We could write a long text about how we really like this guy or about how it is great to see our friends like Danijel Stankovic, Tom Botwid or even John Dahlquist show up in this video. But we won’t do that, instead, we will say that with people like Heitor, Aatsi & Elliot this one is a pre-sesh must-watch.
Tag: John Dahlquist
Overachievers – Bryggeriet’s Gymnasium
With so many talents in and around the Bryggeriet’s Gymnasium, it only makes sense to get the people together and make a skate video. The future is bright! S/O to John Dahlquist and Steffen Austerheim for doing so much for the scene and still getting clips in the streets.
Check out Pocket’s “Followed” to get an exclusive look inside the school.
Pocket Followed The People Behind Bryggeriets
A very informative look behind the scenes of the only school that skaters actually voluntarily apply for. S/O to Pocket & John D the legend.
John Dahlquist in “Groundhog Day”
For those who don’t know, John Dahlquist is a teacher at the Bryggeriet skate school in Malmö and he is one of the people responsible for the upcoming of Oscar Säfström, Axel Källmén, Heitor da Silva & Gabriel Viking who are also featured in this video part. Congratulations, John! Keep the fire burning.
Filmed and edited by Jacob Hansson.

Place Presents: Malmø
John Dahlquist – Raw Files
John is 42 since today (Happy Birthday!) and even though he is up there he still going strong! the Swedish schoolmaster responsible for a seemingly unending pool of Malmö bred or Bryggeriet molded talent is not slowing down yet.
He spent last summer showing by doing instead of telling people, John is a teacher we all wished we had.
Footage courtesy of David Lindberg & SkateMalmö
David Lindberg – DOG DAYS
There seems to be an endless stream of content coming from the shores of Malmö city, from last weeks Malmoe Tape, to the Polar camp and now a project supported by the city of Malmö itself (via the craftsmanship of David Linberg).
If 2020 will not be dominated by Sweden than we predict certain Swedish people will be switching citizenship just so they can compete in the 2024 Olympics. The talent pool seems almost as endless as the content pool.
And we are not seeing the same people, this video features a different group than for instance Jacob Hansson’s project. Showing in a way that a city of 687.481 people can compete with almost any European country as far as the talent to output ratio.
Anyway, great work by Mr. Lindberg and we would like to give a major shout out to John Dahlquist for testing the age limits on gnarlyness.
Place Presents – Jacob Hansson’s “Malmoe Tape”
I once asked Bryggeriet teacher and main figure on the trigger John Dalqvist what his kids get fed during those lunch breaks because almost every single one of the kids can really skate. And all he could say was:
“I try to calm them down and tell them to chill during the summer vacation but the just won’t listen!
And to be honest we are glad that they neglected John’s good advice, Jacob Hansson saw a gap in the coverage of the Malmö scene and he jumped into that position and did what we all should do, document what we feel is good skating!
We asked Jacob to introduce himself and his video, so, here it goes!
Intro by Roland Hoogwater
video & main text Jacob Hansson
I’m 22 year old filmer, I born and raised in Uppsala. I moved to Malmö roughly one year ago to study Visual Communication at the University of Malmö. The program incorporates photography, film and illustration.
When I moved to Malmö my friend Oscar Göthlund asked me to help him and his friends film for a project for Skate Malmö. During that period of time I met a lot of locals in Malmö that became my friends. After the project was done I decided that I wanted to make an independent video with the skaters I was hanging out with from the Bryggeriets Gymnasium.
My goal for this edit was to give the young and upcoming generation a new plattform, one to get them recognized and secondly, to give them something to work for. I feel there’s a lot of skaters in this project that don’t get recognized. Some of them never had the opportunity to film street because there are simply not enough filmers in Malmö. Other than that we made this clip just for the love of skating and filming 😉
A fun little backstory about the clip when Magnus Boen first treyflips a nine stair and then does a 360 inward heelflip down another nine stair.
Magnus told me of this line that had been in his mind for a long time. During the time I was visting my parents in Uppsala and Magnus was graduating that week in Malmö. Magnus planned to move back to Norway the day after the graduation, so, time was very limited and I thought we wouldn’t be able to film the line. But he wanted to get the line more than anything and I couldn’t resist to book a ticket to Malmö one day earlier then planned just to get the line. When I arrived to Malmö that evening Magnus showed up to the spot and started trying it immediately. He managed to get the line but tried at least for another two hours to get a cleaner one. He was sore at his graduation but was still stoked to get the line. But I think Magnus knows who to call if he ever finds himself in Malmö and wants another round on that spot.
Frederik Andersen – Pole Dance
What comes out of Bryggeriet after filmers like Tor Ström? And who is next up after Heitor Da Silva, Ville Wester, Sondre and Amandus Mortensen? Maybe Frederik Andersen and his crew of young bucks.
Fred reached out to us via the gold standard of co-signs namely his vice principal John Dahlquist and if John likes it then there must be something there, he raised or at least tried to educate all of these beasts.
Peter Deigaard – LO raw 17’
Peter Deigaard is dropping footage like cows drop shit, he must have at least 3 metaphorical stomachs constantly working on digesting all the stuff he puts on tape.
But let’s cut the crap Peter works hard and films with cool skaters making his videos worth watching. Enjoy!
Place Presents – Malmö
Welcome to Malmö: a seaport type of city. It’s the third city in Sweden but the first when it comes to riding a skateboard and it basically morphed into it because of its inhabitants. They are proud of their city and rightfully so.
“Some spots only become a spot once somebody manages to do a trick on them.” Danijel “Jugga” Stankovic said, looking at Sondre & Amandus Mortensen.
We proudly present to you this film by Leon Rudolph feat.: Jugga, Sondre & Amandus, Ville Wester, Elias Mensi, Samuel Norgren, John Dahlquist, Santiago Sasson, Tom Botwid, Koffe Hallgren & Sarah Meurle.
David Lindberg – TORSO
Last year David Lindberg hit us up with his Siggi P video which we really liked, this year we get treated to a full-length video! Lindberg keeps some of his aesthetic but also tries something different at times, he shows us a different side of Malmö in TORSO a Malmö which will surprise you at times. All in all this video is a good pre-skate watch and a joy if you are into nose tap tricks!
Stephen Shannen, Siggi P, Erik Westman , Olof Thalberg Adegran , Erik Pablo Stenlund , John Nordh , Calle Svantesson, Igor Feklistoff , Johannes Packalén Rosberg, Tom Botwid , Samuel Norgren , John Dahlquist , Danny Westin , Jesper Ferrari , Brad McClain and Mikael Marklund
In Search of the Miraculous – Alv, Fazliov, Halberg
In search of the Miraculous ist ein Film von Pontus Alv, welcher zwischen 2005 und 2010 gefilmt wurde und einige der heutzutage bekannten europäischen Skater zum allerersten Mal auf die große Bühne gebracht hat. Mit Dabei sind: Pontus Alv persönlich, Hjalte Halberg, Eniz Fazliov, Michal Juras und viele, vieler mehr.
Coping Mechanism Trailer
Phil Evans veröffentlicht einen Trailer für seine neuste Dokumentation über die D.I.Y Kultur in der Stadt Malmö, welche Skater wie Pontus Alv, Oskar Hallberg und Fernando Bramsmark in ihrer Heimat zeigen wird. Weitere Informationen könnt ihr unter Skate Malmö finden.