Tag: ray barbee

Element Skateboards’ newest video production includes more or less the whole global team, but still, there is one guy who dares to outshine them all. If you listen carefully you can already hear some voices calling Evan Smith for the next SOTY…

Featuring Brandon Westgate, Nyjah Huston, Madars Apse, Mark Appleyard, Ray Barbee, Nick Garcia, Julian Davidson, Jarne Verbruggen, Dennis Durrant, Alex Lawton, Sascha Daley, Nathan Jackson, Tom Schaar, Greyson Fletcher, Nassim Guammaz, Tyson Peterson, Dominick Walker, Jacopo Carozzi, Jaako Ojanen, Chris Colbourn, Ethan Loy, Mason Silva, Chad Tim Tim, Levi Brown and Evan Smith.


Originally the plan was just to do a Top 10 of all Chris’ NBDs but we ended up talking for a long time afterwards. The topics we touched on are skateboard history, paying homage to unsung heroes and Cheese & Crackers 2. Enjoy!

Chris, we were just talking about the NBDs and I noticed that you often refer to other people’s skating.
Yeah well for instance when we are talking about flat ground I feel like I really can’t take any credit at all, most of my flip tricks come from me watching old videos like “The deal is dead” (1992) which features skaters like Julio De La Cruz who where really pushing the limits of what could be done on flat ground.

All those casper under flip type of tricks… I saw him pressure flip into it and I just tweaked it to where I would do the same trick but with a kickflip instead of a pressure flip. A lot of my tricks are not really NBDs – it’s often more about pushing the trick obstacle wise, I found a lot of tricks in old videos and magazines that had been forgotten about. I wanted to bring those tricks back and make them relevant again in today’s skating, at the same time I am not one to take credit for that I definitely want people to know where I got the inspiration for my skating from.

Kids often give me credit for inventing a trick even though I saw that trick in a video from the nineties. Often people have no idea of what kind of crazy tricks have been done. Nowadays a lot of kids are into beanplants, slappies and no-complys, but do they know Ray Barbee?

Maybe they saw his tricks in the Vans video and googled his name, but I don’t think a lot kids have watched a full Ray Barbee part.
Dude Ray Barbee! There really are a lot of kids out there that don’t know skate history. I really wish more kids would watch old Powell-Peralta videos. To a lot of guys those are like the videos and for kids now a nineties setup with a big board and 42 inch wheels is another world. And let’s not forget people where skating on bricks at EMB with those small things. For me, dudes like Brian Lotti and Ocean Howell make it hard for me to claim a trick because they did so much. If it happens for somebody like Matt Bennett (Bennett Grind) or Donny Barley (Barley Grind) they are lucky because they did tricks that people thought sucked and where able to make them cool and because of that it became their signature move. I remember when Backside Overcrooks where called Gersh Grinds because Gershon Mosely would always do them… I recently found out that before Gershon did them, the trick had somebody else’s name so that stuff changes as well.

It’s funny you mentioned Gershon because I just recently re-watched his part in Transworld’s “The Reason” and I remember first watching it and being like whatever, but when I re-watched his part and saw how powerful he skates…
I can remember watching his parts in those old Blind videos, so when I first went to L.A. I went to a couple of the spots he skated, they were insane! And Gershon got almost no credit for skating those spots without any wax, he never used any wax! He would go to the crustiest ledge and go super fast and crooked grind the ledge for like 5 centimeter and roll away, such a sick skater!

I remember going out to Prague and Gershon was there, we were partying and he drank absinthe the entire night. I fell asleep around 4 o’clock and when I woke up and went to the park and he was already there sweating, no sleep, still drunk and ripping so hard. I remember i thought: Dude, what are you doing – it’s 7 o’clock in the morning.

The only thing people remember is the sweat.
He’s had that for years! (laughs)

I wanted to ask you about the Red Dragons, you had a couple of tricks in RDS FSU 2002. Looking back, i must admit, that it is a great skate video.
Yeah, that was a package deal through centre distibution which was owned by Rob (Sluggo) Boyce and Colin Mckay. I was getting flowed DC and World Industries through them and they also did the distribution for Red Dragon apparel, so I had the whole package. But I was never really part of that scene. I was often filming by myself and sending the footage over to them, I do remember getting the medallion… I think I had a couple of photos with that thing on, but I don’t remember wearing that thing that often.

After RDS/FSU 2002 Red Dragon asked me to be in their next video Skateboard Party, so the plan was to rent a party boat and they wanted me to ask my sponsors for about 2000 dollars to rent it. I told them I don’t drink, I don’t smoke weed or do drugs but they still wanted the money… I said sorry dudes but this is not my scene anymore, so I quit all my sponsors and came over to Dwindle. From that point things started to happen for me rather quickly, they turned me AM after about 6 month and pro after about 3 years which was pretty quick for back then.

I went Pro just after my Round 3 part, which was kind of funny… I had changed so much from my Deca days that kids didn’t recognize me and thought of me as a newcomer, so I got a fresh start. And because the Almost video was presented as Rodney VS Daewon Round 3 it was promoted so well. After that video people started to pay a lot more attention to my skating. So in a strange way, me finding my style really benefited me as a professional skater.

After your Almost Round 3 part you and Daewon made “Cheese and Crackers”, which became pretty popular… I remember they organized a premiere at my local skatepark and after the video people where literally running upstairs to skate the miniramp.
Well, Daewon and me where skating together a lot back then. So we would skate this ramp a lot, but weren’t really thinking about making anything. I remember the Plan B miniramp section in “Questionable” being one of the last sections in a video. We watched that one a lot. Then Volcom came out with that miniramp part in “Chichagof” and it had such a good vibe with the ramp in the woods. So because me and Daewon are really into technical skating, we would analyze the part according to the level of the tricks.

So it sparked the idea to make a miniramp video but because we would make it the look and feel would end up so different. So we went to discuss our idea with Almost and they said cool! But halfway in they all of a sudden put out a big ad promoting the video with our names on it fuck! Now the video had to be good it because if it sucked it had ours names on it. That was the moment we stepped it up, I was really into building and skating the weird stuff which for some reason was just laying around in that warehouse. I was building so much stuff, some things would take me four hours to build and when it was finished I couldn’t even skate it.

So we where filming and I remember leaving for a trip and when I came back I saw all the crazy tech stuff Daewon was doing. I wasn’t about to let Daewon school me so, I came up with all these weird technical tricks like blunt triple flip.

A funny side note is that the video was supposed to be called Peanut butter & Jelly, we shot the intro with Reda making a sandwich and he would spill milk over the table and it would spell out Peanut butter & Jelly. But right after we shot that a snowboard brand organized a rail contest that was named the peanut butter & rail jam and we were so bummed, that we had to changed the name.

In your Epicly Later’d you talked about wanting to do another Cheese & Crackers type video… Is that something you are working on?
Well, Almost wanted to do a sequel but Daewon and me didn’t want to do another one because it wouldn’t have that spontaneous fun feeling to it. Some things can’t be forced but if something would present itself I feel it could happen.

Thanks to Chris Haslam and the friendly people at Globe for making this interview happen.

Words & Photos: Roland Hoogwater

Der Frühling ist endlich da und passenderweise geben die Vans Pros Ray Barbee und Daniel Lutheran ihren liebsten Vans Pro Styles einen neuen Anstrich. Ray Barbee mixt seinen relaxten Style und persönlichen Geschmack mit Komfort – herausgekommen ist ein Old Skool ’92 Pro in klassischen Grautönen und der Era 46 Pro im OG Black Colorway. Im Sommer kommt dann Daniel Lutherans farbenfrohes Modell hinzu: der Era Pro mit strahlend-bunten All-Over Print mit Blumen – ziemlich hippiesk und perfekt für den Übergang von Spring zu Summer!

Let Us Roam ist eine neue Kurzfilm Serie unterstützt von Leica Kameras. In dieser Serie geht es um Fotografen, Künstler, Filmemacher und Musiker aus der Skateboard Szene und dessen kulturelle Kreise. Die erste Episode zeigt den Vater von zwei Kindern und Skateboard Legende, Fotograf sowie Musiker: Ray Barbee aus San Jose, Kalifornien. Ray ist bekannt aus Skatevideos wie Public Domain und natürlich Ban This. Desweiteren ist er der Pionier des No-Comply, welcher in den letzten Jahren Comeback feierte. Hört was Ray uns zu sagen hat:

Arto Saari, Atiba Jefferson, Greg Hunt und Ray Barbee haben einige Gemeinsamkeiten: Sie sind untrennbar mit Skateboarding verbunden, sind allesamt außerordentlich kreativ und sind leidenschaftliche Fotografen. Außerdem sind diese vier Herren die Protagonisten von “Let Us Roam” – einer, von Leica unterstützen, Kurzfilmserie, die es sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat kreative Menschen mit Skateboardbackground zu beleuchten. Der Trailer sieht schonmal äußerst vielversprechend aus und wir freuen uns auf die kommenden vier Episoden, die in Kürze erscheinen sollen.

Die News vorneweg: Arto Saari ist neu auf WeSC. Und so durfte der gebürtige Finne auch direkt für das Spring 2013 Fotoshooting mit Giovanni Reda herhalten. Zusammen mit den WeActivists Clint Peterson, Ray Barbee, Oscar Meza, Chris Pastras, Wieger van Wageningen, Cooper Wilt und Tony Manfre wurde in Hollywood geknipst und in der Minirampe abgeskatet.

“Das House of Vans ist eine kreative Plattform, die permanent Kunst-, Musik- und Skate-Events in seiner festen Location in Brooklyn, New York ausrichtet und als Pop Up Event durch die Welt tourt”, so die Bezeichnung für das, was über die Berliner und seinen Gästen im Rahmen der Fashionweek als Partytsunami herein gebrochen ist. Doch es war nicht nur eine Party, es war ein 3-tägiges Festival, bei dem Acts wie Modeselektor, Bois Noize, Hercules & Love Affair, sowie die Skateboardlegenden Tommy Guerrero, Ray Barbee und John Cardiel aka DJ Juan Love auf der Bühne performten. Es wurden außerdem Fotos und Unikate von Schuhen und Accesoires ausgestellt, die den Spirit der ältesten Skateschuh-Company der Welt in die Hauptstadt brachten. Der Kater ist zum Glück mittlerweile verschwunden, doch die Erinnerungen bleiben.

All pics by Vans

Kennt ihr noch das 411 Videomagazine? Der ein oder andere sicher nicht. Die, die schon länger auf dem Board stehen werden jetzt an schöne Zeiten denken, als Skateboarding noch mehr Fun beinhaltete als jetzt. Im Stil des berühmtesten Videomags, kommt heute eine “Transition Montage” ans Tageslicht mit Daewon Song, Nick Garcia, Brett Stube und vielen anderen.

Von Vans kommt eine Folge “Adventures with Chris” mit dem Styler Ray Barbee.

Vertlegende Chris Miller fährt nun für Ipath. Und Style vergeht nicht, auch nach Jahrzehnten auf dem Board. Sein Sohn hat diesen scheinbar vom Papa geerbt.

Vince Golly, unser Mann von Radio Skateboards hat ein neues Musikvideo für seine Band Foool am Start. Regie führte übrigens Maxim Rosenbauer.
