Not only did we get to see some first class Fingerboarding by Jaren Morganelli in this new video by Cooper Winterson for Sex Emo, but it also starts with a great financial advise in those tough times we are living in.

Not only did we get to see some first class Fingerboarding by Jaren Morganelli in this new video by Cooper Winterson for Sex Emo, but it also starts with a great financial advise in those tough times we are living in.
Leo Baker just dropped a signature shoe on Nike SB and celebrates this milestone with a brand new video part by Cooper Winterson.
Glue Skateboards released a sick new Cooper Winterson part. Besides killing it on the board Cooper is also pretty good behind the camera with filming and editing videos. Check out his YouTube HERE.
Daniel Dent did it again. After his sick video “with the apple” from 2 years ago he is back with a new one called “faith in bro”. This time filmed in some very nice HD and it features a lot of our favorite skaters. What more could we ask for?
We were literally glued to the screen while watching Stephen Ostrowski‘s new video for Glue Skateboards. It offers some great and diverse skating, made us smile here and there, and the almost twenty minutes felt way too short. That´s always a good sign. We´re stoked to see the Glue team growing and can´t wait for the next one.
Get your Glue HERE.
Our friends over at Quartersnacks teamed up with the brand new Mess Skate Mag to release this video starring Cooper Winterson. You might know him from ETHER, as the person behind the lens or from his “Skating is easy” part, in which he performs in front of it. Cooper is pretty good with both.
God bless Daniel Dent and the good people of Frog Skateboards, not one but two frog heavy videos in one week it must be our lucky 7 days streak.
It is no secret that we here at PLACE are big fans of Stephen Ostrowski and via Mr. Ostrowski we became more familiar with the work of Cooper Winterson.
Last year saw this really great collaborative project between Stephen and Cooper called ETHER. Mostly filmed by Cooper and edited by Ostrowski. It was a nicely done piece of work also showing the filmers skill in front of the lense.
Now, about 12 months later we get the next project which is very different from the last one, music-wise, spot-wise and vibe wise the focus is put towards different things. An interesting watch with some strong highlights.
A true “Chomp on This” moment because where Cooper is known for his skills behind the camera it is apparent that he is not a novice in front of it either.
One of our favorite skate videos featuring a great and diverse crew of people, shout out to all of the LGBTQ+ people doing what they do and brightening all our lives in the process!
Tony Choy-Sutton brings us his vision of how street skating in NYC can look like. Raw, fast and sketchy and we have to admit we watched it twice already. Feeling it!
Featuring: Nial Frederickson, John Gardner, Aaron Brown, Tony Choy-Sutton, Cooper Winterson, Jesse Ward, Pat Gallaher, Isaac White, Brad Hendrickson, Kevin Graver, Jake Keenan, Nate Coonrod, Franco and Sean Frederickson.
Most of you saw the 917 video and as with almost any “big” video nowadays multiple filmers where involved in making that project become a reality. 2two2 provides us with the perspective of Sean Dahlberg the person who actually filmed those tricks. Enjoy!
After “Snotjob“, one of my personal favorite filmers, Daniel Dent is back with a new Full-Length video. “World Peath” features Nick Michel, Frankie Decker, Noah Lora, Robert Blazek, Cooper Winterson, John O’Neal, Drew Verdugo, Logan Nakano, Mitch Metzger and more… Get excited.
Written by: Peter Buikema
We had an Interview about Call me 917 from our Issue 58 “The Handshake”, where Alex Olson talks about not skating because he’s been kept busy with the business side of running two companies, while the rest of the team is just out there. Don’t worry Alex, those guys are getting it.