Tag: Kilian Zehnder

If you have ever been to Berlin chances are you have heard somebody scream HACK HACK! But what is Hack Hack and what does it mean? What are those videos popping up with Hack in the title, and who is behind them? The answers to those and many other questions were answered when we connected with Farid Ulrich and Vincent Heller.

Interview by Roland Hoogwater.

What is Hack Hack?

That is hard to define! While we were traveling through South America people often asked us the same question… How did we explain it again?

It is a vibe Hack Hack is the moment that you get hyped to do something. It originated in Bar 25 it where we were looking for motivation to do something. Along the way, the word trickled out of the bar, onto the streets and into skateboarding. It was a joke and it has turned into somewhat of a saying.

What was the first Hack moment you can remember?

Bar 25… that must have been 2010, I think… That is when the first Hack happened.

It made me think of Hakken a high energy Dutch dance style from the 90’s.

Ah… Do you mean those people with track suits and shaved heads?

Yes! (illustrates dance)

That suits the meaning of Hack too! Those guys were certainly hyped!

Back to Hack Hack, how did you guys get the idea to make videos?

We sit together to edit, smoke and try and make the best of the footage. Two heads have more ideas than one.

I film more than I edit because I noticed I don’t have the patience to just sit there. At the same time, Farid has a good feeling for what works.

What was the first Hack video?

The first Hack video we did was Hackelona, after that, we released CopenHacken and Hack Hack is our third video.

I started filming during our travels, I always carried a camera and I started playing around with it more and more. So the video happened when we started taking the camera along for our Berlin sessions. So instead of documenting our travels, it became more of a day to day thing.

The funny thing is we did not plan to make a full length, we just started to edit footage, linking certain things together. After a while, we watched the result and thought ” Oh..this works maybe we should create an actual video.”.
So then we made parts, separate from one another and then we tried to fit those parts together. It was kind of like a puzzle.

I got a flashback to Radio Skateboards “Radioactive Kids” when I watched the video. It showed me a kind of Berlin that I did not think existed anymore.

That is exactly what we wanted, documenting our lives in Berlin and by our I mean all that cross our path.

When you see the video you have to keep in mind the fact that these people are not all in the same crew. Vince and I just move in between crews and documented what we saw.

In the end, we turned it into one big Hack family.

We did not want to compromise, we wanted to show the people we liked and have them skate to the music we liked!
Often I work with people when I make a video part so it was important for our project to reflect us.

So, It is not like watching a homie video, it is a scene being documented.

Yes, plus the people that visited the City.

Did you show Hack Hack to people in South America?

We did, we watched it multiple times and it took me back in time, back to these places. It was a real good feeling! Hack Hack!

What about the footage from that trip, Will there be another Hack?

It took me some time but yesterday I started checking the footage from that tour and there will be something. At the same time Joscha Aicher and Daniel Ledermann are staying with us so maybe one of them will jump down a building or something.

The next Hack will be a video focused on South and North America, that will take us some time, with editing and all.

International Hack

Or Hackernational

It will be called something like that. First I want to focus on editing and summer in Berlin, I will pack my camera in my backpack and we will see what happens. Maybe this winter we will make the final Hack videos but who knows.

I just want to say we are not interested in being clean or great filming we want to show our lives and if there is a glitch somewhere we will include it, watch it and laugh about it.

That is exactly how I filmed my last trick. I was playing around and got the idea to manual over the tracks.

Just a Smoked out idea!

And an hour later it was done.

I think for a lot of people the Hack experience feels like a break from sponsored life. No main spots just hanging out and looking for the next spot. With a high chance of drinking a beer at the end of the day.

Thank you guys and HACKHACK!

FOFA is the name of the clique around maestro Miles Silvas and they went across the Atlantic to Spain for a two-weeks stay in Barcelona. And the long way was very much worth it!

“As adults it’s nearly impossible to plan a big skate trip with all your childhood friends, let alone 14 days in Spain. In September we did just that: amazing skate spots, beautiful beaches, tapas, a side mission to Zaragoza, Damm lemons, Jamboree, and some of the best times of our lives. FOFAlona was one for the books.” – Alan Hannon

Featuring Alan Hannon, Miles Silvas, Miika Adamov, Kilian Zehnder, Andy Dicker, Ryan Martin, Brandon Burdine, Will Grayson and Brenden Stadelman.

Marc-Alexandre Barbier is a young man from Paris’s suburbs, we met him and his crew out in the French capital, they are a band of young skateboarders who roam the streets. At first glimpse, I thought Marc-a was going to be a kid who only rips at spots with “good” pavement (you know the type) but I was proven wrong almost immediately interesting enough. You can tell by looking at these photos that sometimes he likes it rough, sometimes he likes it smooth but he always makes the trick look nice! I think it was Benjamin Debert who told us that the guys from the suburbs often seem to be the most motivated “They have to ride the train for an hour or more just to get into the city. So, once they get here they want to use their time to skate!”. That definitely goes for Marc-a who in our eyes is one of France’s biggest up and coming skaters and if you saw his part in the De Paris video yesterday you might be thinking the same thing! So we asked a mutual friend of ours to interview Mr. Barbier so you can all get to know him.

Hi, Marc-A so this is your first interview, right?


We just filmed your last tricks for your « DE PARIS » video part. Can you tell me more about that ?

Yeah, I was under pressure during the last 3 months I filmed a lot with Guillaume Perimony and yourself (Augustin Giovannoni).

So can you tell me what the « De Paris yearbook » video project is about?

It’s gonna be a 10-minute video and I am going to have a 3-minute section together with Maceo (Moreau) a shared part! I am stoked! It’s my very first “real” part ever. I did some other things before but I am a lot more satisfied with this one! I did a little left over part last month for my local skate shop. As for the De Paris projects Zeb (Thomas Busuttil) and Stéphane Borgne manage that, and this video is in celebration of De Paris’s third edition.

I heard people say that Yann Garin might have a part?

That would be really sick! Yann has been my favorite skateboarder since I was a kid!

So, how exactly did you meet the PLACE guys?

I just saw some lost Germans at République, Franz, you and I went over to them and we ended up deciding to skate with them for a couple of days. A couple of months later I went to Berlin and I met up with them once again.

Have you seen the Roman’s (Gonzalez) cover for PLACE? The one he shot with his phone? How do you feel about the increasing role of the cell phone in the today’s skateboard world?

Yeah, Roman is the best! He has a great style whatever he tries to do, it’s always something cool!
Instagram used to be cool up until they decided to stretch the length of their video format from 15 seconds to 1-minute, for me 15 seconds is the right length for a for a social media video.


Ollie into the hubba – Photo by Biemer

You were in Berlin to meet the guys from Chill or Die, right?

Yeah, I went there to visit my friend Bapt Chill, he is the owner of Chill or Die. It’s a pretty nice clothing brand, with a sick team (Matt Debauche, Benji Russel, Covo…)

Do you want to go back to Berlin this summer?

Yeah for sure! They invited me to come back to their house. We had such a good week in Berlin. There are a lot of spots, nice people, good places to hang out and good places to eat like Dunkin Donuts…(laughs)

Sounds nice! I want to join the party too, it seems to be the “Dolce Vita” (laughs). Back in the day, you went on a lot of trips you visited Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Germany, England, and Greece. What was your favorite country and what was the best trip?

Well, my father has been living in Switzerland for about 10 years now and I visit him every summer, I use to skate with Sven (Kilchenmann) and Kilian (Zehnder) a lot when I was out there!
As for your second question, all of those trips were really nice but I particularly remember a trip to Italy with the Niaks crew, that was my first “wild trip”. We traveled in a van and every night we were like “oh we don’t know where we are going to sleep tonight” it was an adventure and I really enjoyed that!

You just featured in a project for Nike SB as well right?

Yes, it is a short video for the European contest series, the clip was to introduce Paris and the Parisian spots. It was an introduction for the 2016 Paris AM contest.

Do you deliberately tweak your switch Ollies ?

Yes and No, I feel more comfortable when I tweak my ollie out! (laughs)


Tail Drop into the bank – Photo by Danny Sommerfeld

What kind of stuff influences you as a person?

When it comes to music I get influenced by the 90’s, when it comes to my clothing it has got to be the 70’s & 80’s and the 90’s-00’s influence me when it comes to the way I ride my board. I like some of the older videos but I also like some of the newer ones that get released on Thrasher.

