Patrick Zentgraf for ARROW & BEAST. Qué bueno, no? Si, multi bueno!
Tag: adidas
Donta Hill – Sheesh
Our favorite new Baker Am comes through with a nice leftover offering set to a classic but sometimes problematic song. And while we are on the topic of songs Mr. Hill is two for two because that last song was a great pick!
London, Meantime – adidas Skateboarding
Skateboarding in one of the most electrified metropolises in the world with a squad of skaters that is also world class can only give you the best. This is a high quality production.
Featuring: Blondey McCoy, Daewon Song, Gustav Tønnesen, Mark Suciu, Rodrigo Teixeira, Alec Majerus, Benny Fairfax, Marc Johnson, Na-kel Smith, Kevin Lowry, Günes Özdogan & Lucas Puig.
Step By Step – Getting On And Off The Board
Skateboarding is about many things, mostly it is about the skateboarder and his skateboard interacting together. This interaction begins with you learning to stand on the board, pushing, ollieing, shoving the board, nollie, fakie, switch or normal stance. Some learn faster, some slower, but the objective is the same; “Stay on the board.” This article is not about that, this is about getting off the board (and getting back on afterwards), walking or running with or without, maybe even away from the board.
Today we offer you a step by step analysis (lmao) of some of the most influential skaters who got off the board.
A Different Route.
Right off the bat, we start with two of the most classic walks caught on tape! At the same time, both Jason Dill and Louie Barletta use walking to get somewhere or to walk over something they could not get to by staying on the board. Louie’s might be a little more eccentric because not many people skate terraces like he did, but still, both these guys made a lot of people get off the board.
John Motta uses the same principle but instead of picking his board up and taking it with him, he chooses to leave it and jump on the next one. A technique, mostly used by filmers, while filming long lines, with a lot of ups and downs like stairs. Normally I’d go for the pickup but doing it John’s way creates a little more suspense about what is about to come next.

Cruising To The Spot.
I am not totally sure if Mike V just got back from an injury here or if he just has that much pent up punk rock Aggression, but Mr. Vallely does deserve his props for this ‘powerful cruise through the city’ style line! He manages to push skateboarding by keeping it true to his style of skating, whilst at the same time doing tricks that every skater would like to do, while going from one to another spot.
Vincent, on the other hand, seems like he just came from the corner store where he bought a soda, and on his way back, he noticed he could flip his board in there. Probably the most relaxed walk of the bunch, which contrasts quite nicely with Mr. V’s spurt.

The Bail To Pick up a.k.a. The Never Give Up.
This is a more recent phenomenon, ever since iPhone filming became an everyday thing, skaters started to worry less about wasting tape and thus happy accidents made it into our collective memory. The reason why we like this style of walking is because it makes everything seem so much more spontaneous, it reminds us of skating around with the homies, instead of the sometimes tedious process of perfecting things in front of the lens.

The Hop Off, Hop On.
The Hop off and Hop On is a method perfected by one of today’s most influential skaters: Mr. Kevin Rodrigues. He has a knack for wall riding, no comply flipping or throwing down his board (to hippy jump) and moving into the next trick. The great thing about this combination is that everybody can join in, just remember: the most important thing is the rhythm of your walk! Hesitation can sneak in and ruin an otherwise great line.

The Mid Trick Walk Along.
To be honest, a lot of these moves seem to come straight from a Louie Barletta, who should be on everybody’s favorite skater list by now. Go watch his parts and you will notice that the only difference is that these tricks are done in a serious manner, instead of with a weird hat and a Rod Stewart track. Anyway, you have to find the right trick and spot (a long slide) to do this but if you do the possibilities are endless.

Walk The Line.
This one doesn’t really need any explaining, does it?

Walking as a mode of skating.
A fancy way to say that walking can be the actual main dish instead of a side order that only add’s to the meal. Case and point CK1’s stroll on these metal arm rests, imagine him replacing that walk with a series of hippy jumps, it wouldn’t be the same right?

