Tag: Full Part

During the last 6 months David Lindberg has been working on this new skateboard / art project with Icelandic skater Sigurdur Páll Pálsson. David informed us that Siggi is newly on flow for Poetic Collective and after seeing this very very nice section it might even be time for a bump up.


Dave Caddo has been around the block a couple off times. Starting back in the early 2000’s he popped up in many of our favorite videos. Dave has always been a skater with quick feet, a limber style and an eye for spots, we did not always like his style but only a fool would argue against his abilities. This 2015-16 version of Dave shows him in tip top shape still skating like a yoga teacher.

Photo by Jon Spitzer

Nowadays, it almost seems like the suddenly appearance of young unusual talents became the usual. Being a damn good skateboarder does not mean one makes a lasting impression on the minds of people, but still there are some kids out there that have something special, kids like Simon Bannerot you probably never heard of, but who is able to skate everything, has a great powerful style, a good choice of spots and tricks and an elegant taste for music, as well. Altogether will make you watch this outstanding part from the Watercolours video over and over!

Some of you might know Brett from the Pathways video that he filmed, others may know him from his Berlin visit last summer. If you ever get to know Mr. Nichols you will immediately see that he is one of the nicest most motivated people on and of the board. During his Berlin visit he was mostly filming but this footage shows how smooth he is on the board.

photo by Ryan Wagner

Making an Instagram remix is like making a mixtape for somebody you like. Whether you are sitting by your tape recorder or you are scrolling through the gram, it is a tedious process done with love for the subject. In the end the only difference is that with the IG compilation the result is on the net for everybody to enjoy.

Vincent Touzery has been killing it lately and Quartersnacks said it best “There are a handful of Bloby Instagram compilations out there, but this new one of Vincent Touzery is the best Bloby IG comp out there.”

Photo by Mike Heikkila
