Tag: Portland

Since the GX1000 crew probably skated almost every spot in San Francisco they went to Portland, Oregon to skate some new things. We have to say it feels a bit weird to watch a GX1000 video with no single downhill in it but their videos never disappoint.

Filmed and edited by Cody Thompson & Otto Ray.

Some fresh Emile Laurent, Tyler Bledsoe & Silas Baxter Neal! The latter continues to surprise us both in the volume and the quality of his output. With 50-minutes of playtime, this is a long one but a good one!

A full length skateboarding video out of Portland Oregon. Apparently all the footage was originally lost but found and recovered and then salvaged. We had a lot of fun watching this video and it definitely helps that it comes with a great soundtrack. It looks like the scene in Portland is very cool.

Featuring Anthony Del Togno Armanasco, Emile Laurent, Enzo Kurmaskie, Zeke Overby, Finn Pope, Powell Terrell, and Jasper Grace. Filmed by Ely Alvaro & edited by Bit T.

The HUF team took a trip to Portland, Oregon. “45° North, 122° West” features Dan Plunkett, Peter Ramondetta, Tyler Bledsoe, Josh Matthews, Joey Pepper, Jake Anderson, special guest Pat Moran, as well as Portland local, Silas Baxter-Neal.

Dane’s got a youtube channel and it seems only logical that he needed a creative outlet sooner or later. Skateboarding collectively seems to care more and more about b-side style footage, we want to see the other makes even if they are sketchy or the different angles that didn’t make it in the video. We feel that this video featuring both Dane himself and Nick Rios is in a sense a cultivated version that enlarges that feeling for behind the scenes stuff combined with that sketchy demo in the 90s type of vibe.

Do you remember your first roommate? The one-of-a-kind mess he could leave behind? The mess that only one person could bring into this world? This is the portrait of your roommate. The tomato sauce on the dishes, the coffee stains on the kitchen table: All of this is a unique expression of someone’s past presence.

The same goes for a photo, for example. I explained it a lot of people like this. Look at a Danny Sommerfeld photograph. There are plenty of shots in this issue. Very often, besides dogs, old people, and bananas, you see Danny himself in the shots, although he’s not physically present in the photos. He brings the moment to life in his own way of capturing it.

A portrait doesn’t have to be a mug shot or a full body shot. It can be a lot of things. You can take a portrait of a landscape as well as of a war, or of a situation or even one of love.
We gave this issue as much personality as possible while keeping ot dreamy and abstract. This issue is about each and every character in our world that we find interesting enough to feature, allowing the subjects the space they deserve to shine.

For our “One From Five” article, we asked five photographers if they could send in one photo. The only allowance was the world of a “portrait” as a guideline. The first reaction from all of them was, “yeah, of course. That’s easy.” Five days later it turned out to be the most difficult task ever. “Only one shot?” they came back asking. “Yup, just one!” We responded.
You’ll find the result in the pages of this issue. For the longest time I wanted to print an interview without a single word in it. Just because most of the time the skater is not able to catch up with his body language. A good photo can be ruined by only a couple of words. Here’s Dane Brady from Portland/Oregon, with the first interview, with both question and answer captured in just the photograph, minus the typical skater chitchat. That’s all you need, if you bring as much to the table as Mr. Brady does. Same goes for Jerry Hsu, Sara Parson Texas, Giorgi Armani or K-Rod & Jon, a piece that even has a romantic twist to it.

All of these people are easy to draw because they have such a strong character. Give it a try: Draw your person of choice, in your eyes, buoyant with character, and you will know what I mean.
The guy featured on this issue’s cover might be new to you, but for us his visual presence had a big impact on this issue. Almost like a muse, he appears throughout this issue. For us, he’s pretty easy to draw. Get the point?
Alright guys, get your pens out and we all hope you will enjoy this issue. Thank you!

by Daniel Pannemann
Photos: Matt Price



Emile Laurent


Quartersnacks has been putting out clips like crazy lately, this one shot by Johnny Wilson of “Horny” and Paych fame. The clip features: Cyrus Bennett, John Gardner, Dom Travis, Ty Lyons, Rob Sissi, Tyler Tufty but more importantly this clip might initiate the return of the extremely oversized big white tee know to many as a as Ghetto Gown.

Nike SB Teamfahrer Ben Raybourn ist vor kurzer Zeit nach Portland, Oregon gezogen und führt euch in diesem Clip durch seine neue Heimat. Wir dürfen einen Blick ins Ben’s bescheidene Hütte werfen, sehen ein paar richtige Banger im Burnside Park und erfahren wieso Ben sich in Portland wohler fühlt als in Kalifornien. Eine Frage bleibt jedoch offen: Wieso trägt Bens Freundin ihr Board an der Achse durch die Gegend?

