Dennis Ludwig is a busy man and this video can be seen as a diary of a certain time in his life behind the camera and therefore behind the scenes.
Watch Jelle Maatman, Jeremy Reinhard, Jost Arens, Domi Maul, Dani Lébron, Markus Blessing, Yannick Schall, Reece Knobloch, Alex Elfving, Patrick Rogalski, Vladik Scholz & Gustavo Dos Anjos in Titus Skateboards latest video called “GUESS WHAT!?”.
For me personally, Jeremy Reinhard got into my life when his adidas “Diagonal” part came on the screen. I immediately liked him. The intro by Torsten Frank is classic Frank, who is at his best when he is there not only to show the skating but most of all to tell a story. “The worst thing is that it has to be good, it can’t be sketchy” is a quote that stood out to me, I didn’t understand German yet but I knew what that felt like. In life, we often can get away with sketchy, “what did you score on your test?” – “I just passed by a 0,5 margin” – is common for us all but as a sponsored skater filming a video part you know that you judge and will get judged if things aren’t done right. In this interview, we mostly talk about music but the same comparison still stands, you can’t be half a count off on the timing, the whole thing will not sound right. One last thing, Jeremy’s song in Diagonal talks about someone that is always on the road, never at home. Obviously referring to the busy travel schedule of a sponsored skater but, that song still holds true because as a DJ’s he still frequents the road quite often (in non-pandemic times). Anyway listen to the music, watch the video and read the interview. You might learn a thing or two! If you are interested in buying the new EP you can do that here or on Soundcloud.
I am well, on my terrace in Cologne in the sun right now. How are you, have we ever met in person?
I am fine. Actually we haven’t met before.
Daniel (Pannemann) told me you are into music, do you listen to House music?
I do, I listen to Omar S, Moodymann etc.
Great, those are some of my idols, that Chicago, Detroit style of House music.
So tell me a bit about this release?
I produced a lot of music together with a friend of mine Niels Freidel and we both felt like, instead of contacting a bunch of labels, let us do this ourselves. It just felt right, not asking anyone, doing it for ourselves and at the start of 2018, we dropped our first Lekker EP. We had some help from other musicians people like David Schreiber & Moglis, locals from Cologne, they helped a lot.
What about when Covid-19 hit?
I went out and bought myself some really nice speakers. That was really important for me, to have a good sound system at home. Because you school your ears through your sound system. I made a little home studio.
Like most people, I had a lot more free time and I used that time collecting samples, jamming, just making things. But my goal was clear: To make my own EP, where I made every track, alone. I think it is important as an artist to try and do that so you know when you get feedback, that it is feedback for you and you personally.
I understand, the project is not out just yet but how has the feedback been from the people who have heard it?
Not many people have heard it yet, you are one of the first. Actually, the first EP I did was also connected to PLACE, I happened when was thirty then and it dropped on Vinyl. This new EP hasn’t fully dropped yet, so we will see what the feedback will be.
Listen to the EP here and give Jeremy his feedback!
We appreciate that, it is nice to drop a song instead of a video part for once.
True and it is cool to see that electronic music now has become a bigger part of skating. Back in the day, Techno, Rave or House parties had a bad name. “Those people take a lot of drugs!” or you heard that some of your favorite skaters stopped skating just to Rave.
Nowadays, when I come to Berlin to spin at a party, I don’t even need to call anyone anymore, they just know. Julius Krappe will call me out of the blue and tell me he, Denny Pham and a whole gang of people are coming to my show! I guess Raving is more a part of the culture in Berlin, people come out, even if it is a small rave at Hasenheide park.
Do you think you get more support like that in Berlin versus Cologne?
For sure! Cologne has a strong Rave scene but in Berlin it is different. People start on Fridays and Rest on Monday. For some Berliners a work week is from Tuesday until Thursday, whereas in Cologne it is pretty hardcore if a party starts on Saturday night and lasts until 10 in the morning on a Sunday.
