Another sick Nike SB video, this one by the hands of Will Miles, and with him come two very nice Kyron & Chris Jones sections that are must-watch!

Another sick Nike SB video, this one by the hands of Will Miles, and with him come two very nice Kyron & Chris Jones sections that are must-watch!
We had the pleasure to be at the premiere of Skateboardcafe’s new video “Tenor” in Bristol and it was lovely to see how tight-knitted the scene is and how the brand holds a special place in everyone’s heart. 10 years of Skateboardcafe is a big one and we hope it stays around for a long time. Congrats guys, you smashed it once again!
Filmed & edited by Rich Smith. Check out their new collection HERE.
We have three words for you Savannah Stacey Keenan.
Chris Jones, Ville Wester, Kyle Wilson, Casper Brooker, Korahn Gayle went on a little escape to Milan and obviously hung out with the locals. Can’t get enough of Ville Wester!
A film by Will Miles.
An interesting look at how we can reduce our waste and integrate used products.
A lovely at times romantic jazzy video made by the heads over at skate cafe! Check out Savannah Stacy Keenan, Harry Ogilvie, The Filipino Slugger, Korahn Gayle and others do their thing in SONATA.
Skateboard Cafe just released their new promo!
Featuring: Harry Ogilvie, Ollie Lock, Dom Henry, Shaun Currie, Josh Arnott, Sam Nobbs, Savannah Stacey Keenan, Korahn Gayle & Layth Sami.
Nike SB, London, and Will Miles for Grey Magazine that just about sums up this video. Enjoy!
Grey is killing it with the output recently! From Pastel to this video a lot of great skating is gracing the (web) pages of the UK mag.
This one features the likes of Marca Barbier, Casper Brooker, Kyron Davis, Korahn Gayle, Chris Jones, Kanya Spani and Kyle Wilson.
Korahn is definitely the standout for both skating and lifestyle reasons, to find out the details press play.
Korahn Gayle, Mike Arnold, Shaun Currie, Harry Ogilvie, Josh Arnott and Savannah Stacey Keenan went to Paris and came back with some incredible footage. Notable highlights are Mike Arnold’s never-ending line and Savannah Stacey Keenan seems to be stunting on all of us by matching the perfect tricks, outfit, and spots together. Watch and enjoy!
It has been a little since Korahn has put out a part and truth be told his last couple of parts have been hard to top. This one for Grey puts Mr. Gayle in new surroundings, he did keep to true form and delivered some pretty great lines for his part with the London based Grey Magazine.
The good people over at Grey have a new video up featuring: Casper Brooker, Kyron Davis, Korahn Gayle, Jak Pietryga, Neil Smith, Mark Stern, Kyle Wilson, Marc-A Barbier, Jason Caines, Will Creswick, JB Gillet and Dan West, filmed and edited by Will Miles.
It’s a London ting innit!
Featuring: Korahn Gayle,Cam Barr, Jeremy Jones, Sam Roberts, Kyle Wilson, Lucien Clarke and Tommy May.
This video is about Korahn Gayle and Kyron Davis, the latter might be ending up on something new sooner rather than later.
First off if you don’t now about Skateboard Cafe do your Googles secondly, the animations and music picks in this clip are great (more Middle Eastern music please), now let’s get to the skating. We already told you about Mike Arnold and Korahn Gayle both haven’t released a snippet of bad footage in the last couple of years. Now we want to draw your attention to the person sticking out most in this video Harry Ogilvie, the guy with the mohawk. In the Skateboard Cafe’s last two releases he has been sticking out by, his choice of spots, his tech moves in a punkish outfit and more importantly his affinity for squeezing himself through dangerously tight holes, squares, and gates. With every part, he put out it becomes more and more obvious that Harry is indeed a PLACE office favorite, click the play button to see why.
Photo by CJ
From England with love. Grey Magazine and Nike SB deliver this new film by Will Miles featuring Charlie Birch, Casper Brooker, Kyron Davis, Joe Gavin, Korahn Gayle, Chris Jones, Jak Pietryga, Mark Stern, Dan West, Kyle Wilson and many more!
Nike SB präsentiert “West”, die Finale Episode der NESW Serie. Dieses Mal sind Jake Collins, Korahn Gayle und Chris Jones in Bristol, Cardiff und Newport unterwegs und zeigen gutes Skateboarding an teilweise doch ziemlich rauen Spots. Film ab:
Camera – Rich Smith
Edited – Mark Jackson
Additional footage – George Nevin and Alex Harris
Music – The Union Pool – Tape Club Records
Die Herren Charlie Birch, Casper Brooker, Kyron Davis, Korahn Gayle, Tom Harrison, Jak Pietryga und Neil Smith wurden für das NESW Projekt in ihrem natürlichen Habitat im Süden Englands bei ihrer Lieblingsbeschäftigung gefilmt – der vorletzte Teil der Mini Serie:
Die ersten beiden Teile gibt es hier zu sehen – für die, die es verpasst haben…
Die drei Belgier Axel Cruysberghs, Jarne Verbruggen und Kevin Tshala waren zusammen mit dem Briten Korahn Gayle im zentralamerikanischen Panama unterwegs. Der Local Harold Tomlinson erwies sich als super Spotguide und ist nebenbei bemerkt auch noch ein ziemlicher Ripper. Medial begleitet wurde die Tour von Fotograf Davy Van Laere und Filmer Stijn Lammertyn. Hier ist der erste Teil der dreiteiligen Serie: