Tag: thrasher magazine

Michi gets a bit political at the start but as the video progresses you slowly start to think “why aren’t more people skating these spots?”.

As always the skating is on point, the spots are crazy (a mini sphinx plus pyramids!?) and the song ties it all together. Enjoy another great episode of “Fishing Lines”.

Dave will forever be known as the man who created the Osiris D3 but little did we know that he now owns a pretty extensive and somewhat limited Nike SB collection.

From the “Consolidated Dunk” that spawned the “Don’t Do it Army” to the Maize’s Mayhew seems to have or rather had it all. I guess when you are responsible for one of skateboardings most iconic shoes that it is only logical that you know your way through the sneaker landscape.

Besides that, he is still great to watch on the board and even his former teammate Tyrone “T-Bone” Olson seems to still have it!


Atlantic Drift went Pacific. Welcome to San Francisco the gentrification capital in the world Another amazing edit by Jacob Elliot Harris. If skateboarding would be an IQ test then Sylvain Tognelli would be the genius.

Feat.: Remy Taveira, Kyron Davis, Tom Knox, Chris Jones, Nick Jensen, Casper Brooker and everyone’s new favorite Mike Arnold.

Basically, this is little more than an ISLE and friends montage that Jacob Harris made for Thrasher. Jacob is one of the most interesting guys working in skateboard video making today. He doesn’t work that much with double screens and vhs type of work instead he relies a lot on music and the mixing of style and action and he really has perfect timing when it comes down to suspense and breaking the suspense. The music in this video gives off a thick atmosphere making it quite intense but balanced because of the aforementioned breaks. To be honest the way he presents to us is truly his own and that is what makes every video Jacob makes worth a watch.

Featuring: Sylvain Tognelli, Nick Jensen, Remy Taveira, Mike Arnold, Tom Knox, Chris Jones and Casper Brooker

Neben “What’s the song?” gibt es immer wieder reichlich amüsante Kommentare zu Video Parts von bekannten Skatern oder beliebten Brands. Shane o’Neills “Shane Goes” Part schlug ein wie eine Bombe und legte sogar für mehrere Stunden den Thrasher Magazine Server lahm. Wir haben uns durch die Kommentare gelesen und Statements gefunden, welche wir euch nicht vorenthalten möchten:

“not a single no comply…”

“Why so low quality?”

“it looks like ZIGRAM23 just got some major updates”

“nice part.”

“wanted more manuals :-(”

“he almost looked human in a few of these clips”

“Fact: 100% of those who complain about ramps at wallenberg could never ollie wallenberg”

“I would’ve been more satisfied if he didn’t a no comply, a slappy, a wallie, or something. Next video please”

“Its 15 seconds, where TF is the full video?”

“Sick part Shane….side note, why is every comment thread always littered with people asking what song? has nobody honestly ever heard of Shazam? its 2015 people”


“someone flow this kid some boards”

“Shane O’Neil is better than me”

“Sewa can do all that”

“A young R. Mullen with Benjamin Button’s disease”

Für alle die es verpasst haben:

“Ich möchte ein Eisbär sein im kalten Polar – dann müßte ich nicht mehr schrei’n – alles wär’ so klar.” Klar ist, dass Michi nicht enttäuscht und dieser Clip auch gerne hätte länger sein können. In Pariser Architekturbüros weht wohl ein anderer Wind, denn anders können wir uns diese Banklandschaften nicht erklären.

Das Brandon Westgate einzigartig ist, brauchen wir eigentlich nicht mehr erwähnen. Neben seiner Begabung auf dem Skateboard, hat Mister Pop aber noch ein zweites Standbein, was seine außergewöhnliche Karriere eigentlich noch viel interessanter macht. Westgate Cranberries – so der Name der Preiselbeeren Farm – ist ein unabhängiger Fabrikant von verschiedenen Preiselbeer Produkten, welche auf einer eigenen Internetseite käuflich zu erwerben sind. Alles aus dem Hause Westgate.

Brandon Wesgate

Da findet also einer der beliebtesten Pro Skater der vergangenen Jahre genug Zeit für eine Karriere abseits der rauen Straßen diverser Großstädte, um mit seiner Familie und den zwei Hunden eine Farm großzuziehen.

Westgate Cranberries

Westgate selber:

“This is the first year living on and growing my cranberries. When I was growing up my dad always worked running other peoples cranberry bogs and he would take me and my brother to work with him. Seeing what he did and how it all worked inspired me to want some of my own. It has been a dream of mine for a long time and I told myself if I ever get the chance to I would own my own cranberry bogs. Last December my wife and I sold our house and moved to a house that sit on 7.5 acres of cranberry bogs. I decided to dry pick my berries to be able to sell them fresh. I got into carpentry a few years ago and my uncle gave me the idea to make my own personal boxes for the cranberries to be sold in. They used to use wooden cranberry crates to carry off the dried picked berries from the bogs and I wanted my boxes to have that feel of having your own crate of berries. The wood used to make the boxes I milled from local pines, then branded and shot each box together.We are really excited to be able to have this experience and to share our our boxes with everyone, we take a lot of pride in our product and we hope you love it as much as we do.”

Cranberry Field

Zum Thema Skateboarding gibt es noch eine aktuelle Firing Line von einem anderen Planeten. Locker, easy. Jetzt aber wieder ab auf die Farm in Masssachusetts, Brandon. Vielleicht einfach per Ollie, geht sicherlich schneller.
