Daniel Dent did it again. After his sick video “with the apple” from 2 years ago he is back with a new one called “faith in bro”. This time filmed in some very nice HD and it features a lot of our favorite skaters. What more could we ask for?
Tag: Oskar Rozenberg
Overachievers – Bryggeriet’s Gymnasium
With so many talents in and around the Bryggeriet’s Gymnasium, it only makes sense to get the people together and make a skate video. The future is bright! S/O to John Dahlquist and Steffen Austerheim for doing so much for the scene and still getting clips in the streets.
Check out Pocket’s “Followed” to get an exclusive look inside the school.
Polar Skate Co. – Sounds Like You Guys Are Crushing It
Everything by Pontus Alv & Tor Ström simply is must-watch TV. Shout out to Ville Wester, Jamie Platt & Roman Gonzalez for putting it down and going pro during this project!
“Much Needed After A Long” by Alex Greenberg
The moment when the “Clockwork Orange” theme music started playing and the titles popped up we already got the feeling that this is going to be a very well-made video. We weren’t wrong. After filming and editing the Noah NYC video we didn’t see much from Mr. Alex Greenberg but of course, he didn’t put his camera aside. On the contrary. After watching his new 26 minutes long work “Much Needed After A Long” we saw what he and his friends had been up to and all we can say is that it was worth the wait.
Great work Alex! Nice to see a lot of familiar faces together with amazing skaters we have never seen before. Another instant New York City classic!
Vans Park Series Montréal – On the Course
How does one define what one’s eyes see but cannot comprehend? That is the feeling we left with just moments after Pedro Barros finished his run.
Photos by Conny Mirbach.
Text by Roland Hoogwater.
The two days before, he was hardly even trying to practice, no 540 attempts, switch pushing through the bowl or even one attempt to bigspin-flip indy his way into the top spot. If you would have asked me what Pedro was working on I would have told you that he was perfecting his flat ground game and in particular his nollie flips.
But when the cameras turned on and just when Cory Juneau thought he had it in the bag, Mr. Barros stepped in, showed his cards and surprisingly it was a royal flush. Two more people took their runs afterwards but they won’t be remembered or even mentioned in the history books.
Every VPS event we go to has seen shocking moments, it is almost a tradition, one that Oskar “Oski” Rozenberg adheres to. Last year in Sweden, he, with one simple flick shuffled the entire board and claimed both the top spot, the money and the hearts of the people by clearing the box with a giant kickflip.
In true Swedish fashion about 30 minutes later he calmly climbed on his bike and cycled home with the rest of the Rozenberg family, he probably cooked dinner after and closed the day by watching some Netflix.
Both the 2017 and now defending ’18 champions seem to be aware and present when they need to be and just when the crowd has started to accept the reality that one person might win they manage to alter the course by simply grabbing the moment, the board and the crown.
A simple but special occurrence which makes the VPS worth watching until the very end… or until we do it all over again in August.
Special thanks go out to VANS for the support.
Baeonci’s Brett Detaljerat
We told you about Henry Forsnor’s aka Baeonci’s new project he is working on. Well, that’s in the past now since it just got released. To put it into Henry’s words:
@baeonci everywhere
Sorry I can’t afford the fisheye.
A skateclip produced in Malmö during summer 2018.
Made by Henry Forsnor.
For business inquiries: henry@baeonci.com.
(In order of appearance)
Axel Berggren – @axlbbb
Axel Källmen -@axelkallmen
Elias Mensi – @elias_mensi
Hjalte Halberg – @hjaltehalberg
Fernando Bramsmark – @daaarkness
Heitor Da Silva – @heitordasilva
Oscar Säfstöm – @oskarsafstrom
Oskar Rozenberg Hallberg – @oskarrozenberg
Vincent Huhta Hasselberg – @v.uhh
Thomas Samuel
S/O to the whole Malmö scene. We are watching you!
Oski’s Rider Profile – Vans Park Series
Tomorrow, we will be flying out to Shanghai, China for the Vans Park Series final. Last year’s champ Oskar Rozenberg had a pretty busy year so far and just a few weeks back we were lucky enough to witness his winning run at the Park Series stop in Malmö. Can’t wait to see what’s going to happen this year!
Nike SB – Southwest Trip
Big companies like Nike is that they have a lot of stuff crammed in a year, from the Australian “Medley”, a 58 Blazer to the Hockey collab and now a southwest trip for the new styles of the Blazer. All these projects have different people involved in front of and behind the lens. Which means that everybody gets to like their version of the SB division.
This newest edit was filmed and edited by Tor Ström, who is from CPH and went to Malmö’s Bryggeriet school. So putting him with Hjalte, Oski, Hugo and Ville makes a lot of sense to us because we feel that touring with your friends brings out the best! Thus allowed this to become one of our favourite SB videos of 2018. Now please press play!
