Tag: Detroit

A lovely new edit out of Detroit/Michigan by Cooper Vosburg featuring Gabe Felz, Levi Fisher, Barrett Jinks, Drake Warner, Michael Morrow, Cooper Vosburg, Brent Behm, Austin Williams & Nick Rainey.

Justin Bohl came out with a new full lengths to properly document Detroit’s skateboarding scene. That city as a very special look and a great history.

Featuring Brennan Richman, Marky Numbers Francois Decomble Justin & Jason Wallace, Adam Mueller, Garrett Blair, Mike Krok, Austin Walsh and the list goes on.

Last year we had a couple of friends visit Detroit and send us a postcard and ever since we have been interested in what the motor city has to offer.

This video though is brought to you by local troopers scanning the city for anything they can skate, with interesting results we might add. Watch housekeeping and marvel at a once great American city on the rebound.

Detroit is a city in the state of Michigan, which is a place in the midwest of the United States. At one point in time, a lot of cars were being built there, hence the name “Motor City”. After the decline of the motor industry, the city emptied out but somehow the music scene remained. Just google “Detroit Musicians” and take a moment to scroll through one of the most defining lists of musicians you’ll ever come across. Stevie Wonder, J Dilla, Theo Parrish, Aaliyah, George Clinton, and Eminem just to name a few. The City has some kind of rhythm to it and our friends from Berlin, Hanover & San Francisco felt a lust to bust some moves.

All Photos by Friedjof Feye Text by Roland Hoogwater & Daniel Pannemann.


Harrison Hafner is the smart guy, he brought his tools and made sure that nothing would hold him back skating a spot. We can all be proud of Harry that he’s still skating with all the dirt he has stuck in his eyeballs, after all these years of having very dirty hands. BS Tailslide in quite the muddy situation.


Nils Brauer would never leave the house without his first-aid-kit and the car you see behind the yellow rail would drive immediately to the next hospital in case of an emergency. Shortly after he landed this BS Fifty he got his full body disinfected by a nurse that was coincidentally at the scene. Tragically, she forgot one important thing and to this day, Nils is still struggling with serious side effects of touching the fence with that one hand that didn’t get the cleaning treatment. Get well soon, Buddy.


Alex O’Donahoe is a weird name but then again he is a weird guy. But in a very good way. He believes in conspiracy theories and eats quite a lot of Spaghetti. He regrets grinding that bench and actually going for the BS Feeble Grind wasn’t such a good idea either, “It’s just a lot of information for the government to have against me..” – he said.  If you count all the windows of that building behind Ayo and do the analogy to the 9/11 case you might get some answers that will totally leave you shocked.


Tjark Thielker didn’t come to Detroit to break Fidi’s fucking fisheye. And he didn’t. But he also didn’t come to Detroit to skate. He was just trying to find some really cheap furniture to ship back to Berlin and he did find some cool things. Unfortunately for him, his partner Dominik couldn’t pick up the phone and they never arranged any of those shippings.

Get the NEW ISSUE 62 to see more about the “Mom’s Spaghetti” tour.

Levi’s Skateboarding is always supporting DIY projects around the globe and most of the time these clips see their release accompanied by a new collection. Seeing that it is time for the spring 2017 collection to drop the guys went out to Detroit to skate, build and hang out, the whole thing turned out pretty good.

Die auch als “Motor City” bekannte Stadt Detroit hat in jüngster Vergangenheit hauptsächlich durch ihre Missstände und Pleitenachrichten auf sich aufmerksam gemacht. Und wer hat nicht irgendwann schon mal eine Doku über den Verfall einer ganzen Metropole gesehen. Doch wo es Räume gibt, entsteht Kreativität und wo es urbanen Platz gibt, fühlen Skateboarder sich wohl. Das wusste auch der französiche Fotograf und Freund des Hauses Kévin Métallier und so hat er eine Crew bestehend aus Michi Mackrodt, Oscar Candon, Julien Bechet und Bastien Duverdier um sich geschart, um der Geisterstadt einen Besuch abzustatten. Es folgt eine Woche Skateboarding in folgender Videodokumentation.

Den ganzen Artikel gibt es im Red Bull Skateboarding Channel.

Das HUF Holiday 2013 Lookbook zeigt kein Skateboarding sondern eine andere, aber vielleicht sehr ähnliche Subkultur – Wandmalereien mit Sprühdosen sind das Thema der HUF Holiday 2013 Apparel & Footwear Collection. Geschossen wurde das ganze von Brian Kelley, welcher in die dunkelsten Ecken der Krisenstadt Detroit geschlichen ist um ein paar Sprayer bei ihrer Arbeit zu begleiten.

Das lange Warten hat ein endlich ein Ende: Unsere neue Ausgabe #42 steht in den Startlöchern und bringt euch den Sommer zurück auf den Tisch. Mit an Bord diesmal: Das Yoshi Tanenbaum Interview mit ordentlich Bangern, der Red Bull Bomb the Line Contest an der Baustelle, ein Detroit Feature, das Supra Team und eine Anleitung für Wooden Prints. Davor, danach und dazwischen gibt es wie immer einiges zu entdecken. Also los und ab an den Kiosk – viel Spaß mit der neuesten Ausgabe aller Zeiten!
