Tag: Kaio Hillebrand

Arrow & Beast teamed up with their friends from Grotesque to bring us this sick video featuring most of Benztown’s finest skateboarders and to accompany that, they also released a small run of clothing that you can check out HERE. S/O to Simon Gärtner for killing it as usual!

Filmed & edited by Yannick Stechmeyer-Emden.

Friend of the house Kaio Hillebrand just released his first Thrasher video part and his second video part within a matter of only a few months. Click HERE to re-watch his FREE video part and if that’s still not enough Pocket Magazine has a “Followed” with him HERE.


adidas’s big series of events in Paris also brought us a new video feat.: Lucas Puig, Heitor Da Silva, Magnus Bordewick, Kaio and a lot of others. Another video by Torsten Frank, who is really putting in work. Good Job!


Adidas went all out for this one, almost the whole team came to the city of angels to skate and hang out. But even though all the heavy hitters were there it was the new addition to the team Magnus Bordewick who outshined everybody with his pop and non-conventional style. Norway keeps on giving us new and interesting skaters.

Am 21.04 dieses Jahres eröffnete das Skate Deck auf dem Boom! Store in Bochum seine Pforten. Gekommen sind u.a Michi von Fintel, Andi Welther, Kaio Hillebrand, Octavio Trindade, Kerem Elfer und viele weitere bekannte Gesichter aus allen Teilen der Republik. Das Eröffnungswochenende bot neben feinstem Skateboarding auch noch Live Musik, Bier und einfach eine gute Zeit. Der Park ist geöffnet, also schaut doch mal vorbei, wenn ihr in der Nähe seid. Der Skatepark ist wirklich einzigartig in seiner Art und die Atmosphäre beim Sonnenuntergang ist der Shit.
