Tag: Sammy Baca

The sequel to the legendary BAKER HAS A DEATHWISH is now live and boy it is a doozy! From Baker OG’s to fresh crop and a lot of Hijinx to boot, Beagle & Andrew Reynolds did it again! BAKER HAS A DEATHWISH PART 2! truly has all the feels of a contemporary classic… now it is up to the people to decide if it will be.

Finally, we know what the one and only Beagle is smoking. The “Shrimp Blunt” is his new smoking delight, and it seems to hit just right. Beagle and Shane Heyl brought together the whole(!) Shake Junt family and put out another masterpiece full of hijinx, good times, movie skits(!), and some amazing skating. The perfectly fitting soundtrack makes it even better. Eat that shrimp!

Get some Shake Junt HERE.

After the success of the first movie and the leftover montage we now get “Boys Of Summer 2”. The film has the same humor, the same behind the scenes type of feel and big-name skating that the first one had.

Still, part 2 seems more serious, less of the cuff and more focussed, you win some you lose some, see for yourself.

The hardware manufacture Hard Luck has a very diverse team, which shows its capabilities in this little promo clip. As it includes prestigious names like Collin Provost, Brandon Westgate, Louie Lopez, Jake Johnson, Eric Dressen, Sammy Baca, Julian Davidson, Jason Jessee, Mike Anderson and many more, it is pretty sure that this clip is something for everyone. Enjoy!

Der folgende Tourclip zeigt, warum Amerikanern Skateboarding in Europa viel Spaß bereitet. Es gibt gute Spots, wenig Busts, diverse Events, viele Fans und das ein oder andere Kaltgetränk. Demenstprechend bewährt sich unser alter Kontigent als ideales Reiseziel für die Bande von Baker Skateboards mit dem Boss Andrew Reynolds an der Spitze. Für diesen erfrischenden Touredit könnte die Zeile “Put the fun back into skateboarding” geschrieben sein, denn es ist mächtig was los in Kopenhagen & Co.

Die Baker Boys haben einen neuen Clip veröffentlicht, mit einigen Tricks aus übergebliebenen Perspektiven, die es nicht ins Video geschafft haben. Fühlt sich ähnlich an wie einer dieser Momente, in dem einem einfällt, dass man noch nen 5er in der Jackentasche hat. Sammy Baca, Bryan Herman und direkt danach Andrew Reynolds. Instant Classic!
