A video portrait of our good friend Lea Schairer by Wasted Talent.

A video portrait of our good friend Lea Schairer by Wasted Talent.
So far this week we have had a video from Kazakhstan, The Czech Republic, San Diego, Paris, and now Munich/ Bavaria. To be honest, the last country of origin is the most shocking to us, since lately the only thing we have heard about skateboarding in Bavaria is SHRN (Offical sponsor of 50% of the Place Staff) & that there are little to no spots and a lot of police. Don’t get us wrong, we love Munich & Bavaria but it can be a pain in the ass for a skateboarder.
Luckily the “Bonzensport” boys have been productive and are now actively showing us that there can be a ten Minute video from Bavaria without a single police incident and with a lot of spots actually.
Munich’s SHRN shop welcomes Tim Griffel to their family. Without a doubt, the talent is there but one question will remain – Ob er auch zapfen kann?
A new Munich video feat. the SHRN Clique and an official Stefan Lehnert comeback.
Munich’s most dangerous skateshop strikes again. This time Joscha Aicher, Daniel Ledermann, Max Pack & more having a good old time in Barcelona. Dope one, Boys!
Fabian Lang, Marlon Lange & Paul Zenner keeping Munich’s scene alive with this SHRN edit.
Whenever we get to see new Joscha Aicher Footage it’s exciting. This time it is a whole new section for our friends from SHRN. Good one, boys. S/O to Munich!
From Munich with love. “Let’s Get It” draws on the line of proper independent full length videos from Germany in 2016 and kind of calls it a year now. Good job!
Featuring Ben Rappel, Fabian Lang, Juli Geißinger, Marlon Lange, Paul Zenner, Vali Erlmeier and more.
If someone works for 10 years at a big company they maybe give out a bouquet of flowers and a few warm handshakes. adidas in this case was behaving a little bit different and flew out half of Europe to a very Bavarian location just to celebrate Dennis Busenitz’s 10 year anniversary skating for the brand. Dennis is one of a kind to say the least and so was our weekend in Munich. Cheers to Dennis and the whole adidas Skateboarding crew! That’s how it looked like:
One day before the Street League event in Munich, I had the chance to meet Sean Malto for a quick interview in the relaxed atmosphere of the SHRN store’s backyard. Among other things we especially talked about his recovery, his friendship to Mike Mo, and also the rumors that he is off Girl. Sean is a really nice guy and it is good to see him being back with such a confidence!
Interview by Paul Röhrs
Photos: Daniel Wagner
I read about that you traveled a lot during the time you were injured. How was it like to experience other countries without being able to skate?
Yeah, well, when I did get hurt and get surgery and was forced to not skate I did not want to stop traveling. You know, I love traveling. Obviously, I love traveling for skating but if I couldn’t skate like of course I want to go hang with my friends. I don’t want to be like cooped up in a house. I’d loose my mind. So yeah, I did ended up going to went on a Europe trip through a few different cities in Germany and then I went to Australia, too, for like two weeks. Then I ended up going to Spain for only a few days but all those trips just like made the time go by a little faster. You know, in my head I was like “come I just wanna go hang with my friends, this gonna be sick to go travel” and when I got there I just got frustrated that I can’t skate. You know, because for us the quality of a city is based on how good the skate spots are. But yeah, it is still cool to see other sides of a city besides the best handrail it can offer or ledge spots and stuff. It was cool like to visit restaurants and see shops and being just like an average tourist.
So you mostly followed your friends on their tours or did you also travel alone?
Basically just followed them on tours, yeah, whatever they did. I did not go on a lot personal trips because I just tried to surround my self with people.
As you said you visited a couple cities in Germany, is there something you particularly enjoy to look back upon?
Oh yeah, I had a lot of really great experiences in Germany! I drove a Porsche on the “Autobahn”! That was amazing! I think that maybe was in Stuttgart years ago on a Girl trip when we were filming for Pretty Sweet. The distributor hooked up three Porsches and we took them to the “Autobahn” and could go as fast as we wanted. That was insane! That is really one that sticks out in my mind just from any trip.
