A low-key video with some high-key names in the form of Carlisle Aikens and Hugo Corbin. Maybe you didn’t see this one but we think you should!
Tag: Hugo Corbin
“Golden Instants” by Remi Luciani
A new one by Remi Luciani all shot in the French Riviera, between Cannes and Nice. Featuring Adrien Chabiron, Tomy Roriz, Ruben Planque, Arto Bornes, Flo Tourdre, Ben Botta & Hugo Corbin.
“Minuit exp 3” by Yoan Taillandier
Yoan Taillandier is back with a third episode of the series. Great start into a new week!
Featuring Glen Fox, Olivier “Boucle” Durou, PJ Chapuis, Mika Germon, Oscar Candon, Arnaud Henriot, Benji Russel, Hugo Corbin, JT Saldou, Alex Raeymaekers, Francois “Pako” Pion, Pierre Leze, Amelien Foures, Futoshi Tokuyama, Gauthier Rouger & more.

Place Presents: The Many Sides Of Corbin
“Demain” a Nozbone Skateshop Video
A new one by our friends from Nozbone Skateshop Paris edited by Ludovic Azémar and featuring Pierre Subra, Hugo Corbin, Luca Barattiero, Morgan Katomba, César Dubroca, Bertrand Soubrier, Léo Cruz, Sylvain Tognelli, Joseph Biais, Amélien Foures, Ben Jemmapes & Etienne Chatelain.
troisccd: ‘fuckdown’
From our friends over at FREE. A new one from Paris/France.
Featuring Amelien Foures, Andrea Dupre, Lucas Languasco, Adrien Chabiron, Edouard Depaz, Jerome Sossou, Cesar Budroca, Alix Malnati, Joshua Marques, Santiago Sasson, Hugo Corbin, Erik Mueller, Flo Taverne, Léo Cholet, PJ Chapuis, Sergey Sharabakin, Victor Cascarigny , Lucas Allard, Thomas Courteille, Steven Faure, Kemisse Zouikri and Ali Jbiloul.
TROIS CCD – Long Lens
Crew love is true love and TROIS CCD keeps their friends close. It is great to be in Paris writing this and just seeing this in action on the daily. Keep it going, guys!
ОБРИГАДО – Nike SB In The Low Countries
First off, let us start with some facts about this tour.
The Facts.
- On this trip, we had Vincent Huhta, David Jakinda, Hugo Corbin, Santiago Sasson, Marc-A Barbier & Juan Saavedra.
- It was a nine-day trip.
- We had one full dry day.
- Rotterdam, Antwerp, and Lille were the places we traveled to.
- In Holland, we stayed on a houseboat.
- We spoke a lot of our own little twisted Brazillian influenced Portuguese (or that was what we were thinking).
- Obrigado, irmao, vagundo, caralhao, poa, valeu, todo, junto, vagabundo where the words of choice.
- I got to wear that sweet ass Palace Avirex Jacket for a hot minute and flex for a bit.
- Juan Saavedra uses beard oil to keep his shit looking correct.
- Santiago did the best line we have ever seen from him. It was like a stripper jumping out of a birthday cake.
- David & Vincent are like brothers from different mothers. The only difference other than the obvious being that David packs like a Kardashian & Vincent packs like a 1920’s train-hopping blues singer.
- Marc-A Barbier really loves to facetime with his girlfriend.
- Both filmers have very similar names Petr and Peter. They also shared a bed which was easy when we needed to wake them up.
- Scandinavians are simply better at life than the rest of us.
- Hugo Corbin got injured on day one and had to go back home.
- Bringing a Nintendo Switch was necessary even though I was skeptical at first.
- Juan’s phone got stolen 🙁
- Barabakaa is a Russian street spy and he will capture anything weird going on in the streets. Trust me watch the video!
- Belgium has the best fries, Holland has the best-fried food and France thinks they have the best cheese! (I can already hear Santi, & Marc-A protesting)
- We played a lot of bar sports but surprisingly didn’t drink that much.
- Marc-A Barbier is the best house guest ever, he cleaned the boat every morning. Marc-A “Tu es bonne à marier!”
- Santiago ordered way to much Nike stuff to the house so all of our guests ended up getting a nice pre-Christmas present.

The Weather.
So basically this tour was preceded by some of the best weather Europe had seen in a long time. Like the year before it seemed like we would be having an almost endless summer. But as luck would have it, as the tour grew closer so did the clouds. As soon as we all arrived in Amsterdam (our meet up point) the signs weren’t good.
What was good though was the food, we went to:
- A Dutch-style snack bar. (also known in some regions of the Netherlands as brown fruit)
- We ate Surinam food.
- Iranian food.
- Indonesian food (must have).
- Belgian fries.
- Traditional Chinese food (fried pork belly!).
- Had some German meat-heavy food.
- Thai-French fusion.
- And every morning someone made sure we had fresh eggs, some juice, coffee, toast, yogurt, and Nutella.

The Travels.
During this trip we traveled by train, which to be honest is still the nicest way to trave because nobody is forced to drive, we didn’t have to go through security, there is enough room for all the bags and you can still buy coffee in the vehicle without stopping. Also, Greta Thunberg travels that way so…
The Places.
We also have to give it up for all the great parking garages inside of the cities of Rotterdam and Antwerp. The security guards also let us have our fun so an S/O is in place!

The Homeys.
We also had some great guests in both of those cities Pascal Moelaert, Aaron Tiekink, Sneep, Ziggy Schaap, Alex Raeymaekers, Yannick Gores & Wallem. You guys really helped guide us through the raindrops to the right spots at the right time. Without really ever complaining, chapeau!
The BFF’s.
Vincent Huhta and David Jakinda have been best friends for a long time. How far back? Well, David told me his mom used to grip Vincent’s board when he stayed over at their house when they were young.
This was their first tour together and when we asked them they both said I’ll go if he goes. Vincent even cut short a London trip just so he could come skate with David. Obviously they roomed together the entire trip and it feels like they motivated each other a lot as well not only verbally but also by actions.
When one would film a trick and was having a hard time the other usually skated the spot with him just to back him up and keep the vibe right. Which often resulted in us getting way more tricks from both of them at spots that weren’t typical. They would often make it a little sesh together and all we had to do was point and shoot.
Because of their bond, they also were at ease at almost all locations and truth be told just fun and easy to be around their friendship also extended and made us all as a group become a bit closer as well and that is worth a lot.

The Shops.
Last but not least all the skate shops, Ben-G, Skatestore Rotterdam, Lockwood & Zeropolis are all places that helped us and help their scenes on a daily basis. We all know that with the current situation things aren’t easy for them so don’t forget them and show them your support in both easy and hard times.

In Cooperation with Nike SB.
Photo & Video by Barabakaa.
Additional filming by Peter Buikema
This article was written by Roland Hoogwater.
Ä K S T R A by Markus Bengtsson
Makke just released a new video and apparently it is unused footage from 2019. Not exactly accurate, since it has a lot of footage from the Poetic Video but definitely worth a second watch and pretty entertaining. A lot of Berlin footage and even more good friends in this one.
Featuring: Santiago Sasson, Tom Botwid, Simon Källkvist & more.
Makke Bengtsson – Hugo Corbin
Hugo is one of the Nike team riders you will see on tour with us next week. On social media or in real life if you live in Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Antwerp or Lille.
Riding Modern Art – “Paving Space”
The “Paving Space” sculpture set is made by the French Raphaël Zarka, who also really wanted his pieces to be used with skateboards. Lucky enough there were enough willing skaters coming from Paris to try out the very interesting shapes of the objects standing in BPS22 Charleroi, Belgium.
Filmed by Romain Batard and feat.: Alexis Jamet, Hugo Corbin, Joseph Biais, Roman Gonzalez, Yann Garin, Pierre Subra and Jimmy Cholley.
Hugo Corbin “VX REMIX”
We met Hugo Corbin for the first time during our Benchmark sessions in Paris, uhh I mean Berlin. While filming for that, he already told me that there will be a remix on Live Skateboard Media by the end of the year and he showed me some of the footage. Hugo is super talented, has quick feet and he can make you laugh. Enjoy!
Nozbone Benchmark Contest 2017 Paris
After Berlin, Paris was the next station for the Nozbone Benchmark contest that had actually its first Berlin event this year. So, the contest went back home to celebrate the 10th year of the event. As always, the vibe in Paris was really good and even some Berlin locals made it on the podium.
Nozbone Intra-muros
The new Nozbone Skateshop shop video just came out. Not really a surprise because we actually went to the premiere last Saturday in Paris but, as always, it is suprisingly good. Filmed and edited by Ludovic Azémar and featuring: Lisa Jacob, Oscar Candon,, Rémy Taveira, Joseph Biais, Samuel Partaix, Akim Chérif, Jimmy Cholley, Pierre Subra, Marc-Alexandre Barbier, Hugo Corbin, Sylvain Tognelli, Yann Garin, Santiago Sasson, Mustapha Bennacer, Bertrand Soubrier, Franck Barattiero, Augustin Giovannoni and more.
The Benchmark Contest Berlin – Photo Recap
Last Saturday marked the start of this year’s Benchmark Contest’s. The 2017 series is special because it is the tenth year that Paris’s Nozbone is organizing this event and thus they chose to partner up with Berlin’s Civilist skate shop and have two contests instead of one.
That meant that the winner of the Berlin event would earn himself some money and a ticket to skate in the Paris event this coming weekend.
The Benchmark Contest Berlin
We are proud to host the probably last skate event for summer 2017. The Benchmark Contest takes their format to Berlin for the very first time and here is all the information you need:
“For its tenth year, the Nozbone Benchmark Contest presented by Nike Skateboarding goes to Berlin on September 16th to meet Civilist before heading back to Paris on the 24th.
Two stages for this international edition which rules remain the same since 2008: doing a line of tricks on benches and the different obstacles built specially for the event, inspired by the artistic style born in the early days of the 20th century in Berlin: the Bauhaus.
Winner of the Berlin contest at ‘Spot der Visionäre’ will share a total prize purse of € 1.500 and will be flown out the OG Paris event.”
The Benchmark Teaser – Paris / Berlin
Marca Barbier, Hugo Corbin, Giorgi Armani, Sami Harithi & Farid Ulrich are all meeting at the intersection, where it seems that Paris abruptly becomes Berlin.
For its tenth year, the Nozbone Skateshop Benchmark Contest presented by Nike Skateboarding goes to Berlin on September 16th to meet Civilist before heading back to Paris on the 24th. We are glad to invite you all!
Filmed by Peter Buikema & Augustin Giovannoni.
Giddy #2
People who know me are probably aware of the fact that visiting Paris for the first time last year changed quite a lot for me. Besides my growing excitement for the French language, music and architecture, I furthermore figured out that there is also a kind of French way to skate. So Romain Batard also became one of my favorite film makers and since Giddy #1 was already filled with tons of good footage, I knew what to expect for #2 right before I hit the play button.
Featuring Hugo Maillard, Joffrey Morel, Steve Malet, Vivien Feil, Pierre Subra, Hugo Corbin, Etienne Chatelain, Louis Perruchaud, Alban Ma Tri, Jérémy Garcia, Thibault Parcheminer, Charles Giron, Antoine Ternon, Julien Ducas, Louis Deschamps, Clément Harpillard, Vincent Houget and Benoit Leray.
Giddy #01
A huge line up for this 6 minute long clip. Romain Batard picked up his VX1000 again and captured all these guys having fun in France.
Featuring Hugo Maillard, Louis Deschamps, Clément Harpillard, Yann Garin, Masaki Ui, Joffrey Morel, Alban Ma Tri, Juan Renoux, Amiel Kornicki, Hugo Corbin, Santiago Sasson, Thibault Proux, Louis Perruchaud, Paul Langsley, Hervé Leroy, Quentin Chambry, Augustin Giovannoni, Maxime Le Guyader, Simon Peltier, Samuel Dietzel, Justin Wagener, and Fred Plocque-Santos.