Tag: Benni Fairfax

What do you do when your last video marked the end of a VHS era? You run straight to the competition Betamax! When both VHS and Betamax were launched it was obvious that the latter had the better quality system. Unfortunately for that system VHS had better marketing and thus Betamax died a slow death until Palace managed to revive it.

Enjoy the whole man dem including Arto skating Hawaii.

You’ve seen Part 1 of adidas Skateboarding’s #3stripes3cities video trilogy already. Today marks the relese of the second edit, in which the entire team around Lem Villemin, Sandro Trovato, Valeri Rosomako and Phil Anderson visit the famous “2er” DIY spot in Hannover. Lofty lines and laid back music – enjoy the show and get inspired!

Filmed and edited by Torsten Frank

This July, the adidas Skateboarding team went on tour again, although it feels like these guys are on tour all the time, which is actually pretty sick! #3stripes3cities was the motto for this particular one with stops in Berlin, Hannover and Hamburg. Today we present the first part of three – Berlin, where the adidas Skate Copa Event kicked off the tour. Expect some excellent streetskating by Lem Villemin, Phil Anderson, Valeri Rosomako, Benny Fairfax, Patrick Zentgraf and Sandro Trovato:

Filmed and edited by Torsten Frank

Mark Suciu, Nestor Judkins, Benni Fairfax, Lem Villemin, Jake Donelly, Miles Silvas, Tyshawn Jones, Na-Kel Smith und ein paar weitere adidas Teamfahrer machen sich in diesem Edit ausschließlich über Bump to Bar Spots her. Der Grund ist #BoostTheBar – eine Contestserie, bei der der jeweils beste Trick an einem eigens designten Bump to Bar Spot mit Cash und Sachpreisen belohnt wird. Alle Infos gibt’s im Clip:

Über die Kollabo von adidas Skateboarding und Palace Skateboards hatten wir ja bereits berichtet – jetzt legen die beiden Brands mit diesem gemeinsamen 5 Minüter nach in dem die beiden Teamfahrer Chewy Cannon und Benny Fairfax zu sehen sind: Definitv für alle gemacht, die entweder auf Joggingplinten, Grime oder Lo Fi Optik stehen – uns zum Beispiel.