You know Denny Pham right? Do you know he is sometimes called the German Sean Malto? What do you think about this?
Oh, I did not know this! Hey, I am honored because I love his skating and I think he is an awesome dude, very talented. That’s really funny because I went to Thailand with him and been on countless Nike trips with him… Yeah cool, I am totally fine with that comparison!
Ah, yeah! He just told me the story how you met in Thailand!
Yeah, this was probably three or four years ago. I was in India for two weeks with Mark Suciu, Partik Wallner and Sebo Walker. The trip was coming to an end but we all were kind of like “let’s go to Thailand” because it is just close and we could hang out and skate there a little more. So we went out there and met up with Denny and just had a good time.
Talking about friends of yours. I know you and Mike Mo have been close friends since you both got on Girl and now you both went through very bad injuries. He probably was hit even harder than you were. So are you both still in contact with each other? I am asking because Mike Mo is not able to really go skate I think but you are?
Well, obviously, you know, our friendship goes beyond skateboarding. I talk to him once a week at least and I still see him as often as possible. He is my best friend and so I check upon him and always talk to him but it does suck because he was my road dawg like we traveled a lot together and me and him roomed together every trip. So not having my roommate there and not having my skate buddy is sad. But, you know, his health is getting better. He is progressing and hopefully he’ll be back to is original self very soon, which I am excited about. There are just a couple little things but once they are healed up he gonna be 100 percent. It’s gonna be awesome because he definitely is one of my favorite skaters as well.
Good to hear that! How about you? How is your recovery going?
Oh, my recovery is good! You know, I think healthwise I am 100 percent but mentally I am still like… You know, there are things that scare me that probably wouldn’t scare me before. I am a little like worried when it come to dangerous situations in skating but my health feels good, my ankle feels good… So it is just skating, you know, pushing myself to get rid off this mentally. I ate a lot of shit. I fall a lot. Knock my teeth out, broke my collarbone a couple times, had knee surgery… But whatever, that is skateboarding.
You know that there are rumors about you being off Girl?
Yeah, I just found that out! I think it is really funny because I went on a trip with just some of my friends that are just on other companies but I just want to hang out with them and that kind of led to these rumors. All I can say is, that I am still very much in love with Girl and I am very satisfied with where I am. So I don’t have any complains. See me at the park tomorrow and I’ll show off my Girl board as always!
Well, last but not least, as you are next to Karsten Kleppan and Stefan Janoski himself the face of the recent Nike SB Janoski Hyperfell campaign, how much have you been involved in the developing process of the shoe?
Well, obviously Nike always tries to listen to the voice of the athlete. They do this in every category and so with skateboarding it is the same thing. You know, we have a good dialog with the designers and we are always talking about how to keep progressing and making awesome shoes that look cool and perform well. So the Hyperfeel is just one of those things that kind of came together perfectly. It’s cool that it feels like a slip-on but it has the protection of a normal shoe. That is what I like about it the most!
So thanks for the interview, I wish you all the best for the Street League event tomorrow and have a good time in Munich!
I have to say thank you! And, yeah, see you tomorrow!
During the SLS Nike SB World Tour event in Munich, Germany, Nike SB released their very new version of their probably most successful skate shoe ever, the Janoski Hyperfeel. To celebrate this in an adequate manner they invited everybody to Munich’s most infamous skate shop, the SHRN. There one could meet some of the pros for a natural talk, watch a little photo exhibition by Conny Mirbach and have some drinks and burgers, which were served out of a food truck. They also premiered a little short movie for their new shoe, which you can find below as well as a little snap shot recap of the event.
