Between a prototype and the final product, there is usually quite some time. In Bobby De Keyzer and Quasi Skateboards‘ case, it is only two days. We don’t complain about that.
Tag: Bobby De Keyzer
•BOBBY by Ben Chadourne
Basically, two of the current best really trying to put out their collective best work. Who can really argue against that? By the way, on the topic of Ben’s editing… more fades in skate videos, please.
“Much Needed After A Long” by Alex Greenberg
The moment when the “Clockwork Orange” theme music started playing and the titles popped up we already got the feeling that this is going to be a very well-made video. We weren’t wrong. After filming and editing the Noah NYC video we didn’t see much from Mr. Alex Greenberg but of course, he didn’t put his camera aside. On the contrary. After watching his new 26 minutes long work “Much Needed After A Long” we saw what he and his friends had been up to and all we can say is that it was worth the wait.
Great work Alex! Nice to see a lot of familiar faces together with amazing skaters we have never seen before. Another instant New York City classic!

Quasi Skateboard’s “Grand Prairie”
Quasi Skateboards just released a full length video that goes by the name of “GRAND PRAIRIE” and it features Dane Barker, Dick Rizzo, Jake Johnson, Gilbert Crockett, Bobby De Keyzer, Tyler Bledsoe, Josh Wilson, the Foundation team and Justin Henry, who has just turned pro for the American board brand.
It has been floating around for a while now but there is a new sick clothing company officially in skateboarding called Noah.
From some Frog collabs to now finally their own team. We like what we see and we hope to see more in the future.
Converse – Pastel
It is no secret that we really enjoy James Cruickshank’s lens work, so to see these new Converse x Grey Mag edits drop is a joyous occasion for all that love Sheffield’s finest. Obviously, the fact that he is working with skaters like Bobby De Keyzer, Jerome Campbell, Harry Lintell and Remy Tav doesn’t hurt either.
Bobby de Keyzer – Uncut
The whole office was looking for the word that would describe a “too good to be true” kind of situation, only to try to explain what Bobby De Keyzer‘s skating looks like. You could actually get the feeling that at this point, it is not even fun anymore for him or maybe even more fun? Most definitely he broke our brains a few times since he’s on the map. What do you call this? Sublime? Really?
BOBBY De Keyzer IG Compilation
Bobby de Keyzer is so unimaginably talented that this whole clip is just about him playing around and having fun.
Bobby De Keyzer – Riddles in Mathematics
Bobby De Keyzer’s last name means “the emperor” in Dutch and like his name requires him to do he is ruling skateboarding in his way. Meaning, his skating is amazing, the perfectly fitting music was made by a friend and Chris Thiessen’s filming and editing truly brought it all together. Probably Bobby’s best part to date!
Converse One Star BBQ Tour
A good amount of the American CONS Team went on a trip to Australia & New Zeland to give some demos and hang out with the locals, starring: Sage Elsesser, Sean Pablo, Mike Anderson, Kenny Anderson, Bobby De Keyzer, Aaron Herrington, Al Davis, Brian Delatorre, Zered Bassett, Jake Johnson, Andrew Brophy, Bryce Golder, and Dean Palmer.
Bobby de Keyzer – Frozen Flame Remix
You can’t really go wrong with Mr. de Keyzer but still, we are wondering how this remix happened and why but does that really matter? Probably not, we don’t know any people that are going to complain. Why? Because Bobby’s just got it like that.
Converse – South Africa
Remember that tour clip in Spain set to some traditional Spanish music, no? Well, we made the case that it would be interesting to see more diverse music in skate videos, I.E. a clip filmed in India set to Sattar music and so forth and so on. Well we don’t know if the people over at Converse read our posts but they did put some African style music under this video and in our opinion it makes the vibe stand out even more.
Photo by Ben Colen
Bobby De Keyzer – Welcome to Converse Cons
Once again it is good old Mr. De Keyzer who manages to impress ourselves over and over again. The fact that he finally confirms the rumours being on Converse Cons seems to be subsidary to the greatness of his talented skateboard skills captured in another insane full part.
Mind of Marius – Bobby de Keyzer
Bobby is having a great year and so are his fans. Mr. de Keyzer has had a lot of output on multiple platforms, some more serious than others but all done in style. We only have one question, why do most videos set in Spain feature “Spanish” music? We would like to suggest using that concept for every country you visit, if you go on a trip to Finland score it to some Finish music, a trip to turkey would look good set to some turkish music and of course a trip to Germany would have to feature Nena’s 99 Luftballons! All jokes aside wouldn’t that open up new world of music for us all to enjoy?
IT’S 2AM – Bobby De Keyzer and Zerred Basset
Filmer Richard Quintero was so kind as to make this little clip of Bobby and Zered skating through Barca. Although it is only one minute long it is still a perfect clip to spark your Sunday skate sesh.
Bobby De Keyzer: Rough Cut
Watching these 10 minutes of Bobby De Keyzer’s raw footage from his Blue Tile Lounge x Habitat Part fly by in a trice because it is so much fun to see him skate. Enjoy the show!
Bobby De Keyzer for Habitat
Wie die Überschrift schon verrät, ist das Ausnahmetalent Bobby De Keyzer ab sofort für Habitat unterwegs. Stilsicher wie immer – wir sind Fans!
DC Shoes begrüßt zugleich zwei neue Gesichter im Team, und die stellen sich vor, als ob es keinen Morgen geben würde. Tristan Funkhouser und Bobby De Keyzer sind ab sofort und offiziell im Team. Da klatscht sogar “The Boss” höchstpersönlich. Guten Morgen!
Bobby De Keyzer
Bobby de Keyzer hat nicht nur den geilsten Namen, der Typ hat es auch richtig im Fuß. Der kanadische Vertrieb von Hélas Caps hat das erkannt und sich den Jungspund direkt geschnappt. On Top legen wir noch diesen sonnigen Skateparkclip mit modernem Skating a la Austyn Gillette. Viel Vergnügen: