Tag: nestor judkins

Hi Kirill, for the guys, who don’t know you yet – please introduce yourself:
“Hi, my name is Kirill, I’m 29 years old, been skating for around 15 years. I got kind of a weird role in Patrik’s crew – I always skate on those trips but i’ve never been good enough to get tricks for the video. We know each other since his first big project “10,000 kilomoteres” that we did around 2008. First I was just a tour guide, then we became friends and he kept inviting me for his trips, I usually help Patrik with organization and coordination. I do texts for different Russian and European skate magazines and websites. I shoot with old point and shoot film cameras. For Madagascar I used my automatic Minolta AFZ for personal memories. My main job is sales manager and team manager at Russian board brand Absurd skateboards. That’s it – enjoy the photos”

Patrik Wallner has been all over the Eurasia during the last few years. Since Eurasia has been his main point of interest he barely visited anything outside of this continent. I think Madagascar was his second big project filmed somewhere else (Cuba was the first one). Since I’ve been on many of his Eurasian trips I was really excited to go somewhere new for both of us, so I didn’t think twice when he offered me to join them for this one. I took this portrait of Patrik when he was in search for lemurs, in a literal way. It took us around two hours to find those funny little animals.

Madagascar capital Antananarivo was the starting point of the trip. The night before I took the flight I had read crazy stories about crime and robbery over there. Honestly I was little scared to go there. Glad we managed to avoid any serious problems there. I am sure you can find serious troubles in that city but during day time it’s not that bad at all. We didn’t have any kind of security and cruised all around the city. The general reaction of the people was positive and there were happy to see tourists in their country. Some contrasts of Antananarivo were quite shocking and life conditions especially in poor neighborhoods looked really harsh. It was nice to witness that people don’t about smiles and happiness no matter how hard they live over there. When our societies are spoiled with IPhones and modern trends kids over there can still have fun just with an old metal can fixed to the stick.

We met this boy with tangerines a few times while skating Antananarivo – I am sure Brian Dolle was his best customer of that week. It was all about bargaining between them during their tangerine deals. Brian definitely knew the fair price for tangerines by the end of the trip.

After a few days in the capital, we took a flight to Morondova on the west coast of the Madagascar Island. It couldn’t be more of a paradise than the way we stayed: Our bungalows were right by the ocean. There were pretty much no other people around besides a few locals busy with fishing and daily routine. Good times!

The Avenue of Baobabs was the main reason we went to Morondava. The place was surreal: When we saw it in morning fog on the sunrise it looked like something from a different planet. I guess it’s one of the most special locations you can visit, it’s almost hard to believe that we were there.

We got to meet local tribe people by the baobabs. I think it was great experience for both sides. They discovered skateboarding and pushed on our boards and we checked out their lifestyle and daily routine that looked like something you usually see in geographic movies on TV. We hung out together for couple hours.

Somehow we ended up coming to Morondova right for the biggest beach party of the year. The local DJ invited us during the lunch to come back later and we couldn’t resist to do so. Pretty much the whole city was there dancing, drinking and having fun. Look how happy Barney Page and his new friends looked like. We even went for and afterparty to a local club and danced barefoot.

This might be my favorite shot of the trip. I like that mom who has her baby on her back but dance and drink beer at the same time. I started dancing with her and I felt like her friends were so stoked that they even wanted to marry us after the dance. Maybe it was just my misunderstanding…

This was my first trip with Wilko and unfortunately the last one too. I had heard about him from Patrik and Danny before and was looking forward to travel with him. He brought this metal musical instrument with him and the moment when he played it for the tribe people under the baobab was one of the highlights of the trip. With his music it was almost like a meditation session for all of us. I could feel that Wilko was a bit in his own world all the time but people like him definitely do our big world interesting. I am glad I got to know him. R.I.P

Skateboarding is fun – no matter where you do it and how you do it. Keep pushing.

Der zweite Teil von Patrick Wallners “Melodies for the Lemurs” Doku ist online. Madagaskar hat scheinbar alles andere als viele fahrbare Spots zu bieten, dafür viel Gastfreundschaft und Begeisterung – die einheimischen Kids jedenfalls waren bei jedem geschafften Trick völlig aus dem Häuschen. Strahlende Gesichter sind mehr Wert als der nächste Banger. Barney Page, Denny Pham, Nestor Judkins, Wilko Grüning, Brian Dolle und Gosha Konyshev haben sich jedenfalls richtig Mühe gegeben und das Beste aus den “Spots” herausgeholt – seht selbst:

Wer den ersten Teil verpasst hat, kann ihn sich hier noch einmal angucken!


