With so many talents in and around the Bryggeriet’s Gymnasium, it only makes sense to get the people together and make a skate video. The future is bright! S/O to John Dahlquist and Steffen Austerheim for doing so much for the scene and still getting clips in the streets.
Check out Pocket’s “Followed” to get an exclusive look inside the school.
So, a little earlier this month Nike hosted a day where the Skatehalle Berlin was opened up to the public and as you have come to expect from us we were there to show you, the public, what went down. A video recap is something we do quite often but because this was a special event we chose a different route, we chose you, the skaters, to document the event for us.
What was so special about this event? Well, it was part of the new “Just Do It” campaign which focusses on getting skaters skating, skaters talking and mainly skaters just being active, together.
Besides that, two local skaters are part of the campaign, Melika & Mobina Nazari, two girls who came to Berlin from Afganistan and are now a strong fixture in the Berlin skate scene. They became a part of skating through workshops and now they took the role of giving them, a proud moment.
Furthermore, we also gathered to session the Bowl in the Skatehalle. A bowl that has been there for the longest and is worth celebrating but is also worth updating and with people like Fernando Bramsmark, Farid Ulrich & David Bachl it is easy to see why an update is needed to raise the stakes.
So in the end, a temporary extension was brought in and Nando rang the bell which signaled a new day for the transition part of the Skatehalle. Now press play and see people race, fly, skate, DJ but most of all enjoy themselves.
There seems to be an endless stream of content coming from the shores of Malmö city, from last weeks Malmoe Tape, to the Polar camp and now a project supported by the city of Malmö itself (via the craftsmanship of David Linberg).
If 2020 will not be dominated by Sweden than we predict certain Swedish people will be switching citizenship just so they can compete in the 2024 Olympics. The talent pool seems almost as endless as the content pool.
And we are not seeing the same people, this video features a different group than for instance Jacob Hansson’s project. Showing in a way that a city of 687.481 people can compete with almost any European country as far as the talent to output ratio.
Anyway, great work by Mr. Lindberg and we would like to give a major shout out to John Dahlquist for testing the age limits on gnarlyness.
We told you about Henry Forsnor’s aka Baeonci’s new project he is working on. Well, that’s in the past now since it just got released. To put it into Henry’s words:
@baeonci everywhere
Sorry I can’t afford the fisheye.
A skateclip produced in Malmö during summer 2018.
Made by Henry Forsnor.
For business inquiries: henry@baeonci.com.
(In order of appearance)
Axel Berggren – @axlbbb
Axel Källmen -@axelkallmen
Elias Mensi – @elias_mensi
Hjalte Halberg – @hjaltehalberg
Fernando Bramsmark – @daaarkness
Heitor Da Silva – @heitordasilva
Oscar Säfstöm – @oskarsafstrom
Oskar Rozenberg Hallberg – @oskarrozenberg
Vincent Huhta Hasselberg – @v.uhh
Thomas Samuel
S/O to the whole Malmö scene. We are watching you!
For some, this news may come as a shock to you.. but to those lurking hard, this news has come as no surprise.
Daan Van Der Linden has joined fellow Eindhoven legend and PSV supporter Wieger Van Wageningen as a part of the Nike SB squad.
His first trip directly resulted in his welcome clip, must be nice to be that good!
Barcelona has a DIY, skateboarding in the Catalan capital has to be like Pokémon “Gotta Catch ‘Em All.” and now with this spot, there is absolutely no reason for any skateboarder to go somewhere else. The city has absolutely everything your skateboard heart could desire.
“DIRT RIVER” is a video by Tor Ström, featuring lots of people, under whom Ville Wester, Oskar Rozenberg, Hjalte Halberg, Jarne Verbruggen, Fernando Bramsmark & many more.
In search of the Miraculous ist ein Film von Pontus Alv, welcher zwischen 2005 und 2010 gefilmt wurde und einige der heutzutage bekannten europäischen Skater zum allerersten Mal auf die große Bühne gebracht hat. Mit Dabei sind: Pontus Alv persönlich, Hjalte Halberg, Eniz Fazliov, Michal Juras und viele, vieler mehr.
“Bowlskaten ist doch nur was für die alten Herren” hieß es vor langer Zeit einmal – den Gegenbeweis treten seit einiger Zeit unter anderem Fernando Bramsmark, Oskar Rozenberg Hallberg, Julien Benoliel und Jacopo Carozzi an: Und das auf ziemlich beeindruckende Art und Weise. In diesem Clip, gefilmt und geschnitten von Boris Proust, machen sich die vier jungen Herrschaften auf die Reise vom italienischen Bologna ins französische Marseille und zerstören dabei ungefähr alles, was eine Transition hat.
Donovon Piscopo und Youness Amrani präsentieren den neuen Nike SB Shelter Parcours, während ihnen ihre Teamkollegen bereits in ersten Lines und knallharten Warm Up Tricks um die Ohren fliegen. Course Check? Check.
Phil Evans veröffentlicht einen Trailer für seine neuste Dokumentation über die D.I.Y Kultur in der Stadt Malmö, welche Skater wie Pontus Alv, Oskar Hallberg und Fernando Bramsmark in ihrer Heimat zeigen wird. Weitere Informationen könnt ihr unter Skate Malmö finden.
CarveWicked waren unheimliche 7 Tage in Portugal mit: Alex Perelson, Tim Zom, Rob Smith, Phil Zwijsen, Sam Pulley, Jake Collins, Julien Benoliel, Sam Beckett, Fernando Bramsmark und Sox.
Zum Eingewöhnen an hartes Skating, gibt es den Opening Clip vom neuen BaySixty6 Skatepark in London. Justin Brock, Wieger Van Wageningen, Theotis Beasley, Sean Malto, Fernando Bramsmark, Tim Zom, Korahn Gayle, Tom Harrison, Neil Smith und Chris Jones haben sich zu den Locals gesellt und die Scheisse gerippt. Anders kann man das nicht sagen.
Ryan Sheckler und Torey Pudwill sind mit Sheckler Sessions in Chicago unterwegs, wo es trotz Wind zu heftigen Bangern kommt. Zwei coole Vögel, die beiden.
Das Axion Team war mit Jeff Lenoce, Mike Maldonado, Kevin Taylor und Manny Santiago zu Besuch in Thrasher´s Double Rock. Und Action!
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Denny Pham macht eine Line an den Bänken. Yup, da ist er unschlagbar.