Sean Dahlberg – 2two2
Most of you saw the 917 video and as with almost any “big” video nowadays multiple filmers where involved in making that project become a reality. 2two2 provides us with the perspective of Sean Dahlberg the person who actually filmed those tricks. Enjoy!
“DIRT RIVER” is a video by Tor Ström, featuring lots of people, under whom Ville Wester, Oskar Rozenberg, Hjalte Halberg, Jarne Verbruggen, Fernando Bramsmark & many more.
Photo Recap – Vans Park Series in Malmö
One week ago we flew into Copenhagen airport because we had been invited by Vans to Sweden to witness one of the most prestigious and well-known skate contests in the world, the Vans Park Series in Malmö.
There were at least two things that had aroused my enthusiasm about this event days before the whole thing actually took place: First of all, I have never been to Sweden, and secondly, I have never watched any bowl contest on a comparable level of skating before. It soon turned out that this event managed to measure up to my high expectations. The line-up was insane, the crowd hyped and the weather almost a little bit too sunny (for Sweden).
A chance to see these two in action is a chance you must take!
However, what was really striking me was the fact that nobody of the riders was wearing a helmet or at least knee pads at all (some of the women did), which I really liked because – let’s face it – it makes every trick look even heavier and way more stylish. A fact that unfortunately the youngest and smallest rider CJ Collins painfully had to pay for with a hard slam in the finals. Luckily, he did not get seriously injured (after the contest he skated on).
In the end, Alex Sorgente deservedly took the victory but the crowd’s favorite was clearly once again Malmö’s own Mr. Oskar Rozenberg Hallberg.
Photos & Text by Paul Röhrs
Oskar Rozenberg – Bonus
If you have seen Oskar Rozenberg’s latest part it could be surprising for you to hear that there is still a lot more of terrific footage left that wasn’t used for it, but let’s face it, actually we are already too awar of the capabilities of this exeptional young gun.
Oskar Rozenberg – Lil Guben
Oskar Rozenberg‘s new full part mostly takes place in the vertical. Powerful and fearless.
Oski & Hjalte! – Enough said.
I Like It Here Inside My Mind – Don’t Wake Me Up This Time
When I was younger I just collected every skate video I could get ahold on and stored it in my DVD shelf. But over time, I got more selective about which ones I really needed to buy a copy of. There have been only a handful videos during this year that expanded my collection. Pontus Alv’s latest masterpiece is one of them. Already the title makes you aware of the fact, that this video is much more than just a couple of skateboard tricks. This film takes you on a journey in a sort of dream-like nostalgic setting and, in doing so, a unique feeling is created.
“Everything is possible when we dream. Why can’t we sleep forever?”
Watch the full video online now! Click here.
Featuring Hjalte Halberg, Aaron Herrington, Kevin Rodrigues, Nick Boserio, Oskar Rozenberg, David Stenström, Dane Brady, Paul Grund and Roman Gonzalez.
Carhartt X Polar Launch Recap
Kein Produktlaunch ohne Nachberichterstattung – Das dachten sich wohl auch Carhartt und Polar, die nach dem erfolgreichen Launch ihrer gemeinsamen Kollektion jetzt den passenden Videorecap nachlegen. Pontus Alv, Haus- und Hof-Fotograf Nils Svensson und der Grafiker Jacob Ovgren sprechen über die Hinter- und Beweg-Gründe der Kollabo. Ach ja, Skateboarding gibt es auch zu sehen, unter anderem von Hjalte Halberg, David Stenström und Little Oski, der gerade einen Wachstumssprung gemacht hat:
Oski & Friends Staycation
Die Special Effects lassen es bereits erahnen: Phil Evans hat den ganzen Sommer über mit Oski in Malmö und Kopenhagen gefilmt und dabei ein sagenhaftes Budget von 2 Euro auf den Kopf gehauen. Das Resultat kann sich trotzdem mehr als sehen lassen. Oski hat Transitionskills!
Levi’s Skateboarding: Berlin Blowout
Im April diesen Jahres wurde mit Hilfe von Levi’s Skateboarding in La Paz Bolivien der Pura Pura Skatepark gebaut. Unterstützt wurde das Projekt von über 100 Freiwilligen aus insgesamt 17 Ländern – wir berichteten ausführlich.
Doch was hat das alles mit Berlin zu tun? Einiges, denn während der Bright baute Levi’s einen temporären Skatepark in die St. Agnes Kirche in Berlin Kreuzberg. Neben Skateaction gab es on top noch die Premiere der Pura Pura Doku (hier zu sehen) und eine dazugehörige Fotoausstellung von Jonathan Mehring, der das Projekt mit seiner Kamera dokumentierte. Alles in allem ein großes Fest zu dem tollerweise auch eine Menge der Leute kamen, die direkt am Projekt beteiligt waren. Hier der Clip zum Event: