Tag: crailtap

I first became aware of a Robbin’s skating when he was little, on a Dutch skateboard forum. Here was this young kid with the user name “Robbin Reynolds” posting clips of himself trying frontside flips like “The Boss” at his local spots in Haastrecht.

Everybody knows a kid who likes a company or pro skater so much that he wants to dress and skate like them. But the first time I met Robbin, he clearly had his own style and bag of tricks and on top of that, he was a super nice guy – but it’s been a while since we last talked to each other. And it’s safe to say that Robbin’s skating has made a lot of progress since we last met. Some of you might have seen him skating in the Bombaklats video, or the Rotterdam scene article.

At this point, Robbin has some great skate companies backing him, names like Girl, Lakai, Thunder and Bones to name just a few. With a new Bombaklats video on the way, I thought it would be nice to catch up have a little Small Talk with Robbin de Wit.


Words: Roland Hoogwater; Photos: Hendrik Herzmann (BS Bluntslide in Den Haag)

Hey Robbin, how are you doing?

I’m doing fine, how are you?

I’m doing great, I was thinking we could do an interview for Place Magazine.

Yeah, man that would be sick! Do you think they’ll be down to do an interview with a Dutch guy? Isn’t it a German magazine?

Well I’m also Dutch and the magazine is in English now.

Haha, that’s true. I’m always down to do something so let’s do it!

Are you still working at [Dutch distribution company] Hardcore Supplies?

Yes, I’m still working there about three-to-four days a week and I’m skating in my free time.

Have you been going on a lot of trips?

I just came back from a Bombaklats filming trip. We had this idea to skate all these cities in the Netherlands we normally wouldn’t skate.

Sounds like a great idea. How are things going with Lakai?

Great! I love skating for them, I like the shoes, and they have been supporting me for a long time now. It’s a bit of shame that Sylvain and Karsten aren’t skating for them anymore. No bad feelings though, they got there own thing going on now.

For people who might not know, can you explain what Bombaklats is ‘cause it’s not just a skate video right?

No, it’s a group of friends that skate and live in and around Rotterdam. Actually it came from my friend Ali. When he would land a good trick, he would always say “Bombaklats!”

Bombaklats video part:

I also started to see some Bombaklats hoodies and shirts popping up in footage. What’s going on with that?

Yeah, we made some of that stuff to get people hyped on our projects. It’s just some stuff for the crew to wear.

It seems like Bombaklats has been growing and people outside of the Netherlands are starting to take more notice.

Yeah, since the video came out people are really starting to take notice of what we are doing.

I recently saw you skating the Berrics as well. How did that happen?

After Bombaklats was all done, I went to visit Sewa [Kroetkov] in LA, and he took us out skating. One of the visits was to the Berrics and that’s how I ended up in one of their clips.

I heard you met the Sabotage crew when you were over there?

I was skating a spot in LA, and they saw my Bombaklats shirt. The guys recognized me and they were hyped – so I gave them a copy of the video.

Did you ever considering moving away from the Netherlands like Sewa?

I have thought about it. Budgets can be a lot bigger in other countries and that can help you as a skater. At the same time look at people like Daan van der Linden and Nassim, they are really making it work!

So you just came back from a filming trip – does this mean that you are working on a new project?

Yes, we also finished this Rotterdam scene article for Kingpin. And now we are working on a new Bombaklats video. It’s going to be between twenty and thirty minutes long, and I’m filming a full part for that right now.

Nice! Do you know when the new Bombaklats video is coming out?

I don’t know the exact date, but soon, this year for sure.

Thanks for the Small Talk, Robbin.

Find more “Smalltalk” here.

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Die Zeiten im Kofferraum sind für Elijah Berle, Stevie Perez und Raven Tershy vorbei. So sind die drei Ausnahmetalente per Überraschung in die Pro Ränge bei Chocolate Skateboards erhoben worden und beweisen auf der Puerto Rico Tour einmal mehr, dass sie ihr eigenes Holz verdient haben. Das Video ist leider in der Tube gesperrt, kann aber hier geschaut werden. Shotgun!

via der neuen Crailtap Webseite

Ja, da wird doch glatt der Hund in der Pfanne verrückt. Die Kläffer sind los und das auch noch zum Wochenende. Ein paar von den Streunern konnten wir für euch einfangen, und in kleine, verzehrfreundliche Häppchen verpacken. Süß-sauer Soße inklusive!

Den Anfang macht Herm-Dawg und ein Clip, welcher die neuen Shake-Junt Bolts beim Kickflip über ein Motorrad zeigt.

Es gibt extra-Footage und 2nd Angles aus dem neuen Bones Video New Ground.

Daniel Shimizu und Alex Schmidt haben sich auf einen Tee getroffen und der im Clip vorhandene Style, der Protagonisten, ist dann wohl der Sahneersatz, für den dazugehörigen Kuchen.

Shawn Hale ist Amateur auf Independent und hat diesen schönen Part für Strange Notes.

Dog ist nicht das neue Girl und Chocolate Video, sondern ein Video von einem Fan, der ganz viel Zeit hat und aus all der Bonusfootage, der vergangenen Jahre, ein Video zusammen geschnitten hat. Mit Erik Koston, Sean Malto, Brian Anderson, Marc Johnson und deinen anderen Lieblingsskaterboys.
Das Wochenende ist damit eröffnet.

Im Rahmen der Pretty Sweet Premiere in Frankfurt haben sich die Girl & Chocolate Fahrer Elijah Berle, Stevie Perez, Kenny Anderson und Cory Kennedy zu später Stunde noch Zeit genommen, um ein gemeinsames 4 Down zu filmen. Die Themen drehen sich selbstverständlich um das gerade erschienene Video, Skater of the year, Freizeitbeschäftigungen, aber auch die ein oder andere bescheuerte Frage haben wir mit reingemogelt. Demi Moore?

Film by Marcus Biersack
Edit by Sebi Vellrath
