Tag: öctagon

On the one side, the modern society as evil machinery that unnoticeably takes control about our being, and on the other, the Öctagon members that refuse to defer and try to breakout of the a system of false reality. A really great and artistic approach combined with strong skateboarding.

Featuring Edouard Depaz, Remy Taveira, Yeelen Moens, Joseph Biais, Valentin Bauer, Bram de Cleen and Florian Merten.

Our friends from Öctagon are known for their strong image creating edits. This time, their newest short film does not feature any skating. It is just another excellent example of the artistic way in which Öctagon is sending out their message to the world. A brand that breaks out of the system, defining its own identity beyond the surface of a simulated reality.

Featuring Hugo Campan.

Back in the old days and still relevant today, the handshake is a synonym for an agreement, which is not official until both hands are parted. In this issue, we shake hands with people behind five brands from all over the world that are, in our eyes, totally different from each other and all pretty much rookies in the game. To transport the vibe of each brand we needed to get real insights. So were spending time with the founders, their cliques, and social environments, which, once again, makes the work we do and thus our product very personal.

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Bastiaan van Zadelhoff – BS 360 No Comply – Photo: Danny Sommerfeld

Pop – Low Country Aesthetics
“Now, if you hang out with this crew you might start believing that Pop is an acronym for People Owning Personality. Why? Because everybody has a strong personality and when they get together, everything gets amplified. It brought out the best in all of us and everyday was full of laughter mixed with “real talk” type of conversations…”

Photo: Danny Sommerfeld

Hotel Blue – A Chat with Nick von Werssowetz
“Sometimes, a few missed connections can still lead where you need to be. The story behind this interview started when I got a text from a friend who was out in Montreal at the time. He sent me a photo of him together with Ayo (Alex O’Donahoel), who unfortunately happened to leave Montreal right before we got there. But as it turned out, Ayo sent a DM letting me know he would be in NYC for the next few days. So we connected when we got to the Big Apple…”

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Photo: Conny Mirbach

Alex Olson – Leave a Message
“That is what I heard when I tried to call (917) 692-2706, which we all know is the full phone number behind Alex Olson’s enigmatic board brand. I didn’t leave a message but I wanted to. Just to see if anybody would listen to what I had to say and maybe “they” would even call back…”

Photo: Laura Kaczmarek

Europe Co. – A Ruhr Valley Continent
“The urban areas all have this rather modern architectural character with high-rise buildings, strict geometrical forms, and lots of concrete, steel, and glass. The cityscape tends to change at every street corner from snug to rough, from rich to poor, from vibrant green to gloomy grey. As I learned on my visit, this is exactly the environment the Europe Co. is rooted in.”

Remy Taveira – Fs Wallride – Photo: Maxime Verret

Öctagon – Die Maschine
Following the Öctagon members on a visual adventure through the greatest machinery of humankind, the city.

The brand new PLACE issue 58 “The Handshake” will be available through skateshops, selected retailers and newsstands – some of the shops got the issue already, just ask!

The system known as Öctagon just produced a new video, Öctagon is a special brand with a distinct flavor of its own. Once again the video delivers a strong message when it comes to the editing, the music and the skating.

The clip features: Maya Coline, Remy Taveira, Joseph Biais, Bram De Cleen, Edouard Depaz, Valentin Bauer, Yeelen Moens & Florian Merten

The Öctagon squad returns with a new clip showcasing the talents of Valentin Bauer, Joseph Biais, Bram de Cleen, Edouard Depaz, Remy Taveira and more. Black and white footy straight from the future. Excellent soundtrack included:

Öctagon is totalitarian. Every human notion has been replaced by data and individuals are constantly under surveillance, which is insured by Surveyör. The program is checking the data transformation to their tasks state.

More info: www.octagon-exe.com

“The Öctagon is totalitarian and omniscient. Billions of data are generated by this independent system and build a unique reality. Individuals live within the Öctagon. Geographic space doesn’t exist for real, it is not tangible but still defined by a multitude of data.”

Nachdem wir im Januar die Öctagon Premiere im Rahmen unserer Ausstellung zur Ausgabe #50 gezeigt haben, verging fast ein halbes Jahr, bis der Film nun endlich im Internet bestaunt werden kann. Edouard Depaz, Valentin Bauer, Bram De Cleen, Joseph Biais, Yeelen Moens und Rémy Taveira sind unter anderem in Paris, Tokyo und London unterwegs gewesen, um diesen sehr dunklen und modernen Skateboard Film zu produzieren. Vorhang auf für das Öctagon:

All Photos by Maxime Verret.

Pünktlich zur Bright Tradeshow nächste Woche in Berlin launcht Converse das neueste und mittlerweile dritte Pro Model von Kenny Anderson. Zu diesem Anlass veranstaltet Converse eine Skatesession, bei der auch Kenny höchstpersönlich, sowie das europäische Cons Team anwesend sein werden. Ihr seid herzlich eingeladen auf ein paar Drinks und Skateboarding vorbeizuschauen:

Beer & Skateboarding Session
Montag 19. Januar, 18.00-22.00 Uhr
Greifswalderstraße 23a
10407 Berlin

Danach geht es übrigens mit der Öctagon Videopremiere im Rahmen der PLACE 50 Exhibition weiter. See you there!

Öctagon ist ein Independent Skateboard-Video, welches in einer ganz eigenen visuellen Welt in schwarz und weiß spielt, kreiert von Joaquim Bayle, Nicolas Decatoire und Clément Vanpeperstraete, supported von Carhartt WIP. Mit dabei sind Bram De Cleen, Joseph Biais, Valentin Bauer und Edouard Depaz. Im Rahmen der PLACE 50 Exhibition präsentieren wir die Premiere des Videos am Montag, den 19.01. in der Urban Spree Gallery, zusammen mit dazugehörigen Installationen und einer extra Öctagon-Fotoausstellung von Maxime Verret. Im Anschluss spielen Jean Nipon, Coni und Primat von ClekClekBoom ein DJ Set, die auch für den Soundtrack des Video verantwortlich sind.

“The Öctagon is totalitarian and omniscient. Billions of data are generated by this independent system and build a unique reality. Individuals live within the Öctagon. Geographic space doesn’t exist for real, it is not tangible but still defined by a multitude of data.”




