Tag: Sweden

A new video Love Öhling, who is by all accounts, one of Gothenburg’s best. Lucky for you, the viewer, because Love is well connected, which means that it features some of Sweden’s best, making this “Must watch TV!”

Obviously, it is well-documented that we like this video and the people that made it. Evidence is the fact that we decided to host the wonderful first part by Noam Or and the interview we did with Gustaf Johansson concurrently. In the end, he is the one who made this whole video happen.

Now, better late than never we manage to present to you the video in its full glory. For those of you that saw Noam’s part, we strongly suggest a rewatch of where you stay until the end, that Jonathan Carelle part is worth it!

Have you ever been to Gothenburg, Sweden? We have. And it doesn’t look like it’s that skateable. Love Öhling & his friends are definitely proving us wrong here. For the Swedish skateboarding isn’t that hard we suppose.

Watch Alex Anderson, Ola Rohidn, Alex Grahm, Mateo Cabrejas Bergil & Eric Hedberg in “Touchdown 031”.

We got a little informant that is feeding us cool local Swedish videos like this one by Peter Deigaard featuring some of (y)our favorites people like Ville Wester, Samuel Norgren, Hugo Boserup and Heitor Da Silva. Enjoy!

For their project inside the Museum of Modern Art in Malmö, Sweden, the Poetic Collective asked themselves two central questions.

What happens if we strip away everything
but the actual act of skateboarding?

What happens if we put it in a space where we
highlight the expression and movement as any other artform?

This video is the result of those questions being put to the test, the answers are not given to you in words and even the music was handmade for this clip so one can say that the answers to those two questions are being presented to you in a “mood”. Enjoy!

During the last 6 months David Lindberg has been working on this new skateboard / art project with Icelandic skater Sigurdur Páll Pálsson. David informed us that Siggi is newly on flow for Poetic Collective and after seeing this very very nice section it might even be time for a bump up.


Wer noch die passende Kopfbedeckung für den kommenden Herbst braucht, sollte unbedingt bei Post Hats & Details vorbeisurfen. Die schwedische Company um Danijel Stankovic hat gerade drei neue Modelle aus Jeans auf den Markt gebracht, die jeweils für eine Dekade stehen, aus Jeans gefertigt sind und dabei ganz wunderbar aussehen. Hier die Bilder:








Aus Schweden kommt eine neue Dokumentation über die Stadt Malmö und seiner einzigartigen Beziehung zu Skateboarding und Beton. Verantwortlich für das Projekt sind der Filmer Philip Evans und Fotograf Nils Svensson, seines Zeichens Haus- und Hofkollege von Polar Skateboards. In einem ersten Auszug äußerst sich Pontus Alv über den Nachwuchs mit besonderem Augenmerk auf seinen Schützling Oskar Rozenberg Hallberg aka Oski. Von diesem jungen Styler darf man noch einiges erwarten.

Die DVD Deluxe Edition gibt es hier.

Kann man eigentlich jemals Kappen genug haben? Anscheinend besteht Bedarf, anders ist es nicht zu erklären dass immer wieder neue Brands aus dem Boden sprießen, die sich stylischen Kopfbedeckungen widmen. Post Hats & Details ist das uneheliche Baby der beiden Schweden Danijel Stankovic und Martin Ottoson und genau eine solche Company. Wir zeigen euch hier das Lookbook zur Holiday Collection, die aus Beanies, Five Panels und Snapbacks besteht. Have a look!