Tag: Grey Magazine

The wait is finally over we finally got a substantial amount of Chewy Cannon and Darius Trabalza footage. Grey does it the right way and shows us London the way we like to see it.

Dan Fisher Eustance, Cameron Gooden, Nelly Mayele, Benny Fairfax, Chewy Cannon, Taylor Lewis, Valentine Katz, Jin Shimizu, Darius Trabalza, Jake Royal and Glen Fox.

Grey is killing it with the output recently! From Pastel to this video a lot of great skating is gracing the (web) pages of the UK mag.

This one features the likes of Marca Barbier, Casper Brooker, Kyron Davis, Korahn Gayle, Chris Jones, Kanya Spani and Kyle Wilson.

Korahn is definitely the standout for both skating and lifestyle reasons, to find out the details press play.

Korahn Gayle, Mike Arnold, Shaun Currie, Harry Ogilvie, Josh Arnott and Savannah Stacey Keenan went to Paris and came back with some incredible footage. Notable highlights are Mike Arnold’s never-ending line and Savannah Stacey Keenan seems to be stunting on all of us by matching the perfect tricks, outfit, and spots together. Watch and enjoy!

Our friends over at Grey Magazine ventured out to Marseille and shot a video and a special magazine over in the French harbor town. It features some of our favorites like Doudou and Mr. Tognelli the latter found a once in a lifetime type of spot to do a trick almost every skater would like to do at least once. Check out the video and go out and skate.

Featuring Mike Arnold, Matlok Bennett-Jones Edouard Depaz, Sylvain Tognelli and Juan Virues.

Shortly after the last Hockey Promo, Grey Magazine releases a London clip series called “Blip”, which is an ongoing project of commissioned or collaborative clips by Dan Magee, which features, among others, Donovon Piscopo and John Fitzgerald. The first two clips look really nice and create a desire for more!
