Tag: Montreal

Roberto Presedo comes back with another video called“Bolts Boffa”, it wont disappoint you, it features some good bangers from the same crew as in the last Boltswagen videos from Montreal. If you like this video you will definitely like the last 2 Boltswagen videos that were part of our Place Presents series.

Featuring: Simeon Chauvette, Alex Gavin, Thomas Galarneau, Jessy Jean Bart, James Dion, Mason Cluett, Emile Prenoveau, Vinny Blouin, Tommy Holweg, Evan Tanc, Doogie Lester, Matt Dupuis and more.

You might have noticed that the banners are up, the first test runs are being made and this week it will be decided who will win the Vans Park Series stop in Paris. But first, we would like to share with you one of the best VPS best trick sessions we have ever seen.

As always the skaters went big, the money was flowing as was the beer at the Montréal landmark spot the “BIG O”!

If you don’t know the “O” Watch the Canadian episode of the loveletters if you don’t know about this landmark but either way enjoy this close up and personal view of what went down that day.

After the “Photo-Recap” now comes the moving image and it shows you just how things went down before & after Conny Mirbach’s postcard moments.

We learned a lot during our stay in the MTL but the number one thing is: never count out Pedro Barros and breakfast poutine is way better than regular poutine.

After the party is the after-party and after that is probably the hotel lobby but in Montréal we got the after-party on the first day of the contest. “The Big O” is a legendary Canadian skate spot that was host to some serious destruction during this VPS.

Text by Roland Hoogwater.
Photos by Conny Mirbach.

Canada's best kept secret, Leon Chapdelaine lays down the law with an NDB.
Canada’s best kept secret, Leon Chapdelaine lays down the law with an NDB.

You might have seen Jake Wooten blazing through it on our Instagram but trust us when we say many…many more tricks did go down during this wild onslaught in and around the Big O.

Jake is from Tennessee where he mostly skates alone... Which is hard to imagine.
Jake is from Tennessee where he mostly skates alone… Which is hard to imagine.

And before we spoil you with the moving images of the Park Series we figured the stills tell their very own story of what happened at this staple spot.

Check out Part One of our coverage here.

Special thanks go out to Vans for the support.

How does one define what one’s eyes see but cannot comprehend? That is the feeling we left with just moments after Pedro Barros finished his run.

Photos by Conny Mirbach.
Text by Roland Hoogwater.

The two days before, he was hardly even trying to practice, no 540 attempts, switch pushing through the bowl or even one attempt to bigspin-flip indy his way into the top spot. If you would have asked me what Pedro was working on I would have told you that he was perfecting his flat ground game and in particular his nollie flips.

But when the cameras turned on and just when Cory Juneau thought he had it in the bag, Mr. Barros stepped in, showed his cards and surprisingly it was a royal flush. Two more people took their runs afterwards but they won’t be remembered or even mentioned in the history books.

Every VPS event we go to has seen shocking moments, it is almost a tradition, one that Oskar “Oski” Rozenberg adheres to. Last year in Sweden, he, with one simple flick shuffled the entire board and claimed both the top spot, the money and the hearts of the people by clearing the box with a giant kickflip.

In true Swedish fashion about 30 minutes later he calmly climbed on his bike and cycled home with the rest of the Rozenberg family, he probably cooked dinner after and closed the day by watching some Netflix.

Both the 2017 and now defending ’18 champions seem to be aware and present when they need to be and just when the crowd has started to accept the reality that one person might win they manage to alter the course by simply grabbing the moment, the board and the crown.

A simple but special occurrence which makes the VPS worth watching until the very end… or until we do it all over again in August.

Special thanks go out to VANS for the support.

The guy that made The AntiSocial video and Civic Affair now delivers this 9-minute video called “Savers”. As always everything is on point, especially the music selection.


Dustin Henry, Dylan Fulford, Mike Campbell, Magnus Hanson, Kevin Lowry, Andrew McGraw, Mike Vince, Will Marshall, Zander Mitchell, Justin David, Jed Anderson and many more.

When Alltimers first came out it felt like something quintessentially New York a.k.a. “a NYC thing.” but things have changed. Today the squad is packed with a bunch of Canucks which isn’t a bad thing by the way. It is kind off like Hip Hop it came from New York but the top artist at the moment is Canadien. Still, that doesn’t change the fact that Hip Hop music and culture will always be from the Bronx! Drake is just doing it best right now.

Featuring Dustin Henry, Conor Prunty, Charles Rivard, Will Marshall, Ben Blundell, Adrian Vega, Adam Zhu, Gabe Hazell and Etienne Gagne

In the last week of July we decided to make a trip to Montreal, Canada. Our good friends Friedjof Feye and Jonathan Peters have been out there for already three weeks when we got to the city on the east coast. I have pictured it way different, maybe because I always had a very romantic image in my head, when i thought about Northern American cities. But actually, in the end, we always ended up in the industrial part of the city. And those areas always have had the most romantic look to it and so does the industrial architecture in Canada. Especially on a Sunday. When no one is around and it seems like a ghost town. On the other side, the Downtown part of the city is comparable with any other major city in Canada, the USA or even Australia. Allthough, it is more peaceful! But we already decided to have a look around the outskirts of Canada’s second biggest town. With a group of around five guys we were wandering the empty streets and I think each one of us was documenting in a quite different way. Fidi was using a Olympus Mju 1 and his Fuji 200 – Here’s a few snap shots:



