A Benjamin Raitano part filmed & edited by Tristan Mail. It comes with a lot of Marseille footage and includes one of the best intro tricks in recent years.
Tag: Marseille
Please Jackie’s “FASHION MONDAINE”
If you follow us on IG you might have seen THIS POST featuring Valentin Verd doing multiple BS Smith variations. This man and all of his friends from Marseille just dropped a new video called “Fashion Mondaine” and it is another evidence that the french coastal metropolis has a thriving scene.
Featuring Valentin Verd, Tristan Mail Célian Cordt-Moller Ben Raitano Maceo Moreau, Pierre-Edouard Grimaud, Victor Campillo, Branden Wren, Thomas Gouillon, Boris Vukovic, Tom Abord, Paul Alberola, Corentin Derume, Jacques Duchesne, Nico Mogo & Joelle Matador.
Filmed by Andrea Semerdjian & edited by Victor Campillo.
SKATEDELUXE in Marseille
No trip to Marseille is complete without a Victor Campillo trick, but also no Skatedeluxe edit goes by without an epic series of bangers by Willow! The Skatedeluxe team is looking strong in 2022.

Place Presents: Victor Cascaringy’s Ramen Bowl
“LA PLAINE BRUT” by Macéo Moreau
This is already the 5th episode of Macéo Moreau’s Marseille series. This one features Victor Campillo, Tony Rafanomezana, Valentin Verd, P-E Grimaud, Malo Simonet, Devin Sweat, Vincent Lamourelle, David Eya, Esteban Emmanueli, Tony Zidane and Macéo Moreau himself.
Victor Campillo Marseries
Is Victor Campillo the “King of Marseille”? One would have to argue that he is at least royalty at this point right? Anyway, Enjoy this nice effort and the wonder that is Victor’s skating at its best.
Macéo Moreau is back with episode 4 of his series featuring Marseille this time with assistance from the always great Victor Campillo. Let’s be open about it France has a solid next generation coming up!
“COURS JUICE” by Macéo Moreau
The second epsiode of the Marseille series by Macéo Moreau featuring Jerome Sossou, Victor Campillo, Kevin Ozcan, Théo Meas, Antoine Volle, Pierre Kaledjian and Macéo Moreau himself.
“C OUI” by Seb Cao & Theo Meas
The future is looking pretty bright. A new one out of Paris, France by Sebastian Cao & Theodor Meas showcasing their first HD video.
The film features Jerome Sossou, Cyril Deschamps, Malo Simonet, Abel Leblanc, Simon Souchois, Adrien Caro, Lucas Languasco, Stanley Pradel, Tom Abord, Donatien Simon, Maceo Moreau, Victor Campilo, Kevin Ozcan, Ibrahim Sissoko & Theo and Seb themself. All the animations by Theo.

Place Presents: Victor Campillo
We have met Victor Campillo just a few weeks ago in Paris for an Quotamine article for the upcoming issue and he is the nicest guy. Always on the phone, always shirtless and always tech.
How dope looks Marseille?
Poetic Collective – Marseille
The dictionary says a collective is a group of people willing to work together, and it seems Marseille was the common goal. Tom Botwid and his team worked very hard and ended up with 9 minutes of footage, impressive to say the least!
These are not your usual suspects either, the collective is undergoing some changes lately, and the effect of those changes can be seen in this edit, so press play.
Emerica France – Demonomania
The French Emerica team went on a trip to Marseille and took Rémy Barreyat with them to film this clip.
“Demonomania” features Alex Richard, PJ Chapuis, Etienne Gros, Olivier Boucle and Matisse Banc.
PEPOUZ squah – COMA Video
The Coma video is a Marseille-based project by Thomas Grech and Joseph Posch, the video has a diamond in the rough type of quality to it. And the bottom line is after the Tarte Au Citron video it is nice to see the locals skate their own city.
Grey X Converse – Tarte au Citron
Our friends over at Grey Magazine ventured out to Marseille and shot a video and a special magazine over in the French harbor town. It features some of our favorites like Doudou and Mr. Tognelli the latter found a once in a lifetime type of spot to do a trick almost every skater would like to do at least once. Check out the video and go out and skate.
Featuring Mike Arnold, Matlok Bennett-Jones Edouard Depaz, Sylvain Tognelli and Juan Virues.
Nike SB Europe – From Bologna to Marseille
“Bowlskaten ist doch nur was für die alten Herren” hieß es vor langer Zeit einmal – den Gegenbeweis treten seit einiger Zeit unter anderem Fernando Bramsmark, Oskar Rozenberg Hallberg, Julien Benoliel und Jacopo Carozzi an: Und das auf ziemlich beeindruckende Art und Weise. In diesem Clip, gefilmt und geschnitten von Boris Proust, machen sich die vier jungen Herrschaften auf die Reise vom italienischen Bologna ins französische Marseille und zerstören dabei ungefähr alles, was eine Transition hat.