Wer steckt eigentlich wirklich hinter adidas Skateboarding? Silas Baxter-Neal ist anscheinend nicht ganz unbeteiligt. Der Silas ADV bietet schon einmal vorab das Gefühl, dass der Schuh wahrscheinlich viel mehr kann als nur gut aussehen. Der “A Day In The Life” geht auch nie aus der Mode. Vor allem wenn der Tag so aussieht:

Der aus Portland stammende Outdoor-Bekleidungsbrand Poler Stuff rüstet dich zwar nicht zwingend für eine Expedition auf den Mount Everest aus, er bietet aber immerhin alles, was du für den Weg bis zum Fuße des Berges brauchst und vielleicht sogwar etwas darüber hinaus.

„It’s for people that wonder why everyone is trying to pretend they are going to do first ascents on alpine peaks instead of celebrating the fact that they are having adventures that are awesome in their own way“, so die Crew von Poler Stuff.



Der Ansatz des amerikanischen Brands ist also vielmehr, Abenteuer zu begleiten und unterstützen, die einem in T-Shirt und Jeans passieren: „It’s stuff that is made for people that have adventures all over the world while wearing jeans, a t-shirt, and sneakers.“

Und um nur mal ein Beispiel zu nennen: Den Schlafsack, genannt Napsack, kannst du unten aufziehen, die Beine durchstecken und ihn als Morgenmantel tragen. Gimmicks wie diese machen Poler Stuff zu einer liebevollen Company, die dir jeden Outdoor-Aufenthalt erleichtern wird.


Patrick Wenz, Tomek Milaszewski, Martin Huppertz, Sascha Pfeiffer und die beiden Medienvertreter Mathäus Jagielski und Robert Christ haben sich diesen Sommer für ein paar Tage in die Eifel aufgemacht, um die Spots aufzusuchen, die vorher über Google Maps ausgemacht wurden, und sie auf ihre Fahrbarkeit zu untersuchen. Das hat natürlich nicht immer klappen können, und meistens wollte das Wetter auch einfach nicht so richtig mitspielen, obwohl es eigentlich dem Kalender nach hätte passen müssen.

Martin Huppertz - Fs Boardslide_ready

Aber genau dafür gab es ja die richtige Ausrüstung, und das schlimmste Wetter beschert einem bekanntlich die Möglichkeit, auch mal über Dinge zu sprechen, die vielleicht nicht immer zwingend mit Skateboarding zu tun haben – oder weißt du, wie man bei Regenwetter ein Feuer macht? Die Jungs haben ihr eigenes Motto „The Wetter doesn’t matter“ zumindest sehr wörtlich nehmen müssen. Die folgenden Bilder erzählen eine Geschichte, die dank der Unterstützung von Poler Stuff zu einem angenehmen Abenteuer wurden. Manche Ziele können so nah sein!


Patrick Wenz - FS 180_ready(2)



Video: Mathäus Jagielski
Text: Daniel Pannemann
Fotos: Robert Christ

Neues Material aus dem Hause Adidas Skateboarding – Silas Baxter Neal bekommt einen neuen Pro Schuh – den Silas SLR. Und wer könnte den Schuh besser vorstellen als Silas himself. Ort des Geschehens – Die Trainingsfacility “The Grotto” in Portland, Oregon. Gefilmt wurde mit neuester Videotechnologie, was diesen Hallenclip zu etwas ganz Besonderem macht:

“The Movi cam is something straight out of a sci-fi movie and filming with it was such a crazy process. There was a guy operating the direction of the camera with a remote control that resembled a really fancy RC car controller. There was another dude controlling the focus from another controller, and a third guy who directed the camera using a rope and pulleys. Amongst all that weirdness and in half darkness, I had to try to concentrate on landing a trick – it was a crazy experience for sure.” – Silas Baxter-Neal

Ist denn heute schon Weihnachten? Sorry. Aus dem Hause adidas Skateboarding kommt dieser neue Edit mit feinstem Streetskating aus Vancouver, Seattle und Portland. Mit dabei sind Dennis Busenitz, Silas Baxter-Neal, Marc Suciu, Nestor Judkins, Rodrigo TX, Jake Donnelly, Lem Villemin, Benny Fairfax, Kevin Lowrey und der neuste Teamzugang Alec Majerus. Wow.

Das Wetter in Portland zeigt sich nicht immer von seiner besten Seite – gut, dass Silas Baxter Neal nun eine Halle sein Eigen nennen kann, in der er mit seinen Buddies Aaron Roney, Chris Hart, Nikhil Tayer, Mikey Chin, Brent Atchley und Tyler Bledsoe auch bei schlechtem Wetter skaten kann…