Photos: Paul Röhrs
Der Donnerstag ist so gut wie vorbei und es haben sich in München während der X Games und dem Street League Contest ein paar interessante Dinge ereignet. Zum einen hat Youness Amrani die SLS Select Serie spektakulär gewonnen und sich damit für den eigentlichen Event qualifiziert. Zum anderen stand die Nike SB Safari Tour auf dem Programm, zu der geladene Fahrer von Spot zu Spot geshuttlet werden sollten, um Tricks gegen Scheine zu tauschen. Doch von vorne:
Hollands bekanntester und laut eigener Aussage witzigster Skateboard-Fotograf Marcel Veldman und Nike Europe TM Colin Kennedy
Helge Tscharn ist der Beste, wir feiern ihn
Norbert Szombati und Planet Sports’ Steffi Hager
Stolzer Daddy Chris Pfanner mit Sohnemann Max
Denny Pham und Fabian Lang haben ein anständiges Liga-Debut gegeben
Die SLS Select Series aka die Qualifikation für die Qualifikation war bereits ziemlich spannend. Youness Amrani hat mit Tricks wie BS Nosegrind Nollie Flip out schon heute den Hammer geschwungen und sich damit verdientermaßen die Wildcard gesichert. Daumen sind für Morgen gedrückt, Go Europe!
Um 17.00 Uhr ging es mit dem Doppeldecker Cabrio Bus auf Nike SB Safari Tour, die von Star-Moderator Sebi Vellrath gewohnt amüsant gehostet wurde.
Das Wetter sollte den Anwesenden leider nicht hold sein und so mussten die Street Sessions leider abgeblasen werden. Stefan Schwinghammer von der MSM und Gerrit Piechowski wussten sich zumindest ein wenig gegen die Nässe zu helfen.
Daniel Ledermann und seinem Homie Juli konnte es die Laune nicht verderben. Marijtuth-Style
Also ab in den Biergarten der Ruby Bar, an den Grill und Bierchen trinken. Willow hatte Spaß
Krappe, Fitschi, Gerrit und Sebi
Zwei Experten für Best Trick Sessions, denen heute evtl. der ein oder andere Fuffziger durch die nassen Lappen gegangen ist – Andi Welther und Vladik Scholz
München Locals Lea Schairer und Phil Pham
Organisations Team Veith Kilberth und Robinson Kuhlmann
Ende der PLACE Media Produktion für heute – Daniel Wagner, Gerrit, Krappe, Kamil und Mark Nickels. Bis morgen und dann hoffentlich bei schönem Wetter!
Zückt die Terminplaner, es stehen ein paar Dates an. Zwar nicht mit irgendwelchen heissen Frauen, dafür aber mit tollen Events im ganzen Land.
Am 19. Mai präsentiert Telum Skateboards in Stuttgart den “Thanks-A-Lot Michael Majerus” Miniramp Contest. Das ganze findet findet auf der 42m breiten Minirampe auf dem Schlossplatz statt.
Ebenfalls am kommendem Samstag beginnt in der bayrischen Landeshauptstadt die “Munich´s Beast Tour 2012”. 4 Stops, 4 Shops, aber nur ein Beast – für insgesamt 3.000 Euro Preisgeld. Alle Infos zur Serie auf dem Flyer.
Am Sonntag geht es dann weiter nach Heilbronn, wo der Burnside Shop zum “Summer Opening” einlädt. Im Skatepark am Frankenstadion gibt es ein BBQ, einen Best Trick Contest und einen glücklichen Local, der ins Flow Team kommt. Also alles was das Skaterherz begehrt.
Ebenfalls am 20.05. findet in Siegburg unter der Brücke der “BSMT Spring Jam” statt.
Am Donnerstag, dem 24.05. sollte man sich die “Rollberg” Skate und Party Session nicht entgehen lassen. Alle Berliner sind dabei und das verspricht verrückte Tricks, nasse Menschen und eine Menge Spaß. Ab 20.00 Uhr geht´s im Cube los. Oha!
Auch wenn es noch eine Weile hin ist, kann es nicht schaden, sich den “BSMT Bowl Contest” schonmal in den Kalender einzutragen. Am 01.07. geht´s in Siegburg wieder mit ordentlich Schwung durch die Betonschüssel, präsentiert von Basement Skateboards.