Tag: rick mccrank

After the success of the first movie and the leftover montage we now get “Boys Of Summer 2”. The film has the same humor, the same behind the scenes type of feel and big-name skating that the first one had.

Still, part 2 seems more serious, less of the cuff and more focussed, you win some you lose some, see for yourself.

With its ups and downs I’d say 2016 was all in all a solid year for Girl and Chocolate Skateboards. Some of the good moments of the past year are composed in this review edit.

Featuring Vincent Alvarez, Tyler Pacheco, Brandon Biebel, Simon Bannerot, James Capps, Jerry Hsu, Mike Carroll, Rick Howard, Rick McCrank, Justin Eldridge, Kenny Anderson, Andrew Brophy, Elijah Berle, Cory Kennedy, Chris Roberts, Jeron Wilson, Zach Saraceno, Griffin Gass and Johnny Jones.

If you have been skating for a couple of years now you may remember that Antisocial is a Vancouver skate shop that was founded by one Rick McCrank. On the other side if you have been skating for a shorter amount of time you may now some of the people in this project from Jake Kuzyk’s video Civil Affair. To us, the collaboration between both is an exciting and logical step that makes both the shop and people like Dustin Henry, Ben Blundell, Keegan Sauder and Mike McDermott shine.

Right when I saw Simon Bannerot’s part from the Watercolours video earlier this year, I had already prophesied him to become someone with a bright future. Only a couple months later he is touring together with the other new face Tyler Pacheco with the first squad of the Girl Skateboards team through Washington State.

Featuring Cory Kennedy, Rick McCrank, Mike Carrol, Simon Bannerot, Tyler Pacheco, Rick Howard and more.

For those of you that are lucky enough to live near some mountains, you might have heard some of your snowboarding homies talk about Antix headwear. Some of you might feel that sometimes when skateboarding and snowboarding come together it did not always have the right result but remember Rick Mccrank, John Cardiel and more recently a great snowboarder/skater by the name of Jed Anderson landed himself a spot on Alex Olson’s Call me 917, so it is possible. Antix seems to be heading in the right direction as well, the Sony VX1000 hat is something that we could envision GX1000 doing as well and it doesn’t get rawer than those hill bombing freaks.

More than ten years ago Antisocial skate shop out of Vancouver, Canada released a video. It was one of those videos that I would watch before I would go skating, it had a nice mix of art, skateboarding and interesting music. After this release things seemed to become quiet, until I checked my Tumblr last night and found this clip, what a pleasant surprise! It is a promo for the new Antisocial video that will come out next spring. Hopefully something I’ll be watching before going out to skate!

Das Lakai Team ist Ende Juni auf stumpfer Kanada Tour unterwegs gewesen und hat die Fans in Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal und Quebec City begeistert. Ein Tourvideo im klassischen Sinne mit Demos in schäbigen Skateparks als auch diversen Street Sessions an interessanten Spots: Z.B. einem Natur-Euro Gap oder schwarz-gelben Zebra-Wobbels. Mit dabei sind u.a. Marc Johnson, Rick McCrank, Stevie Perez und Liegeboardfahrer Rick Howard.

Joe King Speed Shop und die Girl Skateboards Company haben sich zusammengetan, um einen Limited Edition 20th Anniversary Motorradhelm zu gestalten. Hergestellt in Brasilien, verschönert von Andy Jenkins und auf Tauglichkeit geprüft von Rick McCrank und Rick Howard. Checkt den Crailstore; der Preis: 325$ – safety first!

Pretty Sweet Parking Lot oder auch die Sean Malto Affäre. Chris Casey moderiert die etwas andere Behind The Scenes Show, welche während der Girl und Chocolate Tour auf Parkplätzen vor den Demos statt fand. Unter anderem gibt es die komplette Sean Malto Szene mit dem wohl aller größten Malto Fan der Welt.

Girl & Chocolates Pretty Sweet Tour geht in die finale Runde und zeigt dieses mal, dass Marc Johnson immer noch ganz oben mitspielen kann. Ausserdem gibt es zum Abschluss noch eine nicht ganz ungefährliche Gap-To-Rail Rasur von Cory Kennedy– switch natürlich.
