The description Johnny now John Wilson gave on his Vimeo says it all this is an old clip he probably made right after this Nike SB trip to Argentina. Now it is a video for us all to watch. Enjoy!
Tag: cory kennedy
Nike SB – Camp Pain
Not only does this Nike tour video have something that we have been waiting for for a while now, new Vincent Touzery footage!
The real surprise came at the end when the credits said that the 3 main filmers were Johnny Wilson, Matt Bublitz and Cory Kennedy. It seems that Cory is not only a serious talent on the board but seeing him stunting behind the lens makes us wonder when his first video is dropping.
Nike SB | 58 Tour | East – Grant, Ishod, CK1
Ladies and Gentlemen, Reggae music is now officially the favorite genre for skate videos in 2017. What else is hot: Grant’s Kickflip (of course), ISHOD WAIR ISHOD WAIR ISHOD WAIR, CK-1’s ability to keep having fun for half a decade now & Donovon’s surf related technique in his movements.
Watch Grant Taylor, Cory Kennedy, Max Palmer, Donovon Piscopo, Ishod Wair, Youness Amrani, Andrew Wilson, Cyrus Bennett, Blake Carpenter and Bobby Worrest in “58 Tour East”.
Cory Kennedy – Chocolate Chip
CK1 already belongs to the club of unbelievable good skateboarders. He certainly knows how to skate everything and it seems to bring him a lot of joy. Bottom line: he’s just winning from A-Z. Here is a fan-made remix of Cory’s last highlights.
Step By Step – Getting On And Off The Board
Skateboarding is about many things, mostly it is about the skateboarder and his skateboard interacting together. This interaction begins with you learning to stand on the board, pushing, ollieing, shoving the board, nollie, fakie, switch or normal stance. Some learn faster, some slower, but the objective is the same; “Stay on the board.” This article is not about that, this is about getting off the board (and getting back on afterwards), walking or running with or without, maybe even away from the board.
Today we offer you a step by step analysis (lmao) of some of the most influential skaters who got off the board.
A Different Route.
Right off the bat, we start with two of the most classic walks caught on tape! At the same time, both Jason Dill and Louie Barletta use walking to get somewhere or to walk over something they could not get to by staying on the board. Louie’s might be a little more eccentric because not many people skate terraces like he did, but still, both these guys made a lot of people get off the board.
John Motta uses the same principle but instead of picking his board up and taking it with him, he chooses to leave it and jump on the next one. A technique, mostly used by filmers, while filming long lines, with a lot of ups and downs like stairs. Normally I’d go for the pickup but doing it John’s way creates a little more suspense about what is about to come next.

Cruising To The Spot.
I am not totally sure if Mike V just got back from an injury here or if he just has that much pent up punk rock Aggression, but Mr. Vallely does deserve his props for this ‘powerful cruise through the city’ style line! He manages to push skateboarding by keeping it true to his style of skating, whilst at the same time doing tricks that every skater would like to do, while going from one to another spot.
Vincent, on the other hand, seems like he just came from the corner store where he bought a soda, and on his way back, he noticed he could flip his board in there. Probably the most relaxed walk of the bunch, which contrasts quite nicely with Mr. V’s spurt.

The Bail To Pick up a.k.a. The Never Give Up.
This is a more recent phenomenon, ever since iPhone filming became an everyday thing, skaters started to worry less about wasting tape and thus happy accidents made it into our collective memory. The reason why we like this style of walking is because it makes everything seem so much more spontaneous, it reminds us of skating around with the homies, instead of the sometimes tedious process of perfecting things in front of the lens.

The Hop Off, Hop On.
The Hop off and Hop On is a method perfected by one of today’s most influential skaters: Mr. Kevin Rodrigues. He has a knack for wall riding, no comply flipping or throwing down his board (to hippy jump) and moving into the next trick. The great thing about this combination is that everybody can join in, just remember: the most important thing is the rhythm of your walk! Hesitation can sneak in and ruin an otherwise great line.

The Mid Trick Walk Along.
To be honest, a lot of these moves seem to come straight from a Louie Barletta, who should be on everybody’s favorite skater list by now. Go watch his parts and you will notice that the only difference is that these tricks are done in a serious manner, instead of with a weird hat and a Rod Stewart track. Anyway, you have to find the right trick and spot (a long slide) to do this but if you do the possibilities are endless.

Walk The Line.
This one doesn’t really need any explaining, does it?

Walking as a mode of skating.
A fancy way to say that walking can be the actual main dish instead of a side order that only add’s to the meal. Case and point CK1’s stroll on these metal arm rests, imagine him replacing that walk with a series of hippy jumps, it wouldn’t be the same right?

The Stop Walk And Roll.
This is the only section that doesn’t involve the board moving before hand, it is the simple idea of placing your board somewhere (very high in this case) and jumping on it. Most skaters use this to test out spots but very few use it as a means to an end, which it can be in the right hands. In our opinion, this is the little brother of the caveman nosegrind that Andrew Allen popularized a while back. We say little because everybody can try this one at almost every spot.

The Walk Home.
For the older skaters amongst us, this is a pretty common thing. You need to wrap up the session because your significant other wants to home and the baby needs to be fed, time to go, leave the board and take a walk home.

Nike SB | Cory Kennedy | 3 of 3: All Court
Cory Kennedy is that guy who does the most difficult tricks, without any effort, all with a smile on his face. Watch CK1 have fun in Idaho and Montana in part 3 of this series by Nike SB.
Nike SB – Loud Pack
Ishod Wair, Grant Taylor and Cory Kennedy are three guys that surely know how to ride the concrete waves. Here’s 6 minutes of footage of them skating bowls in Montana and Idaho.
Sk8rats – Pumpin Out
Sk8rats always come along with a good tune accompanying their edits. While Sebo Walker and the rest of the crew are still mostly using their tail to pop into tricks, Cory Kennedy tries to do this as few as possible, consequently increasing his slappy grind skills to another level of insanity.
Featuring Zach Reinhardt, Travis Harrison, Ethan Anderson, Jake Shumaker, Brian Baca, Sean Istaste, Sebo Walker, Evan Berle, Cory Kennedy and Adian Hamilton.
WEAKDAYS – 2016 Year Review
With its ups and downs I’d say 2016 was all in all a solid year for Girl and Chocolate Skateboards. Some of the good moments of the past year are composed in this review edit.
Featuring Vincent Alvarez, Tyler Pacheco, Brandon Biebel, Simon Bannerot, James Capps, Jerry Hsu, Mike Carroll, Rick Howard, Rick McCrank, Justin Eldridge, Kenny Anderson, Andrew Brophy, Elijah Berle, Cory Kennedy, Chris Roberts, Jeron Wilson, Zach Saraceno, Griffin Gass and Johnny Jones.
Girl Skateboards – Washington State
Right when I saw Simon Bannerot’s part from the Watercolours video earlier this year, I had already prophesied him to become someone with a bright future. Only a couple months later he is touring together with the other new face Tyler Pacheco with the first squad of the Girl Skateboards team through Washington State.
Featuring Cory Kennedy, Rick McCrank, Mike Carrol, Simon Bannerot, Tyler Pacheco, Rick Howard and more.
Girl & Chocolate in Mexico
Girl & Chocolate spent a week below the boarder and produced a fun little tour clip featuring Vincent Alvarez, Cory Kennedy, Mike Carroll, Stevie Perez, Rick McCrank, Elijah Berle, Aramis Hudson and Tyler “Manchild” Pacheco.
Cory Kennedy – The Sk8rat Angles
Shane Auckland supplied our hearts with this raw edit that arranges the highlights of the past couple years of CK’s more than exceptional carrier and makes you even wonder, if there is one other person out there having more fun doing what he does than Cory Kennedy.
All Classic. All Cory. Clip.
Celebrating the launch of the Zoom All Court Cory Kennedy, Nike SB just released this little clip. All Classic. All Cory. And some fashion trends – maybe.
Nike SB Chronicles 3 Teaser
The Swoosh just announced, that their third part of the “Chronical” Videos will be released in December. Line up reads more than good, expect parts from Karsten Kleppan, Lance Mountain, Eric Koston, Kevin Bradley, Trevor Colden, Cory Kennedy and Brian Anderson. Get hyped, here’s the teaser:
Fourstar’s Obtuse Moments Tour
The Fourstar Team, namely Andrew Brophy, Cory Kennedy, Ishod Wair, Lucas Puig, Mike Carroll, Rick Howard, Sean Malto, Tony Trujillo and Tyler Bledsoe are coming to a town near you, especially if that town is Hamburg or Berlin. Go there if you’re around – these Guys are amazing, especially when on a board!
Demo July 24, 19:00 at I-Punkt Skateland in Hamburg, Germany
Demo July 30, 17:00 at Nike SB Shelter in Berlin, Germany
Top 10 Videoparts in 2014 : Office Choice
Das Jahr hat 365 Tage und in der Regel erscheint täglich mindestens ein Full Part. Wir gehen also ungefähr von 365 Skatern im Jahr aus. Bei diesen 365 Full Parts sind uns nur einige wenige wirklich im Gedächtnis geblieben. Genauer gesagt haben wir zehn in unserer Liste. Wenn man sich diese Liste mal etwas genauer anschaut, wird man schnell merken, dass davon ein großer Teil vom Thrasher Magazine präsentiert wurde, was anscheinend heutzutage der womöglich wichtigste Kanal zu sein scheint. Unsere persönliche Top Ten des Jahres, direkt aus dem Office:
10. Taylor Nawrocki : TransWorld Skateboarding “El Sol”
Wir fangen an mit einem neuen Gesicht von der Eastcoast. VX 1000 Aufnahmen aus Valencia.
09. Cory Kennedy : Rat Poison
CK1 gehört definitiv zu unseren Lieblingsskatern, noch dazu passt der Song wie die Faust auf das Auge. Cory for the win!
08. Ben Raemers : Tiltmode Episodes “Bad Boy”
Ziemlich überraschend kam Bens Part und so ist er uns auch in Erinnerung geblieben. Tiltmode enttäuscht nie.
07. Bobby Worrest : Thrasher Magazine “Luxury & Loudness”
Keine Liste ohne Bobby.
06. Madars Apse : “Subject Madars”
Der einzige noch in Europa lebende Kandidat in dieser Top 10.
05. Dylan Rieder : HUF “The Dylan”
Anders und provokant und vor allem gut.
04. Rob Wootton : Thrasher Magazine “Name Changer”
Wenn man seinen Vornamen ändert, und das mit einem Full Part von solch einem Kaliber, landet man gerne in unserer Top 10. Alle Angaben sind ohne Gewähr.
03. Grant Taylor : “GT Blazer” Nike SB
S.O.T.Y. all year, every year..
02. Wes Kremer : DC Shoes “Crusty By Nature”
..und im Anschluss der neue S.O.T.Y.
01. Jake Johnson : Static 4
Jake Johnson war in diesem Jahr präsent wie selten zuvor. Verdient auf der Pole Position und wir hoffen, dass das im nächsten Jahr genau so aussieht.
Grant Taylor & the Makas
Grant Taylor zieht immer. Und wenn dann auch noch Eric Koston, Cory Kennedy, Donovan Piscopo dabei sind kann eigentlich gar nichts mehr schief gehen. Amerikaner ziehen durch Amerika und Grant zeigt, dass er mehr Zeit in der Luft als auf dem Boden verbringt.
Cory Kennedy VX Full Part – Cory Goes BellingHAM
Für alle Leute, die es noch nicht wussten: wir sind schon immer große Fans von Cory Kennedy. Sein Skating ist technisch besonders, außerdem ist er schon immer ein Charakter, der das ganz besondere Etwas mitbringt. In diesem Falle einen neuen VX Full Part aus Bellingham – einer Stadt im Nordwesten des US-Bundesstaats Washington – den man erstmal so unnachahmlich abfilmen muss. Hat er gemacht und wir sind begeistert.
Fourstar’s Day in the Life with Cory Kennedy
Hausarbeit, Snowboarden, ganz viel geiles Gedorke und immer ein Lächeln auf den Lippen: So sieht ein Tag im Leben des Cory Kennedy aus. Da schau her…
Fourstar Crocodile Done Deal
Wir hatten das Fourstar Australien Tourvideo “Crocodile Done Deal” ja bereits letzte Woche angekündigt – hier ist es nun in voller Länge. Soll heißen: 18 Minuten Sommer, Sonne, gute Laune und knallhartes Skateboarding.
Featuring: Eric Koston, Cory Kennedy, Tony Trujillo, Ishod Wair, Shane O’Neill, Tyler Bledsoe, Brian Anderson, Mike Carroll, Andrew Brophy, Sean Malto, Max Schaaf & Rick Howard