Tag: kenny anderson

We are stoked to see Chocolate slowly rising back up to the relevance the brand used to have. A reason for that probably is the breath of fresh air brought by the new team riders, but also still including some OG riders on trips. Who doesn´t love to see a Vincent Alvarez skating the same spot next to the young Erik Herrera?

Filmed & edited by John Marello.

The Converse CONS team went to Brasil and came back with some hectic maneuvers caught, cut and edited by our good friend James Cruickshank.

Feat.:  Aaron Herrington, Brian Delatorre, Mike Anderson & more.

The minute that people are starting to talk about Kenny Anderson his style is always the main topic. His most discussed feature is an unseizable talent and it seems like it is even getting better with age. No wonder Kenny is always smiling. While you are at it, take a look at Converse CONS‘s new “Purple” video – out now!

With its ups and downs I’d say 2016 was all in all a solid year for Girl and Chocolate Skateboards. Some of the good moments of the past year are composed in this review edit.

Featuring Vincent Alvarez, Tyler Pacheco, Brandon Biebel, Simon Bannerot, James Capps, Jerry Hsu, Mike Carroll, Rick Howard, Rick McCrank, Justin Eldridge, Kenny Anderson, Andrew Brophy, Elijah Berle, Cory Kennedy, Chris Roberts, Jeron Wilson, Zach Saraceno, Griffin Gass and Johnny Jones.

A good amount of the American CONS Team went on a trip to Australia & New Zeland to give some demos and hang out with the locals, starring: Sage Elsesser, Sean Pablo, Mike Anderson, Kenny Anderson, Bobby De Keyzer, Aaron Herrington, Al Davis, Brian Delatorre, Zered Bassett, Jake Johnson, Andrew Brophy, Bryce Golder, and Dean Palmer.

We are guessing but this one is probably in honour of Keenan Milton and there are some definite highlights in this, Kenny Anderson is always a highlight, Vincent Alvarez is pretty great and the unexpected Brian Brown line is just straight gold but somehow the clip still feels kind of random. Random sprinkled with gold.

Kenny Anderson has been pro for a long time and his journey has been well documented. A little while ago we heard about Kenny’s car, a Mercedes that runs on alternative fuel. We met up with Kenny to find out more about his modified vehicle.

Kenny, you drive a car, that runs on vegetable oil, which is very cool. Not many skateboarders seem to care about the environment – how did you get into it?
I always liked cars so when a friend of mine started a business restoring cars, I bought one from him. This was about ten years ago, I bought an old diesel and I had already read a lot about modifying cars so you could run them on vegetable oil. I definitely have some political and environmental reasons to drive a modified car, but it’s more about having options. For me it’s comparable to skateboarding or art, you want to experiment and experience new things. For me personally, modifying my car was a big project to take on, similar to an art project so when it worked out I was pretty stoked…

So you had to modify your car?
Yes, a little bit but not too much, it’s not a big investment, especially when you think of all the money I save because of the modifications.

I saw a clip, in which you were going to the back of a restaurant to pick up the vegetable oil – how did this connection come about?
I called around and asked about ten different restaurants in the end only one said yes. The other nine looked at me like I was completely nuts or they would say:“ I’ll call you back “, but they never did… in the end there was one restaurant that was down to let me use their used oil, I think it was because the guy already heard about cars running on used vegetable oil, and they already had another guy, that picked up used oil for his car. I was lucky to find a place that would allow me to have their oil because driving a car on this kind of fuel is not too common in the area where I live in Los Angeles…


What do you have to do with the oil? Do you filter it?
Yeah, when I go to pick up the oil the restaurant has already filtered the oil once, then I transport the oil back home and filter it two more times… I know it sounds like a lot of work, but I have this machine that does the work for me, so it’s really quite simple…

How much do you have to pay for the oil?
Nothing, at all! But at the same time driving on vegetable oil is illegal in the states, which is something I find strange. Normally when you buy fuel, the road tax is included in the fuel price but since I use an alternative fuel I don’t contribute to this system. Which in turn means I don’t pay road tax, which is a crime. I don’t think it’s smart to say that in an interview though… (laughs). I know some other people that run their cars on veggie oil and some have a bumper sticker on their car that says: This vehicle runs on Vegetable oil. As a result of this some of them got pulled over by the cops and got a ticket. I haven’t received one yet though but I also don’t have a sticker on my car (laughs).

We as skateboarders use up a lot of trees and use epoxy glues which are not environmentally friendly, so is this a way to give back?
I think so, I’m not one to preach, but this is my way to do something! Sometimes kids come up to me and ask me to show them my car, and this is the way I like to promote vegetable oil as a fuel!

I like that you are using your status as a pro skater as a tool to promote something thats good for the environment!
As I said, I like it, but I’m going to preach or force people to choose my path. This is my way… For me personally it’s important to think outside the box and make decisions accordingly, especially when you have the chance to do so…

Did the modification of your car in anyway change your perspective on life in other aspects?

I guess so… The way you eat, growing your own food, things like that. Maybe using less… Biking more…

by Roland Hoogwater
Opener Photo: Brixton

Starting in June 2015 the CONS Skate Team will be visiting cities around the world to skate, hang and promote the new Converse CONS One Star Pro. If you’re lucky and live around Cologne or Berlin – go see the whole squad, namely Kenny Anderson, Louie Lopez, Jake Johnson, Zered Bassett, Mike Anderson, Jason Jessee, Ben Raemers, Sage Elsesser, Aaron Herrington, Eli Reed, Tom Remillard, Sammy Baca, Don Nguyen, Sean Pablo, Harry Lintell, Jonas Hess, Danny Sommerfeld and Daniel Pannemann


Köln, 27. Juli
Signing Session: 16:00 Pivot Skateshop
Skate Demo: 18:00 KAP686


Berlin, 29. Juli
Meet&Greet: 17:00 Civilist Store
Skate Demo: 18:00 Pappelpatz

Eric Koston war sechs Tage in Berlin und die gesamte Skateboard Welt konnte es live mitverfolgen. Im Minutentakt gab es Instagram Updates; darauf zu sehen war die amerikanische Skateboard Legende in allen möglichen Lagen und Lebenssituationen. Nicht verwunderlich, denn wenn man mit Social Media Experten wie Atiba Jefferson, Foley oder Sean Malto durch Berlin zieht, wird auch gerne mal der ein oder andere Moment festgehalten. Wir haben Erics digitale Fußabdrücke in 36 Schritten zusammengefasst, und waren nur so nah dran wie du es auch sein kannst:

14.01.2015 – Abflug, Los Angeles LAX

15.01.2015 – Zwischenlandung, Paris CDG

15.01.2015 – Ankunft, Berlin TXL

15.01.2015 – Check-In, Radisson Blue, Mitte

15.01.2015 – Frontrow, Civilist, Mitte

15.01.2015 – Foley, Begrüßung, Mitte

15.01.2015 – Das erste Bier, Mitte

15.01.2015 – In der Kneipe, Mitte

15.01.2015 – Der Döner danach, Mitte

15.01.2015 – Fan-Foto, Atiba Ausstellung, HVW8, Mitte

16.01.2015 – Atiba Ausstellung, HVW8, Mitte

16.01.2015 – Oakley Dinner „Neue Heimat“, Friedrichshain

16.01.2015 – Fan-Foto Oakley Dinner, Friedrichshain

16.01.2015 – Fan-Foto KPTN Bar, Friedrichshain

17.01.2015 – Kickflip Oberbaumbrücke, Kreuzberg

17.01.2015 – Fan-Foto Oberbaumbrücke, Kreuzberg

17.01.2015 – Fan-Foto Oberbaumstraße, Kreuzberg

17.01.2015 – Fan-Foto Atiba Vernissage, HVW8, Mitte

18.01.2015 – Fan-Foto Atiba Vernissage, HVW8, Mitte

18.01.2015 – Foto mit Gentsch, Mitte

18.01.2015 – Der Tag danach, SW Heelflip, Alexanderplatz, Mitte

19.01.2015 – Fluff 1826 Launch, Civilist, Mitte

19.01.2015 – Gruppenfoto Civilist, Mitte

19.01.2015 – Fan-Foto, Mitte

19.01.2015 – Vorglühen mit Kenny Anderson, Sean Malto, Atiba, Mitte

19.01.2015 – Figgys Gig Cassiopeia, Friedrichshain

19.01.2015 – Fan-Foto Cassiopeia, Friedrichshain

19.01.2015 – Weartest Nike SB Shelter, Friedrichshain

20.01.2015 – Fan-Foto House Of Vans, Friedrichshain

20.01.2015 – House Of Vans, Friedrichshain

20.01.2015 – Fan-Foto House Of Vans, Friedrichshain

20.01.2015 – Gruppenfoto House Of Vans, Friedrichshain

20.01.2015 – Fan-Foto House Of Vans, Friedrichshain

21.01.2015 – Abflug, Berlin TXL

Fotos: Instagram

Brixton liefert deine neue Garderobe für den kommenden Frühling 2015. T-Shirts, Hoodies, Jacken und Kopfbedeckungen in allen erdenklichen Formen und Funktionsbereichen. Selbst der Neue im Team zeigt sich schon in der Klamotte seines aktuellen Brötchengebers – Kenny Anderson approved!







Die Kollektion in bewegten Bildern und in einer Garage:

Kenny Anderson kam nach Berlin und das nicht ohne seine geliebten kalifornischen Spots. Mit ordentlich Übergepäck flog er vor einigen Tagen aus der Sonne ins graue Berlin, um mit dem europäischen Converse Team insgesamt drei ausgewählte Spots zu skaten. Mit dabei: Remy Taveira, Paul Grund, Danny Sommerfeld, Daniel Pannemann, Jerome Campbell, Harry Lintell, Gregoire Cuadrado, Eduard De Paz und Roman Gonzales. Ein paar Bilder der Session findest du HIER.

Wenn Kenny Anderson nach Berlin kommt dann bekommt es jeder mit. Neben einem Koffer, gefüllt mit Klamotten für drei Tage, konnte Kenny auch seine Spots aus dem sonnigen Kalifornien einpacken und in Berlin wieder aufbauen – das alles um den neuen CONS KA3 zu zeigen und vor allem auf Beständigkeit zu prüfen. Nach dem Weartest gab es am darauffolgenden Tag noch eine Filmsession mit dem europäischen Converse Team, namentlich: Paul Grund, Roman Gonazels, Remy Taveira, Gregoire Cuadrado, Daniel Pannemann, Danny Sommerfeld und einigen anderen. Wir haben ein paar Bilder der Session:







All Photos by Johannes Lehmann/ MODEST Department.

Unsere PLACE 50 Exhibition ist vorgestern mit einem audivisuellen Leckerbissen zu Ende gegangen – der Premiere der langerwarteten TPDG Doku “Street Jazz”. Gerrit Piechowski hatte sich ein paar Nächte im Schnittbunker verschanzt und jede Menge Liebe in Details gesteckt, was von den zahlreichen Gästen nach dem Video mit viel Applaus gewürdigt wurde. Wir möchten uns bei allen Gästen für diesen wahrhaft schönen Abschluss bedanken, ebenso bei Figub, der die Meute mit feinstem Hip Hop beschallte und natürlich bei Johannes Lehmann, der für diese Snapshots verantwortlich ist – es war uns ein Fest!












Pünktlich zur Bright Tradeshow nächste Woche in Berlin launcht Converse das neueste und mittlerweile dritte Pro Model von Kenny Anderson. Zu diesem Anlass veranstaltet Converse eine Skatesession, bei der auch Kenny höchstpersönlich, sowie das europäische Cons Team anwesend sein werden. Ihr seid herzlich eingeladen auf ein paar Drinks und Skateboarding vorbeizuschauen:

Beer & Skateboarding Session
Montag 19. Januar, 18.00-22.00 Uhr
Greifswalderstraße 23a
10407 Berlin

Danach geht es übrigens mit der Öctagon Videopremiere im Rahmen der PLACE 50 Exhibition weiter. See you there!

Patrick O’Dells Epicly Later’d Serie über Chocolate Skateboards geht in die dritte Runde. Diese Episode befasst sich mit dem Skater’s favourite Skater Kenny Anderson und seinem Werdegang. Seine Mentor Brian Lotti erzählt ein paar Anekdoten und Skateboardschwergewichte wie Mark Johnson und Jerry Hsu singen ihr Loblied auf den Styler aus Las Vegas. Gegen Ende des Clips wandert der Spot dann auf die beiden Grafiker Evan Hecox und Andy Jenkins, die Chocolate eine visuelle Identität geschaffen haben, die ihresgleichen sucht. Film ab:
