magical for it to spawn so much output. Enjoy!


Alexis Jamet, Hugo Maillard, Clément Harpillard, Romain Batard, Eby Ghafarian and Erik Ellington.

A new Giddy by Romain Batard feat.: Franz Grimm, Casey Foley, Hugo Maillard & a whole lot more. Loving it!

“We like to skate, we are having fun.” – This is all what Romain Batard has put as video describtion for his newest full length. And after watching it, I feel like I don’t dare to add anything more to that because sometimes saying less is saying more. However, you definitely should get your own impression!

Featuring: Joffrey Morel, Glen Fox, Santiago Sasson, Marc-Alexandre Barbier, Victor Demonte, Joseph Biais, Juan Saavedra, Oscar Candon, Steve Malet, Alexis Jamet and Hugo Maillard.
