It’s crazy to see that John Cardiel is still able to skate after breaking his back and being told he might never be able to walk again. A good time to re-watch his Epicly Later’d. Other than that we love to get some very rare Julian Stranger footage and what can we say about BA, Kader, and Tyshawn? Always a treat.
Eli Reed has been through many a phase but this most recent incarnation is one we didn’t see coming.
As a dancehall enthusiast, he traveled down to Kingston Jamaica to connect to the culture and in the future give back to skating in the birthplace of Reggae, Dancehall and many more parts of popular culture.
Last weekend the Vans Shop Riot Finals took place in Milano in Italy. We sent two of our favorite correspondents Peter Buikema and Sara Parson-Texas to the event with some analogue camera equipment. Both of them came back with their own version of the events as they unfolded. Part 2, this part is Peter’s vision of their 46 hours in Milan.
Sketchy side-mission.
Thoughtful look.
Local hero Jacopo Carozzi replaced Jordan Sharkey in the contest, the Black Sheep teamrider got injured on the first day.
Familiar face-tat.
Bulky shoes on glitter grip.
Media room fun.
Burnside won!
John Cardiel was behind the decks on this birthday party.
Last weekend the Vans Shop Riot Finals took place in Milano in Italy. We sent two of our favorite correspondents Peter Buikema and Sara Parson-Texas to the event with some analogue camera equipment. Both of them came back with their own version of the events as they unfolded. Part 1, this part is Sara’s vision and words of their 46 hours in Milan.
46 hours, that is the exact time we spent in Milan. Pretty much in and out!
First stop: the hotel, to drop our stuff and off we were to Milano Centrale where everybody met up to skate… have a beer… and… witness a random fight between some local drunks (not the skaters).
An honourable mention goes out to Victor “doobie” Pellegrin for killing it, even though he had multiple: “I can’t skate today” and “the spot actually sucks” type of comments!
Later on the same day, we went down to the Bastard Shop for the first event, a session in a crazy suspended bowl… an exhibition… Italian buffet and… of course drinks. A few glasses of wine and a dislocated elbow later we all danced to Dj Juan Love a.k.a. John Cardiel’s set until the early hours.
The following day was spent at the Pinball Skatepark where both the finals and the best trick took place. The weather was horrible and we were all half hangover but in a good mood none the less.
All the teams really went for it, and during Burnside’s run, I was “live” with Dallas Rockvam, sending him updates about Rob and his teammates! In the end, they actually did it, the Burnside boys won the finals and I believe Rob also won the best trick… Hey Rob! What did you have for breakfast that day mate?!
After all the rain… party… gin tonic… dance moves… more gin tonic… popping out of wardrobes… rain again… sleep (sort off) we got on the train… plane… and we touched the ground, back in Berlin 46 hours later!
Sara would like to give some extra thanks to:
Alex Forbes, Danny Wainwright, Sam Partaix, Doobie Pellegrin, Jacopo Carozzi, Sebastian Vijverberg, Val Bauer, Joseph Biais, and all the others for being good partners in crime.
Skateboarding is about many things, mostly it is about the skateboarder and his skateboard interacting together. This interaction begins with you learning to stand on the board, pushing, ollieing, shoving the board, nollie, fakie, switch or normal stance. Some learn faster, some slower, but the objective is the same; “Stay on the board.” This article is not about that, this is about getting off the board (and getting back on afterwards), walking or running with or without, maybe even away from the board. Today we offer you a step by step analysis (lmao) of some of the most influential skaters who got off the board.
A Different Route.
Right off the bat, we start with two of the most classic walks caught on tape! At the same time, both Jason Dill and Louie Barletta use walking to get somewhere or to walk over something they could not get to by staying on the board. Louie’s might be a little more eccentric because not many people skate terraces like he did, but still, both these guys made a lot of people get off the board.
John Motta uses the same principle but instead of picking his board up and taking it with him, he chooses to leave it and jump on the next one. A technique, mostly used by filmers, while filming long lines, with a lot of ups and downs like stairs. Normally I’d go for the pickup but doing it John’s way creates a little more suspense about what is about to come next.
Jason Dill – Photosynthesis, Alien Workshop (2000).
Louie Barletta – Bag of Suck, Enjoi (2006).
John Motta – A Happy Medium (2008).
Cruising To The Spot.