I notice you like to shop at second-hand shops

(laugh) Yeah, I like to shop there because you can find all sorts of things!

Like colored jackets?

I found an old-fashioned Nike jacket in Berlin and I was like “wait everybody I want to go in this shop… I think”.

You almost have your baccalauréat (the French high school diploma).

Yes, I haven’t worked that hard this year, because I am obviously always thinking about skateboarding and I am under some pressure to get it but I think I’ll manage!

So what do you want to do when you get out of high school?

I want to go to a design school, The first year they let you experiment and we get to try a lot of different courses. It is going to be cool!

So does that mean that you wanna stay in Paris for the next couple of years? How do you feel about Paris at the moment?

Paris is cool the scene is sick, I have my crew with Franz, Martin, Maceo, and you (Nnoni)! But there are always multiple crews out and about so we tend to skate with everybody, it’s really nice !

Alright, I’ve run out of questions! THX doggy!


Photo by Danny Sommerfeld


Intro by Roland Hoogwater

Interview by Augustin Giovannoni
Portrait by Biemer

Felix Löchel hat einen beeindruckenden Clip online gestellt – inspiriert von den DVS Commercials wurde hier ordentlich die Post-Production-Peitsche geschwungen. Gefilmt wurde in Stuttgart. Geschnitten wurde in Stuttgart. Animiert wurde in Stuttgart. Geflogen wurde in Stuttgart. Mit von der Partie sind: Kilian Zehnder, Sandro Trovato, Michael Hoi Le Tan, Patrick Zentgraf, Erik Müller, Yannick E.S. und die Stimme von Marc Johnson…

Bevor am kommenden Wochenende die ersten Berlin Open über die Bühne des Nike SB Shelters gehen, gibt es mit dem Best Of eine 6 monatige Retrospektive. Die goldenen Momente des Openings, der Team Days, Spot Ons und Monday Sessions vereint in einem Clip feat. Shane O’Neill, Donovon Piscopo, Kilian Zehnder, Patrick Rogalski, Farid Ulrich vielen weiteren Akteuren. Die Vorfreude steigt, wir sehen uns am Freitag!


Neues aus dem Nike SB Shelter – das internationale Team hat sich nicht nur während der Demo in der Skatehalle Berlin ausgetobt, sondern auch die ein oder andere produktive Nacht um die Ohren geschlagen. Seht selbst wie Wieger van Wageningen, Kilian Zehnder, Luan Oliviera, Shane O’Neill, Donovon Piscopo, Denny Pham und Youness Amrani den Parcours zerpflücken. Spot On!

Mitte Januar fand in der Skatehalle Berlin die große Eröffnung des Nike SB Shelter statt. Zum Grand Opening wurde eine exqusitie Delegation internationaler Stars eingeladen, die bereits in der ersten Demo eindrucksvoll bewiesen haben, was in so einem Park alles möglich ist – zumindest theoretisch oder dann, wenn man Shane O’Neill, Luan Oliviera oder Donovon Piscopo heißt. Auch die Europäer haben sich nicht lumpen lassen, sondern ihre Skills mehr als sehenswert auf das Parkett gelegt.

Nach zwei Monaten Bauzeit feiert die Skatehalle Berlin offiziell die Eröffnung des Nike SB Shelter. Der Indoor Skatepark im Herzen von Berlin soll in den nächsten Jahren zum Anlaufpunkt der europäischen Skateszene werden und bietet mit einem Streetcourse von California Skateparks perfekte Überwinterungsmöglichkeiten für die Hauptstadtszene. Zum Grand Opening am 15. Januar 2014 ab 18:00 Uhr wird das NIKE SB Global Team eine Demo fahren und zeigen, was in dem Park alles möglich ist. Bisher bestätigte Fahrer sind: Shane O’Neill, Luan Oliveira, Donovan Piscopo, Youness Amrani, Wieger Van Wageningen und Berlin-Locals Denny Pham, Farid Ulrich und Lennie Burmeister. Hier schon mal ein erster Video-Vorgeschmack, ein paar erste Bilder und die offizielle Pressemitteiung.