Let’s take a step back, when did music enter your life?
It was always a dream of mine, at 19-20 when I moved to Cologne I went to a lot of parties, back then it was more Drum n Bass & Hip Hop. I loved it and knew a lot of the promoters and DJs. At some point, my friends, people like Benni Markstein started talking about Kompakt (record label) and their parties where they had people like Michael Mayer, Tobias Thomas, etc.
At that time “Total Confusion” was THE party in Cologne, people came with buses from Paris, Brussels, etc. and that fascinated me. So, after a while of just going to parties, I arrived at a point that I wanted to throw my own party. At that time people at my work were also very into music and they would feed me Kerri Chandler, Omar S and he told me about Smallville Records (Hamburg), which only stoked the fire!
So at 25 I started my first series of parties called: Vogelfrei. I got lucky and got a big Techno DJ and people where shocked that I managed to book him. The party itself was a bit thrown together but it was probably one of the first Techno parties the skate scene went to!
It was funny because he drew people from the Techno scene in and I had the whole skate scene there dancing.
I think Jeremy always felt the sound of Cologne, his music reflected that, and that is why people believed in him and his work. During the weekend people flocked to the (Kompakt) parties in Bogen 2, where you could connect with each other both in the dark and in the light.
Benjamin (Benni) Markstein, 2021
Did they vibe well?
The vibe was cool right away! That was also the start of me as a party promoter/booker and also the start of me DJ-ing. Things went on like that from when I was about 25 to about 30 years of age. It was cool and it was not as serious as it is now, things went to the next level at 30 when we put out our first EP on the Terre des Pommes Record Label. That was crazy, it was on vinyl, so Daniel Nentwig from The Whitest Boy Alive had the A-side of the record and I had the B-side. And that was like getting my knighthood, the record went well and sold out relatively quick. Paco Hettich and Albert Gabriel helped me together with my father by playing certain instruments and pieces for me to use.
That was at 30, what has changed this time around?
I developed a lot as a musician and this time I could do it by myself and didn’t need my father or friends to play certain parts on the Rhoades. I did get a cool remix by Tilman from Mainz on the new EP.
Funnily in 2020 I got signed to a booking agency called Wilde but that happened right as the pandemic hit, so no real bookings yet (laughs). To be honest, I do notice a difference financially because of the pandemic.
I can imagine you can’t wait to perform your new music before a crowd right?
100%, I did some live streams, but DJ-ing is really by you for a crowd, you need to get that feedback, that energy, and without that you are staring at a screen. At the start it was a good idea but vibing with the crowd is so important!
We heard about your start in House music but what about music growing up? Your dad is a Jazz Pianist?
Well, I was a very hyperactive kid so when I was 6 years old my parents put a drum kit in our basement and that really gripped me. I was pretty good but at some point I needed something else, so I changed to piano. The thing is I could play but I could not read notes. Chuck Berry or Elvis Presley’s version of “Tutti Fruity” really struck a cord with me and my father taught me. I even sang, and we recorded a tape for my mother’s birthday, it was fun. I could play, but I could not keep the tempo. I always went faster and faster but it was sweet, i guess. I played for like 2-years, coming home hyped to play and then skating hit me.
After that only skating counted, I wish I continued playing piano but, after school, I would eat, go skate, maybe come back to have a drink, and go back out. Burned bright red, my mother was worried, I would go out every day even when it was 35-degree weather. That started at 10 and lasted all the way until now when music came back into my life.
Jeremy’s part in adidas’ Diagonal.
Seems like the skate bug really bit you!
It did, I mean I would listen to music but skating was really what consumed me. My dad stayed with music and co-founded the Jazz & Rock school in Freiburg. He is still anchored in the Jazz scene and before corona, he told me he had about 10 projects going on. He plays multiple genres, he play in a country band, in a blues band and jams with jazz musicians. He is very active man!
