A new skate tour video by the lovely people over at Lousy Livin, created by our very own Roland Hoogwater. We are sure you will enjoy the crew’s trip to Leon Charo Tite’s hometown of Lörrach. Enjoy!
Tag: danny sommerfeld

Place Presents: CLOWNS by Roland Hoogwater

Place Presents: dance4me remix (prod. Jonas Albrecht)

Place Presents: Second Date

Place Presents: SLEEP-OVER In Kosovo

Place Presents: „Enthusiasm Worldwide“
Lousy Livin’ SYLT
Maybe one day all the stories behind this legendary Lousy Livin’ tour will be told but for now… Just enjoy Leon Moss’ talent behind the lens as he shows Kai Hillebrand, Leon Charo-Tite, Patrick Zentgraf, Giorgi Balkhamashvili, & more.
Schrottboys “Mülljungen Volume 4″
Our friends from Kassel just released a new Mülljungen edit and it comes with just the perfect soundtrack to a very classic VX local scene video. Absolutely entertaining and lovely all around.
Filmed & edited by Kenneth Brencher.
“GEHT DENN” by Leon Moss
Our good friend Leon Moss dropped this video out of nowhere and it blew us away. He told us since he started to film for various brands and saved clips for possible future projects, he never ended up continuing to make his own videos after his “So Silly” video. A lot of footage piled up on his hard drive, so instead of letting those clips get dustier and dustier, he decided to edit this video. We had no idea he had so much up his sleeve. Amazing work Leon! We can´t wait for the next one!
Make sure to go back and rewatch Leon’s previous edits HERE.

Place Presents: Lousy Livin, Capsule No 2
“GOONS TURNED OUT FINE” by Sergio Ben Mario
Sergio Ben Mario was out in the streets of Berlin for while to make this video happen. A lot of your favorite skaters from Berlin are in the edit such as Kalle Wiehn, Julian Ruhe, Kaio and even Danny & Peter, just to name a few because the list goes on and on.
Schrottboys’s “MÜLLJUNGEN VOL.3”
Our favorite Kassel boys are back with their third episode of MÜLLJUNGEN. Don’t we all want to be Schrottboys?
Free Skate Mag – Online Dating
We made this video as a piece to go together with our very own Daniel Pannemann’s interview in the current issue of Free Skate Mag. It was in fact Free’s own Arthur Derrien that proposed the idea of a sort of takeover/collab.
In the end, Sara Parson Texas did the interview itself and I (Roland Hoogwater) got the chance to create this video together with our staff and some of our close associates/freelancers.
We hope you enjoy the work we put in for you all to enjoy and stay safe out there in these troubling times.
Converse Push Berlin Photo Recap # 3
Damn, that is # 3 already? Yes. Our third Converse “Push Berlin” session earlier this year went down successfully and we can’t wait to reopen the doors of YAAM next Tuesday. Here is what went down, who was there and what you have missed out on:
Together with Converse, we are proudly hosting a session for everyone to join on the 03.03 (Tuesday) at YAAM Berlin, after Give Something Back To Berlin took over the park, build by Yamato Living Ramps.
Learn more about GSBTB HERE and watch our Converse CONS team session HERE.
All photos by Danny Sommerfeld.
All you need to know for next Tuesday:

Push Berlin – A Converse Skate Space
It wasn’t the first time that Converse decided to help the Berlin Skateboarding scene with an indoor facility during those dark days of the Winter. Meet “Push Berlin” – a project in cooperation with Converse.
In this video, a few Converse CONS ambassadors took a look at the park to show you around, which ended up in a session for everybody.
Featuring.: Danny Sommerfeld, Daniel Pannemann, Vladik Scholz, Jonas Hess & more.
Three Strikes Bowling Tournament – Photo Recap
Last Saturday something happened, a group of people honored us with their presence, their good spirits & their bowling skills. Today we recap the magic of that night for you.
Photos by Danny Sommerfeld.
Text by Roland Hoogwater.

What happened? Well, we had one of our best events ever, from a slow start, where basically everyone turned up on time, which was a bit early (not expected at a skate event) to an electric final we have you, the Berlin skate scene to thank for making this what it was!

What it was? Well, a night of surprises. For instance, a very drunk Jack Taylor together with a driven Dan Clarke making it all the way to the finals. An amazing performance from Collin McLean who bowls with as much finesse as he skates. Mark Nickels who brought his own bowling ball and wore a bowling shirt (scare tactics) and bowled steadily for the entire night, in the end, coming up short because Berlin local and adidas skater Baswti kept racking them up and knocking them down like he had ice in his veins.

When we shot the trailer he wasn’t bowling like this we tell you! He did use his patented own was of throwing the ball but it seemed like in the 3-weeks between the shoot for the trailer and the actual event he had put in the work and at the end up the night took home the 300€ prize money. Congratulations Bawsti you earned it!

adidas Skateboarding thank you for helping us and making this happen, it was a magic evening for all in attendance, skater, and non-skater together knocking down those pins together.

Converse Push Berlin
On the 05th of November, we proudly kicked off our first Tuesday of many to come of skating at the famous YAAM Berlin location. For a lot of people from Berlin, it was a flashback since the location for the longest time had a mini ramp that had to be removed a few years back.
YAAM short for Young African Art Market started 25 years ago as a place where the different African communities meet. The conceptual environment at the Spree has a big heritage in hip hop, graffiti, and skateboarding and became a place to connect with all the different parts of the city. Converse now partnered with YAAM to create skate sessions inside the music venue every first Tuesday of the month and we are happy to be hosting these. Together with Civilist Berlin and Give Something Back To Berlin we will be presenting various activities and sessions for the next few months.
The space will also host a group of young people from marginalized communities being taught how to skate and discover the culture and lifestyle that goes with it and at 17:00 we will go into an open session for everyone to join.
Here is what went down:
A big thank you to the Converse Berlin Office, first and foremost Fernando “Nando” Garciacocapiera, Yamato Living Ramps and everyone for showing up, we can’t wait to see you on the 03rd of December at YAAM!
More about the project soon!
All Photos by Danny Sommerfeld.
Photo Recap: I’m getting Cowboy Boots Soon – Absolutely No Selection Launch Event
Last Thursday, the 20th of June aka the day before “Midsummer Night” or “Go Skateboarding Day” as we sometimes refer to the 21st of June saw the release of one of our proudest moments… The release of our 600-page collaborative effort together with Carhartt WIP.
The book doesn’t need many words to explain the concept, 1 weekend, 1 photographer, 1 skater and absolutely no selection, or better yet we printed all that was shot by our photographer Danny Sommerfeld. The book itself you can find and look at via a visit to selected skate and Carhartt shops all over Europe and we would love to hear your feedback once you did just that.
Back to last Thursday, we once again invited Danny to shoot the release event in Berlin and this time he put his imagination to work and came out with this very special and “selective” photo recap, cowboy boots included.
Text by Roland Hoogwater.
Photos by Danny Sommerfeld.
Place Presents – Harlekin Berlin
Design is often based on other design, how many Ferrari shaped bedsheets or My Little Pony shaped birthday cakes have we not seen in our life?
So when Nike remastered the Janoski for its 10-year anniversary they also looked outside, they probably looked at animals, the sky, cement patterns, but in the end, I believe they simply looked out of their Beaverton office window onto the parking lot and there they found the answer sitting in the swooshes own parking lot.
(disclaimer: this might not be factual, they might have just found pictures of the car on the internet)
Photos by Danny Sommerfeld.
Text by Roland Hoogwater.
The story continues below…
The Volkswagen Polo “Harlekin’s” story connects to the Janoski in multiple ways. It was in 1994 that the German company wanted to draw attention to their newly-updated Polo model but the problem they had to solve was:
“How do we get people to look at the newness?”.
The answer came in all colors! They devised a special showroom model of the new 6N, this model would breathe NEW! But this model was only meant to show off in the showroom it wasn’t available to the public… Well a couple of the showroom models actually did get sold afterwards and those cars began to create “word of mouth” on the streets and when the streets are talking the people at VW were listening.
1995 swings around and featured in the catalog is the now legendary VW 6N Harlekin as demanded by the public and in 2019 a similar story can be told about Nike SB’s Janoski shoe. Like the Polo, it looks similar but it is not quite the same, from little leather linings to the tape on the sole, everything has been tweaked for ’19 and that is where the two stories meet.
The story concludes below…
Fast forward to the 10th of May, Denny Pham, Jan Henrik Kongstein, Peter Buikema, Leo Preisinger and myself find ourselves driving around Berlin in a VW Harlekin wearing the Janoski Harlekin, we are putting both through the wringer for the next 2,5 days.
We didn’t do that alone, of course, we invited some Nike riders and Berlin locals to test it with us along the way.
To be honest the car has had a bit more mileage than the shoe but both held up quite well during our time even though Leo had his doubts about the car.
After the 2.5 days we concluded a couple of things:
- Denny Pham skates like he is playing THPS.
- The “new” Janoski looks better than the “old” Janoski (look closely).
- Jan Kliewer can shove his board like it is 1991.
- Jan Henrik like all people in Norway is hella tech.
- Michael Mackrodt drives a car the same way he skates.
Thank you for the support Skatedeluxe and Nike SB <3
Place Presents – Leon Rudolph’s “Practice”
During the premiere of Leon Rudolph’s new video, somebody asked: “Why is this video called Practice?” The answer lies in the opening shot of this video.
Pressed play, still no clue? You probably don’t watch the NBA, Leon does, he got the inspiration for his newest video from a Basketball legend Allen “A.I.” Iverson.
Iverson was at the peak of his skills and got asked about his performance during practice and his response is simply legendary.
Press play and listen to Iverson’s wisdom and watch Leon’s newest video featuring People like:
Jun Kummer, Hyun Kummer, Cephas Benson, Benny Urban, Santiago Sasson, David Jakinda, Farid Ulrich, Peter Buikema, Moritz Alte and many more.