Matthias Ellinger, Stephan Pöhlmann, Alex Ullmann, Vladik Scholz, Fabian Lang, Niklas Speer Von Cappeln & Paul Zenner in HR Dept.’s “Get In Where You Fit In”. A film by Dominik Schneider, all photos by Leo Preisinger.

Matthias Ellinger, Stephan Pöhlmann, Alex Ullmann, Vladik Scholz, Fabian Lang, Niklas Speer Von Cappeln & Paul Zenner in HR Dept.’s “Get In Where You Fit In”. A film by Dominik Schneider, all photos by Leo Preisinger.
About Roland Hirsch
Hirschi has been on Hitachi-airlines since the first fusion festival in 1997. Frequent flyer miles because he keeps blasting airs!
About Julian Ruhe
Julian Ruhe’s allergy-collection is bigger than his bag of tricks.
About Kalle Wiehn
Kalle Salzburg is so German that he named his dog after a German potato dish.
You had some surprising tricks in this video, did your move from Emerica to Vans open up your bag of tricks?
The Switch Frontside 360 I had done before years ago. I did one Marocco over a hubba, and it just fit. but yeah, I don’t do that trick that often, I keep forgetting about it (laughs).
The Pole-Jam Pressure Flip was another surprising one!
That one just just happened. I sort of flipped like that on some of the shove it tries. I did a shitty Pole-Jam Shove-It and ended up going back for a better one. I landed the shove one fast, and figured out that if I put my foot in the pressure flip position before I pole jam that I could flip it. Once I figured that out I rode away a few tries later.
You went on a trip with Vans to Hamburg, who surprised you the most on that trip?
Schianta (Daniel Lepori)! He is so quiet, so nice but all of a sudden he will just bust out something crazy!
What about Max Pack, how is he as a TM?
Max Pack, is the best TM and a good soul!
Max Pack vs Leon Moss?
Similarities are more easy to find that the differences, they both inject beer into the session and make it fun.
Who is your favorite team mate?
Julian Ruhe or Joscha “Bonez” Aicher but I don’t see him as often especially since he moved to Barca! To be honest Julian really needs a raise in pay, he has been ripping so hard lately (laughs)!
Leon is always motivated to get a clip and won’t ever give you the feeling that you’re taking too long to get the trick!
He also has a very strong opinion on which trick could look cool on which spot, and he isn’t shy, he will give you that extra creative input as well!
He seems to know exactly what trick each skater could or should do at the spot, he definitely has a vision.
Thank You, Coach!
I don’t know what to say except that when we are together people say: “Oh I didn’t know he was your brother” (laughs)!
Max Pack a.k.a. Max Zapf is one of my best homies. We traveled and skated many spots in many different countries. I would like to say that we pushed each other to become better. The difference being, he focussed on filming and I focussed on skating! It is great that we both ended up over at Vans. Even though we only really see each other on tour, we still talk just about every day and our friendship remains a deep one. I am really happy about all that he accomplished and support him to the fullest, I know he poured his heart into it! The only thing he has to learn is how to drink for real!
“Er hat noch nie richtig GEZAPFT!”
Joscha Aicher about Max’s drinking skills.
The clan is back again with this nice little 8-minute piece.
Sometimes you just can’t express yourself in a language that is not your own, sometimes things are best expressed in your native tongue. The jokes, the customs, the tones, and your culture are all cropped together in the way we speak. I mean how would you express the loss of 3 days of footage in your own language? Kurva, Scheisse, Merde, Godverdomme, Caralho or maybe just a simple FUCK!
Anyway, our friends from Munich made it work and we are dropping this just in time to give them their slightly belated birthday wishes! Congratulations on turning 6 and we hope that the shop and the teams will stay as Bayrish as SHRN needs to be!
Intro by Roland Hoogwater.
Text by Mixen.
Photos by Biemer.
Jawoi! Berlin! —— SOO HOT RIGHT NOW!
Wirklich sau griabige Idee: Hey! Lassts uns moi wieder mim Team wos unternehma, irgenwo hi fahrn? Aber wo hi denn?! Moskau? Mongolei? Türkei? Naaaa, vui z’weit weg und z’stressig! Ah, wahr is, pleite samma a, oder? Ok dann fahrma hoit nach Berlin… Billigtourismus basst a sogt da Münchner.
Na Schmarrn!
Etz gemma nach Berlin, dann kennan mir song dass ma wo hi gfahrn sand, aber mia sparn uns an Diredare für unsane Berliner Teamspezln!
Wia?! Wos?! Berliner Teamspezln?! Ge leck! Ja mei de sand hoit noch Berlin zong de Deppn. Sonst warans irgendwo woasst?!
Klar weil, mi z’München hamma eh so vui Leit vastehst?! Do gibts ne mehra mehr de fia uns fahrn kanntan. Drum schaun ma bloß no wo anderst. Aber scho gwandt ge, dreissg Freid zum packa und koan Diredare! Haha! Deppertster Shopsponsor überhaupts. D’Regierung gfreit si dass oana ned obsogt damits ned so deier werd, hahahaha!
Naa, ganz so schlimm is ned. Aber ehrlich gsogt, mia san a Bande saubana Schlawiner, des is doch wos oder?! D’Leit vo wos woass i woher, aber olle hobn Bock!
Mei, wurscht, mia hams gschafft a Tour hi zum griagn. Is ned ganz einfoch weil immer wenn mia wos macha woin, hots no nia mois ned klappt. Koan Diredare, vastehst?! Oda Faivorite Tour oder Kaaslatschnlsponsor Wettbewerb wos woass i.
Kimmst vo München is Berlin eifoch scheiße. Woass koana warum. Berghain gibts koan bei uns, vielleicht deswegn? Gift is illegal. Mia hobn aber leider vui z’vui Leit de ma meng z’Berlin, desweng meng mas. Aber de meisten Leit fahrn wega da Mess hi. Aber d’Mess is oreidig. An hauffa Dampfplauderer, Deppen überoi de irgend an Schmarrn vazapfan dassd dei Diredare do und do zum deife naus haun soist.
Desmoi aber hamma an guadn Grund! Skaiteboard fahrn, an Kaffee sauffa, bissl an happa happa und a bissl wos sauffa. Irgend a preissn Gwasch wos do hoit so her geht woasst. Z’Berlin is a ned so koit und ma glabt ma is in Espana, brutal!
An dera Stell muass ma ganz ehrlich „Merce“ song bei de Buam von da Place. Sunst hätt ma goa nix fahrn ned kenna. Des brauchtma auf so oana Tour nämlich. Merce ge!
As beste am Diredare sparn is dass ned hi haut!
Mia san noch Berlin gfahrn und unsane Berlin-Spezln san ned do. Deppn greislige. Da Miche Mak hot se sicher seine Haar irgendwo am Meer wachsn lassa, des riach i bis do her. Da Sommerfeld moit de Schmier auf seine Brettl, wos woass i wo?! Wahrscheins weil er sei ruah braucht.
Dafia hamma uns an Roland den oidn Holländer ausglieha und an Pannemann glei no obn drauf. Griabige Burschn sans! As näxte moi machma dann de Tour mit de Civilisten vo Mitte. Saubane Bazen san des, mei liaba!
Was mi friara am Limited brutal oglacht hot war, dass da Gentsch olle zwoa Monat an hauffa Contestberichte gschriebn hod. Und zehn Maß hot er a obe zong. Zefix, brutale arabt!
So etz werds a bissal oag lang drum kirz ma ob:
Mia a brutales Team des ois zam fahrt wos her geht! Wurscht wo und wann oder wos, ois werd her gfahrn das nur so rauscht! Brutal guad de Buam und des Madl!
Is a wurscht auf oana Tour. De zoangs jeden Tag aufm Brettl, in de ganzn Heftl oder am Fernseher. Manche sogar am Wettbewerb. Aber woasst wos d`Hauptsach is? Olle san guad drauf und gschmeidig unterwegs. Voigas gebns uns san zu 100% SHRN. Des werd da klar wennst mit dene unterwegs bist. Merci für eian Einsatz und den guadn Ratsch, is immer a rechte Gaudi mit eich!
Bussi, eier SHRN.
A new Munich video feat. the SHRN Clique and an official Stefan Lehnert comeback.
Fabian Lang, Marlon Lange & Paul Zenner keeping Munich’s scene alive with this SHRN edit.
Despite these eight minutes of good raw footage, we had already decided unanimously before that Paul Zenner is a cool type of person. Whenever you are in Berlin, Paul, come by the office for a beer or two! You are welcome! Let’s get it!
From Munich with love. “Let’s Get It” draws on the line of proper independent full length videos from Germany in 2016 and kind of calls it a year now. Good job!
Featuring Ben Rappel, Fabian Lang, Juli Geißinger, Marlon Lange, Paul Zenner, Vali Erlmeier and more.
A DVS Germany Team Montage featuring Maxi Schaible, Aladin Cabart, Matthias Ellinger and latest addition Paul Zenner. Very smooth, boys!
Heute gibt es gleich zwei News vom SHRN Skateshop in München zu verkünden: Mario Ungerer ist vor kurzem offiziell ins Team aufgenommen worden – Gründe dafür liefert der Gute in seinem Welcome Clip gleich zuhauf:
Kaum im Team, ging es für Mario auch gleich mit seinen neuen Teamkollegen Joscha Aicher, Marlon Lange, Paul Zenner und Alexander Pfeffer nach Berlin um einen Tag im Shelter abzuliefern – habt ihr gut gemacht, Jungs! Wir sagen nur: Big Section…
Foto: Leo Preisinger