Nach Madagaskar zu reisen um dort Skateboard zu fahren, klingt nach einem ziemlich aberwitzigen Plan. Barney Page, Denny Pham, Nestor Judkins, Wilko Grüning, Brian Dolle und Gosha Konyshev haben sich darauf eingelassen und der afrikanischen Insel Ende letzten Jahres einen Besuch abgestattet. Patrik Wallner war ebenfalls mit von der Partie und hat das ganze Spektakel in gewohnt schönen Bildern dokumentiert:


Mark Suciu, Nestor Judkins, Benni Fairfax, Lem Villemin, Jake Donelly, Miles Silvas, Tyshawn Jones, Na-Kel Smith und ein paar weitere adidas Teamfahrer machen sich in diesem Edit ausschließlich über Bump to Bar Spots her. Der Grund ist #BoostTheBar – eine Contestserie, bei der der jeweils beste Trick an einem eigens designten Bump to Bar Spot mit Cash und Sachpreisen belohnt wird. Alle Infos gibt’s im Clip:

1 – Trying to imagine a motorcycle trip through one of the most exotic countries in the world, one would usually think of palm trees, lots of sun, friends, plenty of speed and a warm breeze brushing back one’s hair. None of which existed on a day towards the end of January 2012 when Michael Mackrodt, Jerry Hsu, Javier Mendizabel, Keegan Sauder, Joey Pepper and Jonathan Mehring left the capital city of Hanoi, embarking on a two-week trip that saw them travel more than 2,000 kilometers.

A very slight drizzle turned into heavy rain that lasted for hours, making everything wet and leading to misery when our bodies and hands were freezing from the cold wind. Not to mention getting lost, Jerry slamming, not finding food because it was Vietnamese New Year’s Day – it goes without saying that this day was a pretty miserable one. But waking up the next morning and putting back on my wet pants and shoes was probably even worse.

2 – When a couple of things go wrong in no more than 24 hours, it usually makes for a pretty shitty day. So when three non-related people tried to hurt us and hunt us down within said time span, it was worse than anything I could have imagined: This random day began in Mongolia’s capital, Ulaanbaatar, with a taxi driver wanting to beat us all up if we didn’t give him five dollars each.

Having managed to escape the situation, an older woman at the train station viciously started throwing rocks at us. And to top things off, a drunk Mongolian climbed up to the third floor of our hostel and broke the balcony windows, trying to steal things in our room, but when film maker Anthony Claravall turned on the lights, he jumped from one balcony to the next and took off. Welcome to Mongolia!

To be honest though, I was accompanied by nine Chinese dudes (Converse team), who are not really welcomed by the natives, which is hardly surprising: after all, they built that Great Wall to keep the Mongolians out…

3 – On most long-distance trains in China you can find cabins labeled as “sleeping class”, “sitting class”, and – a popular alternative for anyone trying to save some bucks, at least if you don’t mind standing on two feet – “standing class”. On a Trans-Siberian trip from Moscow to Hong Kong, we found ourselves almost towards the end in Beijing with only a couple days left until our next destination, Xi’an.

We were all pretty shocked when we heard that we were supposed to stand on that train for 13 hours. On the actual night of our departure, half the crew bailed out and took a plane or stayed longer in Beijing, but Laurence Keefe, Kirill Korobkov, Daniel Hochman and myself took it upon ourselves to see how shitty one would feel after this experience.

I can’t really describe it, but after 13 hours of standing with a couple hours of painful kneeling between the aisles (which was almost worse than standing), both Daniel and I caught the flu, babies shat all over the ground and my body felt like the biggest pile of shit ever. “Never again will I stand again,” or some such thing I told myself after that.

4 – You know it’s not your day when you are in survival mode thinking, “If I collapse right here, right now, I might just perish amongst a million Hindus and no one will ever know.” In early 2013, the world had its biggest gathering of human beings along the Ganges in India for the ‘Kumbh Mela’, which is held every 12 years.

During an eight-week period more than 130 million people pilgrimaged to bathe in the Ganges, amongst them Mark Suicu, Sebo Walker, Nestor Judkins, Sean Malto, Jon Mehring and myself. Of course once again half the crew caught the flu and were out under the most stressful circumstances, with loudspeakers blaring 24-hour prayers at maximum volume and a flooding tin shack falling apart.

Since this festival is on only every 12 years, we had no choice but to wake up at four in the morning to witness the finale of all the sadhus and gurus bathing. My head was spinning and we had to walk some three or four hours to get to the river and back; during the walk back I felt so weak I was contemplating just passing out amongst millions of people, but the desire to keep on living was stronger. Not planning to go see the biggest gathering of humans ever again.

5 – I have had a couple bus rides in Indonesia and Sri Lanka where I told myself I would never ever enter a vehicle again, but when traveling from the Iranian/Azerbaijani border to Baku in a Mercedes-Benz alongside Michael Mackrodt, I didn’t think anything could go wrong in this equation. Well, I was wrong.

This might not have been the worst day, but probably the most intense and annoying transit. Our Azerbaijani driver of course didn’t speak English and then he picked up this random lady, which was already a bit annoying since we had paid for the entire car. To make things even worse, she asked the driver to stop by her house so she could pick up her baby. After a good 30 minutes she showed up again with a ten-year-old boy who wore ridiculously thick glasses and a suit. At this point Michael and I were pretty pissed off, but we were also glad to finally hit the road.

Minutes later we realized that we were in for an intense ride, seeing how the driver turned the Azerbaijani coastal roads along the Caspian Sea into a Formula 1 racing track, with speeds up to 160 kilometers per hour at times. I was stuck in the back with the lady and the boy, while she was telling the driver stories in Azerbaijani, non-stop for over two hours. By non-stop I really mean non-stop, there was no silence.

Even when a car in front of us hit a cow and we saw this huge creature sliding down the street on its back, she still kept on talking. I was wishing she could just somehow shut up… and since she obviously had photosensitive epilepsy, a few minutes later she had a seizure: There was foam coming out of her mouth, and so the driver immediately stopped and gave her some Fanta.

It was scary, I didn’t wish for her to die, all I wanted was some quiet for a minute. She was shook up for a while, but of course soon she started talking again. So that cow sliding on its back, that lady with a seizure, that insane driving – I mean I don’t see Michael Mackrodt scared too often, but we both felt quite relieved when we arrived in Baku in one piece.

Dieser Beitrag von Patrik Wallner findet sich in unserer Jubiläumsausgabe, die du hier bestellen kannst.

Damit das Warten auf das neue Enjoi Full Length nicht langweilig wird, gibt es nun für wenige Stunden den Nestor Judkins Part aus dem Oververt Video online zu bewundern. Herr Judkins ist auf jeden Fall sehr stilsicher unterwegs… von Kopf bis Fuß perfekt durchgestyled. Bei diesem Part kann man sich durchaus auf “Oververt” freuen!

Von Deutschland aus betrachtet ist Neuseeland ziemlich genau am anderen Ende der Welt. Wer also ein überdurschnittlich ausgeprägtes Fernweh mit dazugehörigem Reisefieber verspürt, kann sich im neuen Streifen von Transworld inspirieren lassen. Mit dabei sind Walker Ryan, Dennis Busenitz, Nestor Judkins, Joey Pepper und Josh Matthews.

In diesem kleinen Interview mit Nestor Judkins können wir einen ersten Blick auf den mittlerweile vierten Signature Colorway des Nestor Adi Ease werfen. Dieses Mal ist der schlichte Schuh komplett weiß gehalten und erinnert rein farblich gesehen an Tennisschuhe aus längst vergangenen Tagen. Keine wirkliche Überraschung, wenn man bedenkt, dass Judkins doch erst vor kurzem Tennislegende Stan Smith zu Werbezwecken gedoubled hat. Wie es überhaupt zu dem Commercial kam, erfahren wir ebenfalls im Clip…

adidas Skateboarding enthüllt, was niemand wusste: die Tennislegende Stan Smith war ein passionierter Skateboarder, von dem sich sogar Mark Gonzales und Matt Hensley den ein oder anderen Trick abgeschaut haben. Er hat den Kickflip erfunden und bereits vor vielen Jahren über Tennisnetze gemacht.

Ist denn heute schon Weihnachten? Sorry. Aus dem Hause adidas Skateboarding kommt dieser neue Edit mit feinstem Streetskating aus Vancouver, Seattle und Portland. Mit dabei sind Dennis Busenitz, Silas Baxter-Neal, Marc Suciu, Nestor Judkins, Rodrigo TX, Jake Donnelly, Lem Villemin, Benny Fairfax, Kevin Lowrey und der neuste Teamzugang Alec Majerus. Wow.

Der Herbst kommt in kleinen, aber spürbaren Schritten auf uns zu. Genau die richtige Zeit also um euch die neue adidas Skateboarding Kollektion ein Stückchen näherzubringen. Ganze 17 Modelle in 30 Colorways umfasst die Linie, die gerade gelauncht wird. Die Schuhe kommen meist schlicht und in dezenten, gedeckten Farben, wobei es ein paar farbenfrohe Ausreißer gibt. Hier die Bilder, habt ihr einen Favoriten?

Busenitz ADV:

Campus Vulc:

Silas Pro 2:


Americana Vin:

Gonz Pro:

Lucas Pro:


Patrick Wallners Gurus In The Ganges kommt mit Teil drei und schliesst damit die erfolgreiche Dokumentation über einen Indien Trip, welcher für einige Teilnehmer eine Horizonterweiterung bedeutete; mit dabei sind Sean Malto, Mark Suciu, Nestor Judkins, Sebo Walker und 30 Mio. Menschen.

Das internationale RVCA Team featuring Julian Davidson, Kevin “Spanky” Long, Nestor Judkins, Josh Harmony, Didrik, Galasso, Charles Collet, den deutschen Helden Tom Kleinschmidt und Ilja Judizki unterwegs auf deutschen (und österreichischen) Straßen, Rails und Downhills.
