Tag: David Stenström

The two upcoming brands Dancer and Hardbody, located in Copenhagen, Denmark, and New York City released a very eye-pleasing video to celebrate their new shared collection. Check it HERE.

Filmed and edited by Emilio Cuilan.

Stüssy released a cool new video from a recent trip to Hawaii featuring Hugo Boserup, Diego Todd, David Stenstrom, Gabe Thompson, Stafhon Boca, Aaron Loreth, Lance Mountain, and Jesse Alba. The Hawaii lifestyle with surfing and skating always looks like good times.

Very nicely put together by Antosh Cimoszko.

Everything by Pontus Alv & Tor Ström simply is must-watch TV. Shout out to Ville Wester, Jamie Platt & Roman Gonzalez for putting it down and going pro during this project!

At this point it is pretty safe to say that Last Resort AB is here to stay. Loved every second of this, especially Chris Milic’s incredible section. Good job everyone!

Featuring Chris Milic, Jesse Alba, Pontus Alv, Nick Rios, Dane Brady, Aaron Loreth, Ludvig Håkansson, Billy Trick, Jesse Alba & David Stenström.

It´s a good day for all LANCE MOUNTAIN fans. With the help of ANTOSH CIMOSZKO, Stüssy brings us this short but sweet clip of Lance and friends skating the famous Pink Motel bowl in the so-called Sun Valley. If that doesn´t ring a bell, we recommend watching Powell Peralta´s “The Search for Animal Chin”.

You can find the full thing HERE.

I personally neither know the crew nor have I ever been to Stockholm, but this video makes me want move there and join them. A very solid independent skate video that has the right balance between adolescent crew life and grown up skateboarding.

Featuring Charlie Kullberg, Theo Goldschmidt, Harald Nygren, Vincent Boman, Mark McCoy, Carl Mårtensson, David Stenström, Douglas Jacobsson, Nate Jensen, Matt Ransom, Victor Larsson-Ble, Hampus Jansson, Martin Sandberg, Simon Karlsson, Anthony Crawford, Mario Eriksson, Elliot Isacson, Oskar Wennberg, David Jakinda, and Vincent Huhta-Hasselberg.

Picture the following scenery: It’s August the 15th, we are in Abu Dhabi and the clock is about to hit the 12 pm mark. Can you imagine how it would feel to skate outside in the heat of the desert city? Well, the day before yesterday we did the complete opposite of the above-explained situation. Converse CONS sent us out to Stockholm/Sweden (Yeah, it was cold), where we celebrated a very special happening. Main topic was: David Stentström took us on a very personal tour through his life in Stockholm (HERE you have the masterpiece) and some of us took a little but happy detour that night. The following photos will give you a taste of who was there:

When I was younger I just collected every skate video I could get ahold on and stored it in my DVD shelf. But over time, I got more selective about which ones I really needed to buy a copy of. There have been only a handful videos during this year that expanded my collection. Pontus Alv’s latest masterpiece is one of them. Already the title makes you aware of the fact, that this video is much more than just a couple of skateboard tricks. This film takes you on a journey in a sort of dream-like nostalgic setting and, in doing so, a unique feeling is created.

“Everything is possible when we dream. Why can’t we sleep forever?”

Watch the full video online now! Click here.

Featuring Hjalte Halberg, Aaron Herrington, Kevin Rodrigues, Nick Boserio, Oskar Rozenberg, David Stenström, Dane Brady, Paul Grund and Roman Gonzalez.


Antosh Cimoszko’s filming and editing is just on the pulse of time and this montage is no exception. Featuring: David Stenstrom, Dylan Fulford, Donald Glover, Sam Bunton, Douglas Jacobsson, Vincent Hasselberg, David Jakinda, and Elias Mensi.

#Pleasecharge comes with the skating of Remy Taveira, Harry Lintell, Felipe Bartolome, Jerome Campbell, Paul Grund, Greg Cuadrado, Kevin Rodrigues, David Stenström, Javier Mendizabal, Carlos Cardenosa, Danny Sommerfeld, Daniel Pannemann and latest addition from france: Sylvain Tognelli. Enjoy a trip through all over europe:

More about the project in issue # 53 – coming soon!


K-rod wallrid this spot in London while filming for #Pleasecharge.

Here is the first real trailer für Converse Cons’s new euro squad video #Pleasecharge featuring: Remy Taveira, Harry Lintell, Kevin Rodrigues, Paul Grund, Daniel Pannemann, Danny Sommerfeld and more. The release date will be thursday the 25th of june.

Manhattan Days ist der neue Film von Pontus Alv, der sich mit seinem Polar Skateboards Team nach New York City aufgemacht hat, um den neuen Converse Cons Polar Skate Co. CTAS Pro Schuh zu feiern. Auf originalen Eastcoast Platten wird mal fröhlich, mal traurig gewalliet was das Zeug hält. Allem voran geht es um die pure Natürlichkeit von Skateboarding und dass es keiner zwingenden Notwendigkeit bedarf, irgendwelche “perfekten” Spots zu skaten. Die Straße ist Hindernis genug und sobald Pontus nur einen einzigen Pole-Jam hinzufügt, wird daraus ein filmisches Highlight alá Manhattan Days.

Mit dabei sind Aaron Herrington, Kevin Rodrigues, David Stenström, Jerome Campbell, Dane Brady und natürlich Pontus selbst.

Die Cons Ambassadors Remy Taveira und David Stenstrom sind dem Ruf der Wildnis gefolgt und zusammen mit Filmer Niki Waltl nach Südafrika gereist, um Felipe Bartolome im Team willkommen zu heissen. Im Clip seht ihr wilde Tiere, ziemlich abwechslungsreiche Spots und harte Tricks in staubigen Straßen und großen Bowls. Da ist für jeden was dabei…





Anfang des Sommers war die Converse Cons Crew zusammen mit dem Grey Magazine in Berlin unterwegs. Mit von der Partie waren Rory Milanes, David Stenström, Jerome Campbell, Harrie Lintell und Danny Sommerfeld – der sich abseits vom Knallbrett die Zeit genommen hat ein paar epische Momente aus seiner Sicht festzuhalten. Kaffee kochen, Zigarette drehen, bebildern lassen.

Jerome Campbell – BS Smith

Jerome Campbell – Nollie Flip

Harrie Lintell

Harrie Lintell – Kickflip

Rory Milanes

Rory Milanes – Ollie


Slim Shady’s

Jerome Campbell – Wallride

David Stenström

David Stenström – BS Air

This ain’t a push pic


David Stenström

David Stenström – Nosegrind Tailgrab