The Stop Walk And Roll.
This is the only section that doesn’t involve the board moving before hand, it is the simple idea of placing your board somewhere (very high in this case) and jumping on it. Most skaters use this to test out spots but very few use it as a means to an end, which it can be in the right hands. In our opinion, this is the little brother of the caveman nosegrind that Andrew Allen popularized a while back. We say little because everybody can try this one at almost every spot.

The Walk Home.
For the older skaters amongst us, this is a pretty common thing. You need to wrap up the session because your significant other wants to home and the baby needs to be fed, time to go, leave the board and take a walk home.

Heitor Da Silva – Tigerstaden
Illusion aka Muska Flips, effortless lines that don’t seem planned and a great mix of all disciplines of skating. Our feelings towards Heitor can be described by naming the song that he skates to, a remixed version of The Art of Noise’s – “Moments In Love.”
This whole part is great look for both Pekka (filmer) and Mr. Da Silva himself.
adidas Skateboarding /// Broadway Bullet
A new adidas video just dropped a minute ago. This one is having a good percentage of the whole squad skating the world’s most famous concrete jungle. Tyshawn Jones is the future!
Tyshawn Jones, Silas Baxter-Neal, Rodrigo Teixeira, Mark Suciu, Nestor Judkins, Jake Donnelly, Daewon Song, Marc Johnson, Jack Fardell, Mark Gonzales, Kevin Lowry, Dennis Busenitz, Lem Villemin, Pete Eldridge & introducing Frankie Spears and Nora Vasconcellos.
Patrick Zentgraf – A Quick Talk
It almost feels like the whole year the echo of the adidas Away Days video did not fall completely silent. Now as it finally went online on youtube also the remaining small group of people that might not have seen it yet (if there are still any) have the chance to watch it. We talked with Patrick Zentgraf about how he together with his friends Kai Hillebrand and Sandro Trovato got the honor to play a small part in such a big project and what it meant to him personally.
Interview by Roland Hoogwater
Photos by Danny Sommerfeld
How did it happen that you and three of your German Adidas teammates got tricks in the Away Days video?
About a half a year ago Torsten Frank got a message from the people over at Adidas, the idea was that Kai (Hillebrand), Sandro (Trovato) and me would all film one trick for the Away Days video.
Do you know why did they choose you guys?
Some of the american guys over at Adidas had heard about us and I guess they liked what they saw.
Basically we often skate, tour and chill together so they wanted to catch that vibe by including us in his part. On the other hand it could be that it is because of Adidas’s German roots and they needed some Germans to show that (laughs)
Do you know in what part of the video you will be in?
Well as I said we all skate together so our tricks will be in Lem Villemin’s part, not to fill the timeline but to show the kind of flavour we have together. It is not just a trick though we also landed in Lem’s intro, you see us pushing through downtown Frankfurt together. Lem really liked the idea as well so we started filming some tricks and along the way Torsten would comment on our trick and as the video progressed he basically started to give us more of an idea what kind of tricks would fit well with Lem’s footage.
So what direction did Torsten give you?
Go tech (laughs).
I heard that you also met some of the higher ups.
Yeah! I met some of the higher ups at Adidas we talked for a bit and they told me you get what you deserve if you put the work in so to then be given such a golden opportunity is something I wanted to give my all for.
So did this opportunity change your attitude and motivate you?
I am just really thankful to have this chance and I feel really good about being able to have a trick in a major video but at the same time I don’t think my expectations changed, I mean it would be nice to turn am but in the end I’ll just take it as it comes and keep it moving.
Alright keep it moving then!
adidas “Away Days” – Chewy, Benny, Blondey
This is a office favorite! Chewy Cannon, Benny Fairfax & Blondey McCoy in “Away Days”. Not only the Lucien Clarke cameo is a highlight but also the three clearly different styles mixed together; maybe it’s a Palace thing:
If you haven’t seen the video in whole, make yourself comfortable and skip back to the beginning:
Best of Busenitz : 3 up & 3rd
Dennis Busenitz, over and over again. This time he is skating the legendary “3up 3down” and “3rd and Army” spots in SF, in a compilation. If you ever get the chance to skate the 3up spot, make sure to climb up the wall and look through the window, into the building. It’ll be worth it!
Dennis Busenitz – The Talk Of A Decade
In honor of Dennis Busenitz, the brand with the three stripes threw a little get together to commemorate their 10-year long partnership. We flew out to München and found some time to talk to Dennis about how he ended up on the adidas, his snazzy colorways, his new shoe, growing up in Germany and Sami Harithi’s influence and more.
Photo Recap – 10 Years Of Busenitz
If someone works for 10 years at a big company they maybe give out a bouquet of flowers and a few warm handshakes. adidas in this case was behaving a little bit different and flew out half of Europe to a very Bavarian location just to celebrate Dennis Busenitz’s 10 year anniversary skating for the brand. Dennis is one of a kind to say the least and so was our weekend in Munich. Cheers to Dennis and the whole adidas Skateboarding crew! That’s how it looked like:
adidas Skateboarding Lucas Puig Redux Part
Lucas Puig is known to many of us as one of the best to ever do it, Quartersnacks named him the skater of the decade, Dill said his tricks are like bullets, so Adidas decided to mix his best footage from the last five years seems like a great idea! Even if it is just to refresh your memory, or to find out why those people said what they said about Mr. Puig. As for us, we feel like this redux only solidifies why Lucas is deserving of all that he’s got.
Away Days – Online Premiere
The time has come! Today Adidas Skateboarding’s biggest project Away Days has its online premiere and is available for the next 24 hours before you can buy it on itunes tomorrow. No more words needed. Enjoy!
Adidas “Far & Away” Episode 6
While currently the premiers of Away Days are taken place all over the world the Far & Away episodes further on provide us with interesting insights. This time we can see how Dennis destroys his own backyard, Donnelly shows tremendous pop, and Nak runs the dice game.
Adidas “Far & Away” Episode 5
This episode documents the stay of the Adidas team in London and shows some delicacies on rough English spots.
Adidas “Far & Away” Episode 4
The fourth behind the scenes episode is about the mental and physical struggles the Adidas team riders had to face while filming a full part but it also shows some very nice appetizers for the Away Days video, as well.
Adidas “Far & Away” episode 3
The third installment leading up to the release of the new Adidas tomorrow in LA. This one is mostly about the international vibe of the team but since we already spoke on that lets just say that it is about Chewy Cannon. Chewy is one of the best! Why? Because he can do an ollie on flat ground in a line and still have it look better than your nollie tre flip, in addition to that he skates fast and on the nicest terrain. So yeah Chewy’s part is probably going to be one of the best in the video.
Dave Caddo – Peoples temple
Dave Caddo has been around the block a couple off times. Starting back in the early 2000’s he popped up in many of our favorite videos. Dave has always been a skater with quick feet, a limber style and an eye for spots, we did not always like his style but only a fool would argue against his abilities. This 2015-16 version of Dave shows him in tip top shape still skating like a yoga teacher.
Photo by Jon Spitzer
Rodrigo TX is known for his powerful and stable skating and moreover is armed with such a strong pop that he almost seems to leave cracks on the ground whenever he hits his tail. To celebrate the new DGK x Adidas collabo collection this re-edit of his last year’s footy was launched. Here we go!
#3stripes3cities Part 3/3 – Hamburg
#3stripes3cities – the final chapter. This summer, Hamburg marked the final destination of adidas Skateboarding’s tour across Germany. See Valerie Rosomako, Lem Villemin, Patrick Zentgraf and Sandro Trovato hitting the streets once again as well as footage from the demo in the famous i-Punkt Skateland. We had a lot of fun following these guys around. Press play!
Filmed and edited by Torsten Frank