During corona I got new speakers and he got himself a crazy Nord Piano. My dad listens to the music I make, I will send him my best tracks and he will write me his feedback. Or he will play over some of the loops, I hope we can do more in the future. The goal for the next 10 years is to do more father & son projects. He is so good, he will play the melody with one hand and the bass with the other. So it is pretty handy to have access to someone like that.
Unfortunately, due to the high covid number we haven’t seen each other since last June. I even skipped Christmas, we need to protect the elderly. I have been in a prison called Cologne for a year now. But let’s change the topic.
Still, it sounds like music connects and binds your family.
It does, he even listens to the radio show. The first show I did, he came back to me and told me to lower my voice. I was midway through an alcohol brake and i was super nervous, he picks up on all that stuff.
Is skateboarding and music connected, or do you see it as separate things?
It is connected for sure! And I like how skating and House music fit together. Palace kinda brought that back, raw edits with fast cutting music. In a way it is retro but it is also current.
Did anyone ever ask to skate to your music?
Not yet, but maybe now is the time!
Last question, how excited/nervous are you to play your music during a set?
Very excited! The timing isn’t the best right now, with the lockdown. But I hope people will get to know the songs through social media and when the time comes that I am standing in front of a crowd I can drop “Tu Tambien” and let the people dance to it!
After the Team Titus Istanbul- and Abu Dhabi-trip, it seems that the guys have been mesmerized by the east. As a result, they went on a long trip to Vietnam. The brand new AM, Markus Blessing, was welcomed to the team by Patrick Rogalski, Farid Ulrich, Jeremy Reinhard, Vladik Scholz, Jost Arens, and team manager Yannick Schall. Check out the stunning edit:
Was haben der illustre Personenkreis um Julian Furones, Willow, Johannes Schön, Jeremy Reinhard, Tjark Thielker, Kaio Hillebrandt, Niklas Speer von Cappeln, Daniel Pannemann, Dennis Behrens, Paco Elles, Vladik Scholz, Kevin Wenzke, Gabriel Engelke, Eniz Fazliov, Lucas Fiederling, Charles Collet und Oli Bürgin gemeinsam? Richtig – sie alle haben bereits einen kleinen Clip mit dem Lousy Haus gefilmt, das dafür um die halbe Welt gereist ist. Lucas Fiederling hat sich an einem kleinen Best Of versucht – überaus gelungen:
Ab heute ist die “Goldnugget” EP von Jeremaier offiziell im Handel und diesem Anlass hat es sich Team Titus Pro Jeremy Reinhard nicht nehmen lassen, seine Kölner und Berliner Party-Gefolgschaft um sich zu versammeln und ordentlich Gas zu geben – sowohl auf dem Board als auch am Glas, einen Tag lang durch die Domstadt. Party On.
Jeremy Reinhard bringt an seinem 30. Geburtstag seinen brandneuen “Tightass” Part für Titus heraus. In diesem beweist der dienstälteste Profi im Kader des Team Titus, dass er noch lange nicht zum alten Eisen gehört, sondern voller Energie steckt und seine schnittigen Tricks noch locker aus der Hüfte kommen. Zudem feiert Jerry zenhjähriges Jubiläum als Teamfahrer für die Traditionscompany aus Münster. Es darf also gefeiert werden!
Am 12. März feiert Jeremy Reinhard seinen 30. Geburtstag und es ist ein Tag, an den sich der Pro des Team Titus sicherlich lange erinnern wird. Titus veröffentlicht nämlich seinen Tight Ass Part und wir sind uns sicher, eine Menge schnellfüßiger Lines zu Gesicht zu bekommen und verbleiben in gespannter Vorfreude mit dem Trailer.
Süddeutschland ist schön und so hat sich das Team Titus in diesem Sommer auf den Weg nach Nürnberg, Regensburg, München, Augsburg und Passau gemacht. Bei gutem Essen, Stimmung und neuen Spots fielen auch diverse sehenswerte Tricks. Taugt.
Wie der Titel der in Kürze anstehenden Tour des Team Titus bereits verrät, geht es für Yannick Schall, Vladik Scholz, Wilko Grüning, Jeremy Reinhard, Farid Ulrich und Patrick Rogalski ab nach Bayern plus einem Stopp in Innsbruck. Alle wichtigen Infos finden sich auf dem Tourplakat oder auf Viel Spaß und O´zapft is!
Istanbul ist aktuell ein ziemlich heißer Spot in Europa und so reiste das Team Titus in voller Besetzung mit Farid Ulrich, Jeremy Reinhard, Wilko Grüning, Jost Arens, Vladik Scholz, Patrick Rogalski und Yannick Schall an den Bosporus. Den Artikel dazu gibt es außerdem in unserer aktuellen Ausgabe 40.
Das Team Titus um Neu-Teammanager Yannick Schall hat sich zu ihrer ersten Rasur des Jahres in die türkische Metropole Istanbul begeben. Den Artikel dazu gibt es in der kommenden Place Ausgabe 40, als kleinen Vorgeschmack kommt der Trailer.
Es gibt die verschiedensten Möglichkeiten einen Contest zu fahren. Es gibt Naturtalente, Taktiker und die ganz Nervösen, doch um euch mal ein bisschen den Contestskater an sich näher zu bringen, haben wir hier anhand des Beispiels vom vergangenen Relentless COS Cup Finale aus Rust eine kleine Auflistung gemacht.
1. Der Neuling
Er kommt bereits am Freitag Mittag pünktlich zum Opening der Practice Session und skatet so viel er kann. Er ist gestoked, das erste Mal die COS Bühne zu betreten, zu sehen wie alles funktioniert und auf der Quarter neben den Helden der letzten fünf Contestclips zu stehen. Im Practice schafft er viele Tricks, in seinem Run macht er wahrscheinlich beim ersten Ollie über die Box einen Hang Up und slammt hart. Aller Anfang ist schwer. Beispiel Rust: untere Hälfte Starterfeld Amateure.
2. Der Routinier
Er kennt das Spiel schon lange und hat große Contests schon vor zehn Jahren gewonnen. Er kommt hauptsächlich des Spasses wegen, alte Bekannte zu treffen und die Contestparty mitzunehmen, weil er mittlerweile einem anständigen Beruf nachkommt. Trotzdem sitzen die Tricks noch immer und ohne Druck von Sponsoren machen ihm Contests richtig Spass. Beispiel Rust: Laif Draasch, Andi Welther.
3. Der Taktische Wiederholer
Er wird das Wort ‘trainieren’ nicht benutzen, aber er wiederholt im Practice Abläufe ganz genau und überlegt sich seinen Run sekundiös. Er ist fit und besitzt die Gabe jeden Contest für sich entscheiden zu können, wenn er denn Stay On fahren würde. Doch kann es auch passieren, dass er sich selbst zu sehr unter Druck setzt. Beispiel Rust: Christoph Radtke, Alex Mizurov, Yannick Schall
4. Der Safety Fuchs
Er weiss genau, wie das Judgesytsem funktioniert und fährt flowig den Parcour ab. Seine Basics sitzen auch im Schlaf und Feeble Grinds, 5-0s und Kickflips kommen locker aus dem Fußgelenk geschüttelt. Er schafft es so gut wie immer bis ins Finale, doch wenn sich die anderen an krasse Tricks trauen, hat er das Nachsehen. Dafür fährt er so gut wie immer Stay On. Beispiel Rust: Jeremy Reinhard, Flo Westers.
5. Das Kid
Er ist durchschnittlich 14 Jahre alt und steht kurz vor der Pubertät. Die Basics sitzen schon ziemlich gut und auch wenn es am Pop noch ein wenig mangelt, ist er beim Publikum beliebt. Allerdings läuft er Gefahr einen Kiddiebonus zu bekommen, was bei den Großen nicht gerne gesehen ist. Beispiel Rust: diesmal irgendwie niemand.
6. Der Showman
Er geniesst das Rampenlicht und wenn alle Augen auf ihn gerichtet sind. Am besten eignet sich für ihn der Moment zwischen den Runs, in denen er einen krassen Trick probiert und der Moderator seinen Namen durchsagt. Spätestens im dritten Versuch schafft er dann den Trick und lässt sich – irgendwie auch verdient – von der Menge feiern. Beispiel Rust: Farid Ulrich
7. Der Kreative
So wie er auf der Strasse fährt, sucht er sich auch auf einem Contest den besonderen Trick – wenn er denn überhaupt auf einen Contest kommt, der nicht weiter als 50km von zu Hause weg ist. Ihm sind Platzierungen egal und er geniesst es hauptsächlich für 60 Sekunden dem Practice Trouble zu entkommen und mal kurz den Parcour für sich zu haben. Mehr als Semi-Finale ist meist nicht drin, ist aber auch nicht schlimm. Beispiel Rust: Stephan Pöhlmann, Lennie Burmeister
8. Der Publikumsheld
Er fährt schnell und clean, er macht krasse Tricks und geht lieber auf Risiko, als dass er ins Finale kommt. Das lieben die Leute und so wird er stets am meisten angefeuert. Er fängt seine Runs direkt gut an, doch am Ende hat er zu viele Bails, um richtig was zu reissen. Dafür ist er bei Best Tricks Contests weit vorne und gibt generell alles. Beispiel Rust: Octavio Trindade, Glenn Michelfelder, Vladik Scholz
9. Der Siegertyp
Er ist die ideale Kombination aus 3., 4. und 8. Er fährt die Halle mit Leichtigkeit in Grund und Boden, ohne dass es für ihn anstrengend wird. Vor seinem zweiten Final Run lehnen sich die Judges meist entspannt zurück, um seinen anstehenden Stay On Run mit krassen Tricks besser geniessen zu können. Vor allen Dingen aber freut er sich noch richtig über einen Contestsieg und verspritzt in bester Formel 1 Manier den Sekt in Richtung Publikum. Beispiel Rust: Der neue Deutsche Meister Louis Taubert!
Ergebnisse COS Cup Finale Rust:
1 Louis Taubert
2 Matthias Wieschermann
3 Denny Pham
4 Christoph Radtke
5 Alex Mizurov
6 Yannick Schall
7 Jost Arens
8 Jeremy Reinhard
9 Florian Westers
10 Octavio Trindade
Best Trick Contest:
Denny Pham – Nollie FS Noseslide Big Spin Out
Ergebnisse Titus Locals Only Finale:
1. Roman Ebersbach
2. Alex Horn
3. Marlon Schollmeier
4. Cornelius Rabe
5. Oliver Reinicke
6. Harald “Harry” Burlgin
7. Johannes Keschke
8. Sebastian Hofbauer
9. Jan Tewes
10. Tom Stielow
Ergebnisse COS Cup Gesamtwertung 2012 Street:
1 Louis Taubert
2 Alex Mizurov
3 Yannick Schall
4 Florian Westers
5 Denny Pham
6 Tom Kleinschmidt
7 Alex Ring
8 Christoph Radtke
9 Farid Ulrich
10 Stephan Pöhlmann
Stimmungskanone und Team Titus Pro Jeremy Reinhard hat sich gestern bei RTL 2 an einem Weltrekord versucht. Die Challenge lautete über 20 Decks zu ollien ohne dabei Schwung zu nehmen und das ganze in 35 Sekunden zu schaffen. Moderiert wird die Show von Dschungel Camp Expertin Sonja Zietlow. 3, 2, 1 und los! Den Clip gibt es nach dem Klick auf das Bild im dritten Teil.
Am 01.06. erscheint der Tourclip des Team Titus zur Madrid Tour, die ihr auch in unserer neuen Ausgabe 034 bewundern dürft. Bis dahin macht der Trailer erstmal Bock auf mehr.
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