Denny Pham, Alina Saytkhanova, Melika & Mobina Nazari skating the streets of Berlin, Madrid & Barcelona after dark in this video for Skatedeluxe & Nike SB.

Denny Pham, Alina Saytkhanova, Melika & Mobina Nazari skating the streets of Berlin, Madrid & Barcelona after dark in this video for Skatedeluxe & Nike SB.
Madrid’s Rafa Cort for Volcom.
The Warsaw-based SH store took its riders to the capital of Spain and came back not only with this little video but also with a transformed bandana wearing Michał Juraś.
Enjoy the video, the soundtrack and the outfits.
Some beautiful work by the talented Roger Gonzalez for the always changing but never boring Carhartt WIP brand. Enjoy!
You know when Rave skateboards enter your town that there will be some intense behavior going on. We think the video truly does reflect who the skaters are in some form and staying true to who you are is always a priority.
After I have been absent for almost a year, I am more than happy to take up my work again at my beloved Placemag. And to start things off by posting a clip of my treasured friend Romain Batard is more than I could have asked for. As it is with every Batard-edit, Giddy #6 provides playful skateboarding at its best, where Romain makes even the smallest tricks look great through his classic Century MK1.
Featuring Rémy Taveira, Felipe Bartolome, Oscar Candon, Joseph Biais, Roger Gonzalez, Mickaël Germond, Alastair Pathé, Charles Giron, Edouard Depaz, Denis Lynn, Morgan Katomba, Lilian Fev, Roland Hoogwater, Danny Sommerfeld, Martino Cattaneo, Guillaume Colucci, Masaki Ui, Tom O’Reilly, Igor Fardin, Casey Brown, and Conor Charleson.
Special greetings go out to you Romain & Edouard. Hope to see you guys soon. Yours, Placemagpaule.
Hotel Blue’s Juan Virues with a new vieo part for Villains including a serious Gino hommage. Found it? Juan has flavour.
Filmed by Hugo Miralles, additional filming by Paulyo and Mario Fortea.
“Spending a week with Madrid’s finest group of young men.” was the name of the article in our ‘Time Issue’. Those guys rule Madrid and we are all sure you will enjoy this full-length video from Madrid. So, grab a cerveza or two and lean back.
Filmed and edited by Roger Gonzalez.
Felipe Bartolome is actually one of our favorites. He’s one of those people you have to meet in real life to see and feel his power and the way he deals with things. Although he won’t be up before noon, there is a huge amount of energy parked somewhere in his body, that pours out just right after he wakes. His batteries are charged around noon, I guess.
When we met Felipe again in January for a Converse event in Stockholm, Sweden he told us to come to Madrid and stay for a while to go out skating with his friends. While he was probably just being nice to us, we had actually thought about it earlier but kept our mouths shut because we thought packing our things to visit Spain for the 50th time might be a bit much. Besides, we didn’t wanna make a false promise, of course. Though Felipe admitted he was a bit astonished when he got the call that we will be on the plane within the next few days, he surely responded positively to the news.
After the launch, it’s the afterparty, then, after the party, it’s back to the hotel lobby, then.. We went back to Madrid to celebrate our launch of the ‘Time Issue’ #60 – this time we were not very lucky with the weather, so no skating for us. But there is a bunch of other things to do in Madrid, right guys? Yes ma, MAD-Style, Fiesta, Remix with the homies from the Sevenmad Crew (Cheers Boys!)
Enough with the R.Kelly lyrics. But we would suggest you listen to THE SONG while flipping through the images.
Ok, Spain. We had enough for a few weeks, at least. We would like to thank Carhartt WIP & Converse CONS for supporting us. All photos by Danny Sommerfeld.
We would like to invite you to the launch event for PLACE Issue #60 the “Time Issue”.
During this event, we want to take you with us and celebrate things in style at Eo7 in Madrid in partnership with Carhartt WIP & Sevenmad and with the support of Converse CONS.
Our new issue is focusing on the thing that is constantly ticking or tocking in the background, not a clock but time itself is the focus of our newest issue.
The evening starts off, with us presenting our newest issue that is followed by a showing of four videos related to the print issue:
Fries Taillieu “1 24 1440” / Adidas Summer camp / Felipé Bartolome’s “Time” / Berlin’s Jerusalem
For more info please go to our Facebook event.
PLACE Issue 60 Features:
Jacob Elliot Harris, Phil Zwijsen, Fries Taillieu, Hugo Maillard, Paul Grund, Felipé Bartolome and many more.
One time ÉS Game of skate winner and legendary Cologne skater Patrick Bös just hit the internet with his newest part and truth be told it features some of his best footage to date (that last line was particularly great).
We also feel that respect must be given to the fact that Herr Bös still manages to put out good parts at a somewhat later skate age combined with a serious job as a teacher.
At the same time, we like the fact that he is an outspoken person that has been around the block and has seen trends come and go.
We suggest you give his part a watch and then read his blog
Capitol Skateboards and Damage Headware both stem from Madrid, Spain, which might be one of the obvious reasons that they have produced a video together. Ben Skrzypek‘s part is full of great lines with a first class flow entirely filmed in the Spanish mecca. Additionally, the fact that the whole thing is accompanied by Ghostface Killah’s rough voice provides a little extra authentic street feeling on top.
Wie die Headline schon verrät, sind Sergio Muñoz und Adrien Bulard in die Pro Ränge ihres Boardsponsors Jart aufgenommen worden. Hier der Welcome Clip der beiden Talente – Herzlichen Glückwunsch!
“Mit der unsichtbaren Rampe holen sich die Skater die Stadt zurück!” – so der Slogan einer neuen Kampagne der spanischen Agentur LOLA für Nomad Skateboards. Dabei werden in Madrid verschiedene Rampen in camouflage getaucht und so beinahe unsichtbar gemacht. Die Idee ist gut, schließlich werden Skateboarder viel zu oft verscheucht und unfair behandelt. Ob so eine Aktion inhaltlich (“Take back the city!”) mit Minirampen an Streetspots etwas bringt, sei mal dahin gestellt.
Dani Millán zeigt einen Zusammenschnitt all seiner liebsten Momente aus 2013 in unter anderem Städten wie: Madrid, Copenhagen, Paris, Warschau und Berlin. Ein schöner schwarz/weiss Clip unterlegt mit der, zur visuellen Stimmung, passenden Musik.
Adidas Skateboarding in Madrid und Murcia im März 2013 mit Gonz, Dennis Busenitz, Silas Baxter-Neal, Rodrigo TX, Pete Eldridge, Benny Fairfax, Nestor Judkins, Marc Suciu und Lem Villemin.
Kurze Snacks zum Verdauen, bevor die langen, ich rede von drei Minuten, Clips beginnen. Alex Carolino haut eine Line raus, die wie immer, voll popig ist.
Genauso macht es Moose, der alte Hirsch. Und zwar mit einer Firing Line.
Vom Slap Magazine kommt ein weiterer VX Clip mit Brian Delatorre und anderen San Francisco Rippern. Klassisches Streetskaten deluxe.
Das Supra Team war in Madrid zu Gast und hat den örtlichen Tetuan Plaza kaputt geshreddet. Normal, wenn Lizard King, Erik Ellington, Furby, Spencer Hamilton und weitere auf so ein Terrain stossen.
Das JART Team war in der Skatehalle Berlin, um eine Demo zu fahren – Salabanzi, Pham, Frölich und Co. zeigen den Berliner Kids, wo es lang geht.