Tag: Seattle

Ian Ostrowski just released a new video out of Seattle called “GENESIS 2” featuring full parts from Troy Gipson, Elise Hedge, Dylan Clark, Rafi Dadd & Bao Nguyen. An overall very enjoyable video with feel a good soundtrack from the west coast of the United States.

If you were also wondering about their first video, say no more:

When one of your SOTY’s puts out a video part it is only logical that you show it and share it with the world.

The cool thing about this part is that it was entirely shot outside of Sweden, Amandus’ normal habitat. Seattle filmer Jake Menne saw the kid and documented him for his latest video Friend Zone, so if you like this check out Trevor Clark’s part too.



Photo by Corey Greengage.

A while ago we posted Nile Gibbs’ part, now the full video hit the web. Aggressors is a video out of Seattle by Jon Colyer.

Featuring Isaac White, Simon Bannerot, Nick Satter, Eugene Ibanez, Ian Wishart, Josh McLaughlin, Hunter Okano, James Lorimer, Carl DePaolo, Noah “Nug” Holmes, Sean Harris, Patrick Haynes, Finn Pope, Tanner Bodine, Nile Gibbs and many more.

Filmer Carl Depaolo followed Seattle’s 35th North gang(sters) going wild in the city. Parental Advisory, explict content.

Featuring Brian Sanchez, Sam Cole, David Perry, Joardan Sanchez, Ryan Stangland, Dave Nomellini, Jasper Dohrs, Isaac White, Jacob Tenace, Nile Gibbs, Ian Wishart and Nick Satter.

Ist denn heute schon Weihnachten? Sorry. Aus dem Hause adidas Skateboarding kommt dieser neue Edit mit feinstem Streetskating aus Vancouver, Seattle und Portland. Mit dabei sind Dennis Busenitz, Silas Baxter-Neal, Marc Suciu, Nestor Judkins, Rodrigo TX, Jake Donnelly, Lem Villemin, Benny Fairfax, Kevin Lowrey und der neuste Teamzugang Alec Majerus. Wow.
