A new skate tour video by the lovely people over at Lousy Livin, created by our very own Roland Hoogwater. We are sure you will enjoy the crew’s trip to Leon Charo Tite’s hometown of Lörrach. Enjoy!
Tag: Roland Hoogwater

Place Presents: CLOWNS by Roland Hoogwater

Place Presents: Goodbye by Valentin Schmeißer

Place Presents: An Uncommon Guide 2 Berlin

Place Presents: ESC.IST

Place Presents: SPOTS

Place Presents: Phil Anderson’s “But Now” Part

Place Presents: Behind The Tao – A Short Documentary

Place Presents: Second Date
Low Flying Birds – Fool’s Gold
This is always a weird post to make because this is a project near and dear to ourselves. It is easy to write praising words about other people because you see the effort in a more objective way. Being humble is a part of northern culture, from Scandinavia down to the Netherlands and Germany, it is considered “not done” to put yourself on a pedestal. On the other side, we have to rate and appropriately respect the work that was put in to make a video & article like this succeed.
To not post it would be a little bit like saying we don’t support and stand behind the projects we work on, which would not be true. And with people like Tjark Thielker, Malte Spitz, Joel Peck, and Nils Brauer involved it would be a travesty not to use our platform for maximum exposure.
So here it is, Fools Gold, part 2 of the Low Flying Birds series. Enjoy it!
SLEEP-OVER Plat De Fruit
It has been two years since we have seen the introduction of the SLEEP-OVER brand with their first video. Since then a lot has changed, from the crew to the clothes and the vibe in general. Were the first video was sexy, to say the least, this one is strictly about the skating or as the founder Fatos Veseli said “I wanted this one to be for the skaters, the people that backed the brand”.
IN 2020 Fatos has taken the reigns and has pulled the brand closer to his own person. “At the start, I was wearing hoody’s, T-shirts and tighter pants but I was dreaming of the South of France. Driving along the coast in a cabriolet car. We needed and wanted to make those clothes to connect to our base but I wanted to evolve and project the brand to where I feel I want to be. Now we have gotten to a place where the designs and the cuts are our own. That means a lot.”
There is no denying that this brand is being propelled forward by hard work and love for what SLEEP-OVER means to the people working on it. Pascal Kurth & Gabriel Dimming worked on the video up to the moment the beamer projected the light onto the silver screen. “They have been the motor behind this video, not me. I want them to have their day in the sun, to shine for a moment, because they put it all into the video.” Fatos told me.
For people that have seen the brand grow, it has been quite the journey, but for the people in the know, it hasn’t been a surprise that the changes have worked. Their newest collection is being worn by both men and women alike. So cheers, to SLEEP-OVER and the hard work behind it, because that is the foundation of any successful brand.
Low Flying Birds – Daniel Pannemann & Nils Brauer
To be honest, when somebody asks you who your favorite skater is you always think about the pro’s. In my case, Brian Anderson would be the most likely answer you would get back.
But if we are really are being honest, your friends are your favorite skaters, the difference being that you don’t get the joy of waiting for their parts because you are out on those missions getting some awkward BGP’s, guest tricks and hugs in for the edit. Right?

Well, when we caught wind that my friends Nils & Daniel started working on this project together, I said:
“Don’t tell me any tricks you did, and don’t ask me to come along for the filming missions.”
Roland Hoogwater, early 2019.

I wanted to have the joy of watching my favorite skaters part exactly when it dropped. And so it happened*, they went out to Hannover, Budapest, Croatia, Lissabon, Potsdam & Israel and made this project a reality and I stayed at my post and did my own thing patiently waiting until today.
When all of a sudden I got a message…rushed over to Free’s website and did like you are about to…Press play! And after that simply wait 2 more years for part 2 to show up.

All photos by Biemer.
Text by Roland Hoogwater.
*I actually cheated the one rule and got some guest tricks.
Free Skate Mag – Online Dating
We made this video as a piece to go together with our very own Daniel Pannemann’s interview in the current issue of Free Skate Mag. It was in fact Free’s own Arthur Derrien that proposed the idea of a sort of takeover/collab.
In the end, Sara Parson Texas did the interview itself and I (Roland Hoogwater) got the chance to create this video together with our staff and some of our close associates/freelancers.
We hope you enjoy the work we put in for you all to enjoy and stay safe out there in these troubling times.
ОБРИГАДО – Nike SB In The Low Countries
First off, let us start with some facts about this tour.
The Facts.
- On this trip, we had Vincent Huhta, David Jakinda, Hugo Corbin, Santiago Sasson, Marc-A Barbier & Juan Saavedra.
- It was a nine-day trip.
- We had one full dry day.
- Rotterdam, Antwerp, and Lille were the places we traveled to.
- In Holland, we stayed on a houseboat.
- We spoke a lot of our own little twisted Brazillian influenced Portuguese (or that was what we were thinking).
- Obrigado, irmao, vagundo, caralhao, poa, valeu, todo, junto, vagabundo where the words of choice.
- I got to wear that sweet ass Palace Avirex Jacket for a hot minute and flex for a bit.
- Juan Saavedra uses beard oil to keep his shit looking correct.
- Santiago did the best line we have ever seen from him. It was like a stripper jumping out of a birthday cake.
- David & Vincent are like brothers from different mothers. The only difference other than the obvious being that David packs like a Kardashian & Vincent packs like a 1920’s train-hopping blues singer.
- Marc-A Barbier really loves to facetime with his girlfriend.
- Both filmers have very similar names Petr and Peter. They also shared a bed which was easy when we needed to wake them up.
- Scandinavians are simply better at life than the rest of us.
- Hugo Corbin got injured on day one and had to go back home.
- Bringing a Nintendo Switch was necessary even though I was skeptical at first.
- Juan’s phone got stolen 🙁
- Barabakaa is a Russian street spy and he will capture anything weird going on in the streets. Trust me watch the video!
- Belgium has the best fries, Holland has the best-fried food and France thinks they have the best cheese! (I can already hear Santi, & Marc-A protesting)
- We played a lot of bar sports but surprisingly didn’t drink that much.
- Marc-A Barbier is the best house guest ever, he cleaned the boat every morning. Marc-A “Tu es bonne à marier!”
- Santiago ordered way to much Nike stuff to the house so all of our guests ended up getting a nice pre-Christmas present.

The Weather.
So basically this tour was preceded by some of the best weather Europe had seen in a long time. Like the year before it seemed like we would be having an almost endless summer. But as luck would have it, as the tour grew closer so did the clouds. As soon as we all arrived in Amsterdam (our meet up point) the signs weren’t good.
What was good though was the food, we went to:
- A Dutch-style snack bar. (also known in some regions of the Netherlands as brown fruit)
- We ate Surinam food.
- Iranian food.
- Indonesian food (must have).
- Belgian fries.
- Traditional Chinese food (fried pork belly!).
- Had some German meat-heavy food.
- Thai-French fusion.
- And every morning someone made sure we had fresh eggs, some juice, coffee, toast, yogurt, and Nutella.

The Travels.
During this trip we traveled by train, which to be honest is still the nicest way to trave because nobody is forced to drive, we didn’t have to go through security, there is enough room for all the bags and you can still buy coffee in the vehicle without stopping. Also, Greta Thunberg travels that way so…
The Places.
We also have to give it up for all the great parking garages inside of the cities of Rotterdam and Antwerp. The security guards also let us have our fun so an S/O is in place!

The Homeys.
We also had some great guests in both of those cities Pascal Moelaert, Aaron Tiekink, Sneep, Ziggy Schaap, Alex Raeymaekers, Yannick Gores & Wallem. You guys really helped guide us through the raindrops to the right spots at the right time. Without really ever complaining, chapeau!
The BFF’s.
Vincent Huhta and David Jakinda have been best friends for a long time. How far back? Well, David told me his mom used to grip Vincent’s board when he stayed over at their house when they were young.
This was their first tour together and when we asked them they both said I’ll go if he goes. Vincent even cut short a London trip just so he could come skate with David. Obviously they roomed together the entire trip and it feels like they motivated each other a lot as well not only verbally but also by actions.
When one would film a trick and was having a hard time the other usually skated the spot with him just to back him up and keep the vibe right. Which often resulted in us getting way more tricks from both of them at spots that weren’t typical. They would often make it a little sesh together and all we had to do was point and shoot.
Because of their bond, they also were at ease at almost all locations and truth be told just fun and easy to be around their friendship also extended and made us all as a group become a bit closer as well and that is worth a lot.

The Shops.
Last but not least all the skate shops, Ben-G, Skatestore Rotterdam, Lockwood & Zeropolis are all places that helped us and help their scenes on a daily basis. We all know that with the current situation things aren’t easy for them so don’t forget them and show them your support in both easy and hard times.