Denny Pham – FS Bluntlslide

Farid Ulrich – SW BS Flip

Kilian Zehnder – BS 180 SW FS Crooks

Michi Mackrodt – BS Nosegrind

Offizielle Pressemitteilung:

Die Skatehalle Berlin ist Dreh- und Angelpunkt für Skate-Touristen aus aller Welt. Als langjähriger Supporter der Szene und optimaler Lage in Friedrichshain ist sie der perfekte Partner für dieses Projekt. „Durch das Engagement von Nike bietet sich für uns die einmalige Gelegenheit den Street- Bereich komplett neu zu gestalten und der Berliner Szene einen der besten Parks in Europa zu bieten“, sagt Tobias Freitag, Betreiber der Skatehalle Berlin.

Mit dem Ziel, einen State-of-the-Art Skatepark zu gestalten, wurde die US-amerikanische Firma California Skateparks engagiert, die unter anderem als Schöpfer des Indoor-Skateparks The Berrics und den Parcours der Street League Contestserie bekannt ist. Mit dem Fokus auf progressives Skateboarding wurde in enger Zusammenarbeit mit Nike, der Skatehalle Berlin und den Berliner Locals das Design des SHELTER Skateparks entwickelt. Für unbegrenzte Möglichkeiten sorgen Ledges, Gaps, Hubbas, Rails, Banks und Transitions in verschiedenen Größen und Höhen – allesamt aus feinstem Beton. „Das Projekt in Berlin ist einer der progressivsten Skateparks, die wir je gebaut haben. Auf relativ begrenztem Raum haben wir einen Park entworfen, der Elemente von Street-League-Parcours und dem Berrics-Park verbindet. Der Park ist sehr vielseitig und hat sogar echte Berliner Platte Steine”, bringt es Joe Ciaglia, Inhaber von California Skateparks, auf den Punkt.

Als wichtiger Teil des Projekts wird der NIKE HONOR ROLL SKATEBOARD CLUB (HRSC), die globale Skate Workshop-Initiative von NIKE, in das Konzept integriert und führt das umfangreiche Nachwuchs-Engagement der Skatehalle Berlin fort. „Dieser komplette Neustart gibt uns die perfekten Voraussetzungen für unsere beiden wichtigsten Aufgaben: die Nachwuchsförderung und den Erhalt eines ganzjährigen Treffpunkts für die internationale Skateboardszene“, erklärt Tobias Freitag.

Das Park-Design bietet Fahrern mit seiner stufenartigen Struktur optimale Bedingungen, ihr Skaten auf das nächste Level zu bringen. Egal ob als Teilnehmer der Anfängerkurse im HRSC, motivierter und fortgeschrittener Amateur, oder Top-Pro – der Streetcourse wurde für jedes Niveau konzipiert.

Das NIKE SB SHELTER ist eine europäische Plattform, die einen Skatepark, gebaut nach den Top US-Standards, zugänglich für alle Skater macht. Als Event-Arena mit internationalen Veranstaltungen, einem umfangreichen Nachwuchs-Programm und Ort von Videoproduktionen des besten Skatens in Europa, soll die Entwicklung von Skateboarding weiter gefördert werden.

Nicht zuletzt soll dieses Projekt der Berliner Szene eine Indoor-Alternative bieten, um den harten Winter zu überleben – daher der Name „NIKE SB SHELTER“.

Öffnungszeiten des NIKE SB SHELTER ab dem 16.01.2014:

Dienstag 14:00 – 20:00 Uhr
Mittwoch 14:00 – 24:00 Uhr
Donnerstag 14:00 – 20:00 Uhr
Freitag 14:00 – 24:00 Uhr
Samstag 13:00 – 24:00 Uhr
Sonntag 13:00 – 20:00 Uhr

NIKE SB SHELTER @ Skatehalle Berlin
Revaler Str. 99
10245 Berlin

Weitere Infos und die aktuellsten Videos und Fotos gibt es ab sofort auf:

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P-Rod, Nugget und Torey Pudwill fahren sich warm für die kommenden Street League Events. Und zwar in P-Rod´s privaten Park. Möchte man auch haben. Verdammte Pro Skater Millionäre.

Nassim Guammaz ist der Mann der Stunde. Hier kommt seine Firing Line.

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Kilian Zehnder aus der Schweiz, der bei uns auch schon ein Check Out hatte, fährt ab sofort für den 242 Shop. So einen feinen Ripper nimmt man gerne ins Team auf.

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