A video portrait of our good friend Lea Schairer by Wasted Talent.

A video portrait of our good friend Lea Schairer by Wasted Talent.
During the second edition of SKTWK we had the honor of hosting a very special contest as part of the whole event. Now you might want to know what kind of games we chose to play and the answer is BINGO! a geriatric favorite must likely currently being played in a nursing home near you!
There where multiple prizes, things like a professional full body massage, trinkets but the most valuable prize was by far the honor to shoot a Place Magazine – Snapshot Recap! That prize and in turn duty fell on the shoulders of Simon Klinkertz.
Simon turned out to have a capable eye and some strong shoulders that allowed him to get the job done in style! So, here it is our very special SKTWK Recap.
Simon would like you to know:
A very big thank you to SKTWK, Place Magazine and all the people that attended the event in Düsseldorf.
Hello and welcome.
If you have made it here you are in for a treat, an old skool dish refined to fit today’s tastes.
“What do you mean?!”
Well, this isn’t your normal online video premiere this is an experience created to mirror our childhood experience of gathering your friends, grabbing the DVD cover, getting some popcorn and soda’s, on the couch and finally pressing your hear the disc slowly turning…
But… instead, this is 2019 and your remote has turned into your mouse and your TV into Youtube! So grab some popcorn, gather some friends, airplay this on your big screen, click play first and then the thumbnails by using your mouse or trackpad to navigate yourselves through this wonderful experience. Enjoy!
BTW Start with the main feature first you freak!!!
We had the pleasure to combine the launch of our all-new “Stefan Marx Issue” with the Berlin premiere of Nike SB’s all-women video “GIZMO”. Now you might think, “What do those two things have to do with this article I am about to read?”, well, our trip had Lea Schairer on it and she skates for Nike so when we got the call to ask if we wanted to talk to any of the girls we had a plan.
The plan was this: Lea would integrate and spend some time with her team-mates while they would go through their media rounds, a Pappelplatz skate sesh and finally the premiere of the video. She would then take a moment, regain her thoughts and note them down for us all to read.
I mean what is better than having a woman evaluate a major moment in all of skateboarding but women’s skating in particular. Nothing right?
Well, you better start reading now!
Drawings by Stefan Marx
Intro by Roland Hoogwater
Text by Lea Schairer
Finally, there is a queue
Right before the video started I already tried to fight my way to the toilet but failed, because after three beers I definitely was ready to pee! But I was too busy talking to people and was too excited for GIZMO to start that when I was finally able to go in, the projector was already switched on. Since I didn’t want to miss anything I told my body to hold it back. I actually forgot about it watching the video, also because there were two guys standing next to me who couldn’t stop saying: “Dude! What?!”, literally every trick they saw. I was wondering where they had been in the past five years. It’s not like you wouldn’t expect those girls to blow your mind. Because their level of skating just went through the roof during those years. These people are – with a handful of others – currently the best female skaters out there! Thinking of a new skate video being released featuring any pro there is, you would already expect a certain level of tricks… I think we should definitely be in a time where you should expect the same from female pros.
I was fortunate enough to spend the afternoon with the crew of the GIZMO video, which means Sarah Meurle, Elissa Steamer, Nicole Hause and Ashley Rehfeld, who is a co-producer and athlete coordinate at Nike SB. We met at Civilist, we went skating and we talked a lot. It’s great to see that with skateboarding we had a connection right away – I knew I’d get along with these women, even though I had never met them. All of our experiences and impressions about skateboarding coincided.
It was also great to feel the vibe that gets shown in the video when skating with them in person. It was impressive how the skate park sort of shifted their attention towards these women.
We talked about gender equality, equal or at least adequate prize money at contests, how well women are integrated in the skateboard scene now, that, even though all of us have been skateboarding for 11-17 years (Elissa more like 30 years), it’s just now that some of us have the possibility to live from it – despite the already existing high level in women’s skating many years ago. Having trouble finding a sponsor in earlier ages and now asking yourself: well, is it really the skating that drives the companies to support us or is it just because girls who skate are so marketable?!
Fuck! That is definitely a major downside of female skateboarding becoming more popular.
It’s important to know that GIZMO is NOT the first all-women skate video – there have been a few, all privately financed and produced. It’s the first one a big company has produced and put its name behind; which is amazing and is a big step in the right direction. It probably means that more will follow… already shown by the premier Vans had in London with their Bali skate trip video.
Unfortunately, we didn’t speak much about the video itself and how everything came about. And then again, there is actually no need for that. When you see the video, you see the same things that you see in any other skate video. There are struggles, there is the pressure everyone puts upon themselves because they want to deliver the best part possible. There are the super fun times, going on tour with your friends and just hanging out, there is the hype after landing a tough trick and there are the times of doubt.
With my bladder still filled, a few drops went into my pants when I saw the tricks, where those two guys behind me yelled the loudest. There are nose grinds on handrails, bs tailslides flip out, tre-flips over motorcycles, super high grab less alley-oop bs airs in deep-ends, and much much more you will be impressed with.
Even though it can be a little annoying having guys scream into your ear for 10 minutes straight, I was obviously also flattered by the guys’ comments, because it means they have now realized on what kind of level female skating is. It also shows that men are starting to dig the different styles of those women skating, mentioning things like: ”Damn, I wish I could do this trick like that!”. It’s just that the implicitness is still missing!
There were also several other people who came up to me with different perspectives to the video. For example, two super shy girls saying how much they enjoyed seeing me (and the other girls) skate. This has never happened to me and I found it more than flattering. I can’t imagine how many times this must have happened to the GIZMO team over the past days… the motivation for those who are starting to skate has probably risen to a maximum watching this video. It’s just so cool that now there are female role models (several) in skateboarding and that these are all over the world and not just in some far away place. I think this is a big push for skating in general!
All in all, it was an overwhelming vibe. It was so great to see everyone being hyped about the video. There was a lot of cheering and yelling, clapping and laughing. An honest: “Ouhhhhhhhh” when seeing a bail and the same honest: “Whaaaat?!?! Yeahhh!” when seeing a banger. The place was packed, the drinks were cold and people even started bouncing to the tunes of the video.
When the video was over I remembered what my bladder was telling me, also realizing that it should move right now to let it out! I hurried, in the expectation that at video premiers it’s not a problem for girls to just walk straight into an empty booth. After finally fighting my way to the toilets, I found myself waiting in a super long queue… Fuck! That is definitely a major downside of female skateboarding becoming more popular.
Watch GIZMO again here.
Every now and then I think back to a very quiet moment in my life, a moment just after I listened to John Cleese’s high informative & entertaining speech about creativity a moment similar to this moment now.
In this speech, he talks about the two modes of creativity #1 the open mode, #2 the closed mode. In the latter you do, you have decided on an idea and you execute your plan. A plan you created in the “open” mode, a state in which you allow all your thoughts to be there is no wrong and there is no idea too big to be realized.
The point that I am getting at is that we spent a whole lot of time in the open mode conjuring up potential magazines but that with the launch of our issue #65 we have officially with the help of other executed an idea that might have sounded Ludacris when it first came to mind.
Now, we didn’t do all this alone, we had a special trump card in Stefan Marx and so when it came to launching the issue we had to play the Marx card for you to get something out of the ordinary. So without further ado, scroll through one of our most creative recaps and afterwards go to your local shop to pick up Issue #65 “The Stefan Marx Issue”.
Drawings by Stefan Marx.
Intro by Roland Hoogwater.
Our sincere gratitude goes out to Nike Sb for the support, Sondre & Tereza for their musical efforts and of course all who attended both to see the new issue and the ones that came to show love to the women that skated their asses of in “GIZMO” you are the best!
Last Friday Nike SB, Skatehalle Berlin & Skatedeluxe teamed up to put on an event in celebration of women all over the world. This event took place in the city we call home, Berlin. The event’s organizers asked us to document the whole thing and we answered by asking if we could add some karaoke in the mix?
“Karaoke, how? The event is at the skatepark”
“There are these Karaoke caravans you can rent for the day, we can park it in front of the park!”
And sure enough our wish was their command and the celebration was on!
Now meet the women that made the event special.
She was shorter than her board but twice as tough, had a need for speed and had the entire skatepark crowd following her every move like a tennisball at the wimbledon finals.
The karaoke bus was like a flytrap, and she was stuck!
An event you must attend this year.
Be on the look out, you will see more of her sooner rather than later!
She was born in AZ and has traveled the world! We would love for her to start doing stand-up comedy because she is extremely funny!
Eventually though the funk in the van was too strong and even she had to join in song and dance!
She did a second try Frontside Boardslide 270 right in front of my eyes, said hi and had to keep it moving!
“Certified, you know I’m gang, gang, gang…”
Scroll down to see what song was being performed at this exact moment.
A sincere THANK YOU to all the women & LGTBQ+ people that came to celebrate with us in the booth we are truly happy to have sung together with you.
A special thank you to Sara Parson-Texas for all the work you put in and Nike SB, Skatedeluxe & Skatehalle Berlin for putting on the event and making people skate and sing their hearts out!
Sometimes you just can’t express yourself in a language that is not your own, sometimes things are best expressed in your native tongue. The jokes, the customs, the tones, and your culture are all cropped together in the way we speak. I mean how would you express the loss of 3 days of footage in your own language? Kurva, Scheisse, Merde, Godverdomme, Caralho or maybe just a simple FUCK!
Anyway, our friends from Munich made it work and we are dropping this just in time to give them their slightly belated birthday wishes! Congratulations on turning 6 and we hope that the shop and the teams will stay as Bayrish as SHRN needs to be!
Intro by Roland Hoogwater.
Text by Mixen.
Photos by Biemer.
Jawoi! Berlin! —— SOO HOT RIGHT NOW!
Wirklich sau griabige Idee: Hey! Lassts uns moi wieder mim Team wos unternehma, irgenwo hi fahrn? Aber wo hi denn?! Moskau? Mongolei? Türkei? Naaaa, vui z’weit weg und z’stressig! Ah, wahr is, pleite samma a, oder? Ok dann fahrma hoit nach Berlin… Billigtourismus basst a sogt da Münchner.
Na Schmarrn!
Etz gemma nach Berlin, dann kennan mir song dass ma wo hi gfahrn sand, aber mia sparn uns an Diredare für unsane Berliner Teamspezln!
Wia?! Wos?! Berliner Teamspezln?! Ge leck! Ja mei de sand hoit noch Berlin zong de Deppn. Sonst warans irgendwo woasst?!
Klar weil, mi z’München hamma eh so vui Leit vastehst?! Do gibts ne mehra mehr de fia uns fahrn kanntan. Drum schaun ma bloß no wo anderst. Aber scho gwandt ge, dreissg Freid zum packa und koan Diredare! Haha! Deppertster Shopsponsor überhaupts. D’Regierung gfreit si dass oana ned obsogt damits ned so deier werd, hahahaha!
Naa, ganz so schlimm is ned. Aber ehrlich gsogt, mia san a Bande saubana Schlawiner, des is doch wos oder?! D’Leit vo wos woass i woher, aber olle hobn Bock!
Mei, wurscht, mia hams gschafft a Tour hi zum griagn. Is ned ganz einfoch weil immer wenn mia wos macha woin, hots no nia mois ned klappt. Koan Diredare, vastehst?! Oda Faivorite Tour oder Kaaslatschnlsponsor Wettbewerb wos woass i.
Kimmst vo München is Berlin eifoch scheiße. Woass koana warum. Berghain gibts koan bei uns, vielleicht deswegn? Gift is illegal. Mia hobn aber leider vui z’vui Leit de ma meng z’Berlin, desweng meng mas. Aber de meisten Leit fahrn wega da Mess hi. Aber d’Mess is oreidig. An hauffa Dampfplauderer, Deppen überoi de irgend an Schmarrn vazapfan dassd dei Diredare do und do zum deife naus haun soist.
Desmoi aber hamma an guadn Grund! Skaiteboard fahrn, an Kaffee sauffa, bissl an happa happa und a bissl wos sauffa. Irgend a preissn Gwasch wos do hoit so her geht woasst. Z’Berlin is a ned so koit und ma glabt ma is in Espana, brutal!
An dera Stell muass ma ganz ehrlich „Merce“ song bei de Buam von da Place. Sunst hätt ma goa nix fahrn ned kenna. Des brauchtma auf so oana Tour nämlich. Merce ge!
As beste am Diredare sparn is dass ned hi haut!
Mia san noch Berlin gfahrn und unsane Berlin-Spezln san ned do. Deppn greislige. Da Miche Mak hot se sicher seine Haar irgendwo am Meer wachsn lassa, des riach i bis do her. Da Sommerfeld moit de Schmier auf seine Brettl, wos woass i wo?! Wahrscheins weil er sei ruah braucht.
Dafia hamma uns an Roland den oidn Holländer ausglieha und an Pannemann glei no obn drauf. Griabige Burschn sans! As näxte moi machma dann de Tour mit de Civilisten vo Mitte. Saubane Bazen san des, mei liaba!
