A nice pre-lockdown flash of skating by some very nice skaters. We want to give Ike Fromme a special little S/O because he really did some spicy stuff in this one.
Denny Pham, Pol Catena, Matt Debauche, Sascha Scharf, Ike Fromme, Douwe Macare, Dan Schulz, Florian ‘Burny’ Hopfensperger,
To many of us, the Italian island of Sicily is the home of La Cosa Nostra but it is also the gateway to Africa or the first step to a new life in Europe.
Once a part of Tunisia, Sicily has a special place within the shoe-shaped country and you will see that once you click play and you see the spots, the scenery and the Skatedeluxe team crushing it.
The skatedeluxe team has been steadily evolving and it is shaping up quite nicely. Spearheaded by Denny Pham and now supported by Manny Lopez this Jon Wolf production have a nice BLN vibe to it. Enjoy.
A while back, when Marc-Alexandre Barbier and myself were out filming and skating in Marseille, the guy who owns “Chill or Die” (Baptiste Besse) called us and wanted to know, if we would like to spend the first week of April in Praha (Prague). We didn’t really need to think about it, we were immediately down to go.
That’s how we ended up joining a crew consisting of a total of 5 guys: Vincent Coupeau, Matt Debauche, Baptiste Besse and of course Marc-A and myself.
Because Marc-A is scared to fly, everybody got on the bus for a 15-hour drive out to Praha, the journey was long! But we had fun and drank a lot of booze.
Our narrator Augustin in action.
What can I tell you about our destination? Praha is the capital of the Czech Republic and the countries largest city. I would say it’s a cosmopolitan city and according to our research (clubbing), we found out that there are large groups of foreigners amongst the city’s population. Since I landed on the subject, the night life there is pretty cheap if you compare it to most of the other capital cities in the western part of Europe. As you can imagine, we fell into the city’s dark side pretty easily, this meant Matt was at his absolute best! And Marc-A was able to show everybody that he is indeed a killer on the dance floor.
Marca-A Frontside 50-50 grind.
The only spot we knew before going there was the world famous Stalin Platz, which has a similar function as the Republique Square in Paris, the only difference being that it is better than Republique. “Why?” you might ask… Because there are simply more things to skate, you can grind, slide, fly down some stairs, over and down gaps, do wheelies and skate handrails, which was the object of Marc-A’s first trick of the trip, a 50-50 grind up and down a long rail followed by a lengthy firecracker down some stairs!
Like most main spots you get sucked in quite easily and we did film a bunch of stuff there but we didn’t want to hang out there for the whole tour.
Marc-A Frontside 50-50 backside revert.
Marc-A tube ride backside 180 out.
So we went into the city to search for some street spots that could enhance our “street cred ” (laughs).
During one of our first spot-hunting missions, Marc-A had the brilliant idea to grab hold of a very nice Porsche! When the driver finally noticed him he brusquely stopped the car, jumped out and wanted to engage in a fight with Mr. Barbier. The guy had such a bright red face that I started to doubt if it was anger or alcohol that had turned his face strawberry-red.
In the end, we managed to find this cool little square with multiple skate-able benches, after we seshed it, we found out that the spot was only two minutes away from our apartment. From that point on almost all sessions ended at this little peaceful square, and Praha being as cheap as it is, these moments where naturally accompanied by a nice cold beer clenched between of our fingers.
Matt Debauche – backside flip.
Photos by Vincent Coupeau
Text by Augustin Giovannoni
Willow, Douwé Macare, Denny Pham, Matt Débauché, Ben Dillinger and Christoph Radtke ventured out on a skate trip to Austria. The result is some great skating but we are a sucker for a good frontside noseslide to fakie, shout out to Mr. Pham for that one.
A couple weeks ago Denny Pham was visiting his team mate Matt Débauché in Bordeaux to have some skate sessions together in the early summer time. During this trip the idea came up to do a little battle in the form of an add-a-trick challenge, which you can also be a part of! Click here to learn more.
Flip-In & Flip-Out – die französische Next Generation von Nike SB um Aurelien Giraud, Marc Alexandre Barbier und Matt Débauché war vor kurzen für 48 Stunden in Berlin und hat den Shelter unsicher gemacht. Hier ist der gesammelte Output als Team Montage. Die Namen wird man in Zukunft wohl noch öfter hören – schreibt sie euch hinter die Ohren und seht am besten einfach selbst!
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