I am not totally sure if Mike V just got back from an injury here or if he just has that much pent up punk rock Aggression, but Mr. Vallely does deserve his props for this ‘powerful cruise through the city’ style line! He manages to push skateboarding by keeping it true to his style of skating, whilst at the same time doing tricks that every skater would like to do, while going from one to another spot.
Vincent, on the other hand, seems like he just came from the corner store where he bought a soda, and on his way back, he noticed he could flip his board in there. Probably the most relaxed walk of the bunch, which contrasts quite nicely with Mr. V’s spurt.
Mike Vallely – Label Kills, Black Label (2001).
Vincent Touzery – Trunki, Les Blobys (2017).
The Bail To Pick up a.k.a. The Never Give Up.
This is a more recent phenomenon, ever since iPhone filming became an everyday thing, skaters started to worry less about wasting tape and thus happy accidents made it into our collective memory. The reason why we like this style of walking is because it makes everything seem so much more spontaneous, it reminds us of skating around with the homies, instead of the sometimes tedious process of perfecting things in front of the lens.
Amandus Mortensen – Sondre & Amandus (2015).
Chris “Mango” Milic – Life Is Goodie (2015).
The Hop Off, Hop On.
The Hop off and Hop On is a method perfected by one of today’s most influential skaters: Mr. Kevin Rodrigues. He has a knack for wall riding, no comply flipping or throwing down his board (to hippy jump) and moving into the next trick. The great thing about this combination is that everybody can join in, just remember: the most important thing is the rhythm of your walk! Hesitation can sneak in and ruin an otherwise great line.
Kevin Rodrigues – I Like It Here Inside My Mind Don’t Wake Me This Time, Polar Skate Co (2016).
Jan Hoffmann – hellafaded2k15 (2015).
Noah Bunink – Le remix, Pop Trading Company (2017).
Ryan Thompson – TULIP (2016).
The Mid Trick Walk Along.
To be honest, a lot of these moves seem to come straight from a Louie Barletta, who should be on everybody’s favorite skater list by now. Go watch his parts and you will notice that the only difference is that these tricks are done in a serious manner, instead of with a weird hat and a Rod Stewart track. Anyway, you have to find the right trick and spot (a long slide) to do this but if you do the possibilities are endless.
Dustin Henry – Curb Kruise (2013).
Chris “Mango” Milic – Dr. Scarecrow (2016).
Walk The Line.
This one doesn’t really need any explaining, does it?
John Cardiel – Sight Unseen, Transworld (2001).
Walking as a mode of skating.
A fancy way to say that walking can be the actual main dish instead of a side order that only add’s to the meal. Case and point CK1’s stroll on these metal arm rests, imagine him replacing that walk with a series of hippy jumps, it wouldn’t be the same right?
This is the only section that doesn’t involve the board moving before hand, it is the simple idea of placing your board somewhere (very high in this case) and jumping on it. Most skaters use this to test out spots but very few use it as a means to an end, which it can be in the right hands. In our opinion, this is the little brother of the caveman nosegrind that Andrew Allen popularized a while back. We say little because everybody can try this one at almost every spot.
Daniel Pannemann – Rick Moranis (2015).
The Walk Home.
For the older skaters amongst us, this is a pretty common thing. You need to wrap up the session because your significant other wants to home and the baby needs to be fed, time to go, leave the board and take a walk home.
For those of you that are lucky enough to live near some mountains, you might have heard some of your snowboarding homies talk about Antix headwear. Some of you might feel that sometimes when skateboarding and snowboarding come together it did not always have the right result but remember Rick Mccrank, John Cardiel and more recently a great snowboarder/skater by the name of Jed Anderson landed himself a spot on Alex Olson’s Call me 917, so it is possible. Antix seems to be heading in the right direction as well, the Sony VX1000 hat is something that we could envision GX1000 doing as well and it doesn’t get rawer than those hill bombing freaks.
Antihero ist Kult – die Boardcompany feiert in diesem Jahr immerhin ihren bereits 20. Geburtstag. Mit Vans hat Anti Hero einen langjährigen Parter an der Seite, mit dem man sich nicht nur einige Teamfahrer wie Tony Trujillo, John Cardiel oder Chris Pfanner teilt, sondern in der Vergangenheit auch das ein oder andere spannende Projekt umgesetzt hat. Jetzt kommt eine gemeinsame Kollektion auf den Markt, die neben den obligatorischen Schuhen auch mit feinstem Apparel aufwarten kann, das sich der ikonischen Antihero Grafiken bedient und mit Vans DNA gekreuzt wurde. Die Vans x Antihero Apparel Kollektion, der TNT SG und der Era 46 sind ab sofort erhältlich, die Sk8-Mid Pro sowie die Slip-Ons kommen im April in den Handel. Hier die Kollektion im Überblick:
“Style is the answer to everything.
A fresh way to approach a dull or dangerous thing.
To do a dull thing with style is preferable to doing a dangerous thing without it.
To do a dangerous thing with style is what I call art.”
Mit diesen Worten beginnt ein bekanntes Gedicht des amerikanischen Schriftstellers und Dichters Charles Bukowski – und ebendieses Gedicht liefert den Soundtrack zu diesem wunderbar animierten Kurzfilm. Darin zu sehen sind alle möglichen Tricks absolute Klassiker – von Gonz über Cardiel bis Gino… Sollte man gesehen haben:
Die komplette Trickliste:
Gonz FS Pop shove-it, 180 fakie 50-50, Half Cab – Video Days
Gino FS Noseslide – Trilogy
Jason Lee FS 360, 360 Flip, BS Flip – Video Days
Sean Sheffey Fakie Ollie – A Soldiers Story
Neil Blender, Spray paint wall – NSA contest
Keenan Milton Switch Flip – Mouse
Jason Jeese, Alley Oop – A Reason for Living
Christian Hosoi Layback at Del Mar 1985
Natas Kapas Footplant off fire hydrant – Street on Fire
Matt Hensley BS Flip Melon – Questionable
Julian, Gap to Tail bash – Element Skypager
Ray Barbee, No complies – Public Domain
Penny, FS Flip Etnies – High 5
John Cardiel, curve to huge method – Sight Unseen
Jay Adams curves and berts – Contest run
Tony “TNT” Trujillo spricht über seinen Part im Transworld Video In Bloom und erklärt wieso er so ein Rockstar gewesen ist. Ein legendäres Video was so mach einen bis zum heutigen Tag verfolgt.
Gestern sind wir bei Tumblr über illustrierte Portraits von Jerry Hsu, Marc Johnson, Jason Dill und einigen anderen gestolpert, die uns schwer begeistert haben. So sehr, dass wir uns die Mühe gemacht haben ein bißchen über den Urheber herauszufinden. Gemalt hat sie ein Brite namens Joel Benjamin, der im Osten Englands, in Norwich zuhause ist. Ein Blick auf sein Portfolio zeigt, dass Joel vielerlei Interessen hat, sei es Musik, Fixed Gear Bikes oder eben auch Skateboarding. Neben Comics, Fanzines, Klamotten und freien Arbeiten finden sich aber auch erste Kundenprojekte, wie zum Beispiel die Boardserie für die englische Company Milk Skateboards. Vielleicht kann Joel ja bald seinen Retail Job an den Nagel hängen und sich voll und ganz auf die Illustration konzentrieren. Wir würden uns freuen mehr von ihm zu sehen! Genug der Worte – Action speaks louder than Words…
Wir begrüßen nun recht herzlich: das Wochenende. Es kommt aber nicht alleine und hat einige “Big Names” im Gepäck. Wir starten mit dem wohl besten Skater unter europäischer Sonne, wenn nicht sogar darüber hinaus. Lucas Puig skatet D.I.Y. Spot in Toulouse, die Homies dürfen natürlich nicht fehlen.
Chaz Ortiz zeigt euch ein paar Outtakes, aus seinem True East Part von Zoo York.
Eric KostonsLost & Filmed ist am Start und nein, er ist nicht zurück auf Lakai.
Patrick o’Dell setzt sein Epicly later’d fort und hat diesen Trailer von Eric Dressen, der euch ein wenig Skateboardgeschichte nahe bringen wird.
Wenn wir schon bei den Veteranen sind, gibt es noch ein 30th Anniversary Interview vom Transworld Magazine mit John Cardiel persönlich, der übrigens am 17.01 in Berlin im House Of Vans auflegt.
Der Name Arto Saari ist jedem Skateboarder ein Begriff, als Proskater hat er sich über viele Jahre vor der Kamera einen Legendenstatus erarbeitet. Mittlerweile beweist der finnische Flip Pro aber auch hinter der Kamera sein Talent und so berichtet er im folgenden Clip über seine Leidenschaft für Portrait-, Landschafts-, als auch der Skatefotografie. Wir sind Fan.
Hier ein sehr interessanter Clip, in dem Arto mit John Cardiel auf Fotomission unterwegs ist.
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