Yeah, people don’t get us, they hate us sometimes cause some skateboarders still not uniform. Is that what skateboarding is about. Be free, do what you feel like. Being a street rat. If you’re a skateboarder, you can’t be afraid to have people hate on you.

Skateboarders Lunch
Jeremy Reinhard, Michi Mackrodt and myself, Barcelona 2007

Skateboarders Meeting
Lucas Puig and Crew, Toulouse 2012

Cigarette Break
Dennis Busenitz and Benny Fairfax, Berlin 2014

School’s out
Tyshawn Jones, London 2014

Too windy to get the job done
Lem Villemin and Klaus Bohms, Copenhagen 2009

Waking up after working hard
Gustav Tonneson, Berlin 2014

Another hard day in the streets
Pete Eldridge, Barcelona 2009
“If my kids turn out like you guys, i’m gonna kill them straight!” – This is what a random person aid to us while we have been sitting on our boards eating.
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