In Cooperation with Nike SB.
Photo & Video by Barabakaa.
Additional filming by Peter Buikema
This article was written by Roland Hoogwater.
Ä K S T R A by Markus Bengtsson
Makke just released a new video and apparently it is unused footage from 2019. Not exactly accurate, since it has a lot of footage from the Poetic Video but definitely worth a second watch and pretty entertaining. A lot of Berlin footage and even more good friends in this one.
Featuring: Santiago Sasson, Tom Botwid, Simon Källkvist & more.
Ziggy Schaap – 1920×2019
If you have been following Ziggy’s Horizontal series this video should give you a “Deja Vu” type of feeling.
Jan Maarten Sneep, Marthyn Guiljam, Reyndert Guiljam, Remco Stolze, Robbin de Wit, Jip Koorevaar, Pascal Moelaert, Roland Hoogwater, Sebastiaan Vijverberg, Jeremy van der Eijk, Jesse Voerman, Thomas van den Hoeven, Justin Wagener & Bastiaan van Zadelhoff
Horizontal #1 – Holand
We usually don’t talk to police and even when in court did not say a word but our very own Roland Hoogwater recently broke that rule while he was visiting a few friends back in his motherland, just to get a few clips for Ziggy Schaaps new series “Horizontal”. Fair enough!
The first one comes with Sebastiaan Vijverberg, Pascal Moelaert, Alex van Zwietering, Myself, Jip Koorevaar & Noah Bunink skating Amsterdam & Den Haag.
Vans Park Series Montréal – On the Course
How does one define what one’s eyes see but cannot comprehend? That is the feeling we left with just moments after Pedro Barros finished his run.
Photos by Conny Mirbach.
Text by Roland Hoogwater.
The two days before, he was hardly even trying to practice, no 540 attempts, switch pushing through the bowl or even one attempt to bigspin-flip indy his way into the top spot. If you would have asked me what Pedro was working on I would have told you that he was perfecting his flat ground game and in particular his nollie flips.
But when the cameras turned on and just when Cory Juneau thought he had it in the bag, Mr. Barros stepped in, showed his cards and surprisingly it was a royal flush. Two more people took their runs afterwards but they won’t be remembered or even mentioned in the history books.
Every VPS event we go to has seen shocking moments, it is almost a tradition, one that Oskar “Oski” Rozenberg adheres to. Last year in Sweden, he, with one simple flick shuffled the entire board and claimed both the top spot, the money and the hearts of the people by clearing the box with a giant kickflip.
In true Swedish fashion about 30 minutes later he calmly climbed on his bike and cycled home with the rest of the Rozenberg family, he probably cooked dinner after and closed the day by watching some Netflix.
Both the 2017 and now defending ’18 champions seem to be aware and present when they need to be and just when the crowd has started to accept the reality that one person might win they manage to alter the course by simply grabbing the moment, the board and the crown.
A simple but special occurrence which makes the VPS worth watching until the very end… or until we do it all over again in August.
Special thanks go out to VANS for the support.
Place Present – A SHRN of absurdities
Sometimes you just can’t express yourself in a language that is not your own, sometimes things are best expressed in your native tongue. The jokes, the customs, the tones, and your culture are all cropped together in the way we speak. I mean how would you express the loss of 3 days of footage in your own language? Kurva, Scheisse, Merde, Godverdomme, Caralho or maybe just a simple FUCK!
Anyway, our friends from Munich made it work and we are dropping this just in time to give them their slightly belated birthday wishes! Congratulations on turning 6 and we hope that the shop and the teams will stay as Bayrish as SHRN needs to be!
Intro by Roland Hoogwater.
Text by Mixen.
Photos by Biemer.
Jawoi! Berlin! —— SOO HOT RIGHT NOW!
Wirklich sau griabige Idee: Hey! Lassts uns moi wieder mim Team wos unternehma, irgenwo hi fahrn? Aber wo hi denn?! Moskau? Mongolei? Türkei? Naaaa, vui z’weit weg und z’stressig! Ah, wahr is, pleite samma a, oder? Ok dann fahrma hoit nach Berlin… Billigtourismus basst a sogt da Münchner.
Na Schmarrn!
Etz gemma nach Berlin, dann kennan mir song dass ma wo hi gfahrn sand, aber mia sparn uns an Diredare für unsane Berliner Teamspezln!
Wia?! Wos?! Berliner Teamspezln?! Ge leck! Ja mei de sand hoit noch Berlin zong de Deppn. Sonst warans irgendwo woasst?!
Klar weil, mi z’München hamma eh so vui Leit vastehst?! Do gibts ne mehra mehr de fia uns fahrn kanntan. Drum schaun ma bloß no wo anderst. Aber scho gwandt ge, dreissg Freid zum packa und koan Diredare! Haha! Deppertster Shopsponsor überhaupts. D’Regierung gfreit si dass oana ned obsogt damits ned so deier werd, hahahaha!
Naa, ganz so schlimm is ned. Aber ehrlich gsogt, mia san a Bande saubana Schlawiner, des is doch wos oder?! D’Leit vo wos woass i woher, aber olle hobn Bock!
Mei, wurscht, mia hams gschafft a Tour hi zum griagn. Is ned ganz einfoch weil immer wenn mia wos macha woin, hots no nia mois ned klappt. Koan Diredare, vastehst?! Oda Faivorite Tour oder Kaaslatschnlsponsor Wettbewerb wos woass i.
Kimmst vo München is Berlin eifoch scheiße. Woass koana warum. Berghain gibts koan bei uns, vielleicht deswegn? Gift is illegal. Mia hobn aber leider vui z’vui Leit de ma meng z’Berlin, desweng meng mas. Aber de meisten Leit fahrn wega da Mess hi. Aber d’Mess is oreidig. An hauffa Dampfplauderer, Deppen überoi de irgend an Schmarrn vazapfan dassd dei Diredare do und do zum deife naus haun soist.
Desmoi aber hamma an guadn Grund! Skaiteboard fahrn, an Kaffee sauffa, bissl an happa happa und a bissl wos sauffa. Irgend a preissn Gwasch wos do hoit so her geht woasst. Z’Berlin is a ned so koit und ma glabt ma is in Espana, brutal!
An dera Stell muass ma ganz ehrlich „Merce“ song bei de Buam von da Place. Sunst hätt ma goa nix fahrn ned kenna. Des brauchtma auf so oana Tour nämlich. Merce ge!
As beste am Diredare sparn is dass ned hi haut!
Mia san noch Berlin gfahrn und unsane Berlin-Spezln san ned do. Deppn greislige. Da Miche Mak hot se sicher seine Haar irgendwo am Meer wachsn lassa, des riach i bis do her. Da Sommerfeld moit de Schmier auf seine Brettl, wos woass i wo?! Wahrscheins weil er sei ruah braucht.
Dafia hamma uns an Roland den oidn Holländer ausglieha und an Pannemann glei no obn drauf. Griabige Burschn sans! As näxte moi machma dann de Tour mit de Civilisten vo Mitte. Saubane Bazen san des, mei liaba!
Was mi friara am Limited brutal oglacht hot war, dass da Gentsch olle zwoa Monat an hauffa Contestberichte gschriebn hod. Und zehn Maß hot er a obe zong. Zefix, brutale arabt!
So etz werds a bissal oag lang drum kirz ma ob:
Mia a brutales Team des ois zam fahrt wos her geht! Wurscht wo und wann oder wos, ois werd her gfahrn das nur so rauscht! Brutal guad de Buam und des Madl!
Is a wurscht auf oana Tour. De zoangs jeden Tag aufm Brettl, in de ganzn Heftl oder am Fernseher. Manche sogar am Wettbewerb. Aber woasst wos d`Hauptsach is? Olle san guad drauf und gschmeidig unterwegs. Voigas gebns uns san zu 100% SHRN. Des werd da klar wennst mit dene unterwegs bist. Merci für eian Einsatz und den guadn Ratsch, is immer a rechte Gaudi mit eich!
Bussi, eier SHRN.
Place Presents – Paul Herrmann “bestof2k18”
Paul Herrmann gets the honor of closing off our year with his best of 2018 montage. The video features some of Berlin’s finest and some of Germany’s best.
To be honest, it is nice to see that young filmers still wait to “build” montages instead of filming for a couple of weekends and then “just putting it out” in a sub-par fashion.
Surprises are nice and we believe in the fact that every skater can have something to add to a montage. To draw a parallel, in a band not everybody can be the lead singer, some people might be drummers or they might not even play any instrument but still, they are an important element of the band.
In “bestof2k18” Herrmann manages to show us all the bits and bobs behind his “band” and we hope you enjoy the results.