Was mi friara am Limited brutal oglacht hot war, dass da Gentsch olle zwoa Monat an hauffa Contestberichte gschriebn hod. Und zehn Maß hot er a obe zong. Zefix, brutale arabt!
So etz werds a bissal oag lang drum kirz ma ob:
Mia a brutales Team des ois zam fahrt wos her geht! Wurscht wo und wann oder wos, ois werd her gfahrn das nur so rauscht! Brutal guad de Buam und des Madl!
Is a wurscht auf oana Tour. De zoangs jeden Tag aufm Brettl, in de ganzn Heftl oder am Fernseher. Manche sogar am Wettbewerb. Aber woasst wos d`Hauptsach is? Olle san guad drauf und gschmeidig unterwegs. Voigas gebns uns san zu 100% SHRN. Des werd da klar wennst mit dene unterwegs bist. Merci für eian Einsatz und den guadn Ratsch, is immer a rechte Gaudi mit eich!
Bussi, eier SHRN.
This summer made a new friend named Benny Urban! He is a good skater but an even better snowboarder, supported by Vans and SHRN he rips through white powder and grey concrete. This summer he moved into our fair city of Berlin for some sunny sessions.
We saw Benny at our local park and started talking, he was doing a course at UDK (Berlin’s leading art school) and was trying things out. One of these tries is now being presented to you.
Two months after our initial hello this edit was born and we asked Benny to tell us in his own words what it is all about and why he made it together with the people he made it with.
“Finding a home away from home even if it’s just temporary was a merge that has driven me these past summer months. Ending up in Berlin I tried to find something that gave my presence a purpose besides just getting to know the city. Turned out I started documenting street skateboarding of my close friends and Vans Team rider Conny Mirbach and Jan Hoffmann. The result is „BRLO”. A short film, entirely shot on Kodak Super 8 in Berlin. Hope you enjoy!”
Der Donnerstag ist so gut wie vorbei und es haben sich in München während der X Games und dem Street League Contest ein paar interessante Dinge ereignet. Zum einen hat Youness Amrani die SLS Select Serie spektakulär gewonnen und sich damit für den eigentlichen Event qualifiziert. Zum anderen stand die Nike SB Safari Tour auf dem Programm, zu der geladene Fahrer von Spot zu Spot geshuttlet werden sollten, um Tricks gegen Scheine zu tauschen. Doch von vorne:
Hollands bekanntester und laut eigener Aussage witzigster Skateboard-Fotograf Marcel Veldman und Nike Europe TM Colin Kennedy
Helge Tscharn ist der Beste, wir feiern ihn
Norbert Szombati und Planet Sports’ Steffi Hager
Stolzer Daddy Chris Pfanner mit Sohnemann Max
Denny Pham und Fabian Lang haben ein anständiges Liga-Debut gegeben
Die SLS Select Series aka die Qualifikation für die Qualifikation war bereits ziemlich spannend. Youness Amrani hat mit Tricks wie BS Nosegrind Nollie Flip out schon heute den Hammer geschwungen und sich damit verdientermaßen die Wildcard gesichert. Daumen sind für Morgen gedrückt, Go Europe!
Um 17.00 Uhr ging es mit dem Doppeldecker Cabrio Bus auf Nike SB Safari Tour, die von Star-Moderator Sebi Vellrath gewohnt amüsant gehostet wurde.
Das Wetter sollte den Anwesenden leider nicht hold sein und so mussten die Street Sessions leider abgeblasen werden. Stefan Schwinghammer von der MSM und Gerrit Piechowski wussten sich zumindest ein wenig gegen die Nässe zu helfen.
Daniel Ledermann und seinem Homie Juli konnte es die Laune nicht verderben. Marijtuth-Style
Also ab in den Biergarten der Ruby Bar, an den Grill und Bierchen trinken. Willow hatte Spaß
Krappe, Fitschi, Gerrit und Sebi
Zwei Experten für Best Trick Sessions, denen heute evtl. der ein oder andere Fuffziger durch die nassen Lappen gegangen ist – Andi Welther und Vladik Scholz
München Locals Lea Schairer und Phil Pham
Organisations Team Veith Kilberth und Robinson Kuhlmann
Ende der PLACE Media Produktion für heute – Daniel Wagner, Gerrit, Krappe, Kamil und Mark Nickels. Bis morgen und dann hoffentlich bei schönem Wetter!