Tag: Event

Yesterday everybody gathered at the #ProjectDSS skate park to create, show and discuss their designs. Brains were being stormed and ideas got put to Jan Kliewer who also offered up his own views.

During the open session, locals and visitors skated the park together, while the crowd seemed to constantly switch between watching the session, the BBQ and “the bar” creating a relaxed atmosphere.

For those who were there go check if you made it into our photo recap and if you didn’t check the photos out anyway because there is some funny cool in there.



































Special thank you goes out to Nike SB, Yamato Living Ramps, Titus Berlin and 1. Berliner Skateboard e.V.for making this event happen.


All photos by Danny Sommerfeld

After the success of last years Nike SB Project DSS sessions, it is finally time to open a new chapter for 2017.

The expansion of the #ProjectDSS park that we have all enjoyed over the last year is a priority; and just like last year, your opinion matters. Therefore Nike SB dropped of some #ProjectDSS Design Boxes at Civilist, Titus Berlin, Titus Zoopreme, Nike Store Berlin and the Nike SB Shelter. Starting today, you can drop off your ideas, sketches, opinions or tips in one of the boxes at one of the locations mentioned above and please do not hesitate to ask , we are very looking forward for see your ideas.

Nike SB in collaboration with Yamato Living Ramps and 1. Berliner Skateboard e.V. will host a Design Session at the DSS. The event will take place on Friday, May 12th starting at 17:00.

This event is meant as a Brainstorming session. Jan Kliewer will be present to discuss your ideas and the future of DSS. Like last year this event is not only about the new design, there will be some skating including a BBQ session with drinks supplied by the nice folks over at Titus Berlin.

Head over to to the Facebook Event to save the date.

Click this link to keep yourself updated.



For all the Berliners and everyone who is currently in town, tomorrow the White Trash welcomes everybody to the first WHITE TRASH DEATH MATCH at our very own White Trash Taco Pipe!

To get in the mood, They’ll start with the BEST LIP TRICK CONTEST.

Then THE WHITE TRASH DEATH MATCH is the highlight and the rules are simple. It’s a good old fashioned last man standing: three riders at the same time – drop in until you drop out! The winner of each round stays in and competes against the other winners and so on until no one’s left.
You’ll win, you’ll get prizes – another rules as simple as it gets!

No Taco Pipe without the Taco Stand! We’ve got tacos for the hungry, 100 liters of Freibier for the thirsty and tequila for the adventurous!

16.00 Dog Shit Spot / Meet Up
18.00 Spot der Visionäre / Best Trick
19.00 White Trash Taco Pipe / Best Trick & Death Match

We would like to thank Anti Hero Skateboards, Real Skateboards, Spitfire Wheels and Place Skateboard Culture for the prizes!

#ProjectDSS is served! After six events of collective preparation we’re super close to finally enjoy the delightful result of all our diligent work. Join us and the Nike SB, Civilist and Skate Mental team at the ceremonial supper at June 27th. Enjoy sessioning some fresh mouth-watering concrete while delicately savoring a hot slice of pizza made by ‘Ragazzi della Fontana’ and getting rewarded by € 1.500 cash for delicious tricks.

The ‘1. Berliner Skateboard e.V.’ and ‘Yamato Living Ramps’ will officially open the venue and pizza oven at 7 PM. If you’re around Civilist you’ll be able to jump on a shuttle bus at 6.30 PM. Buon appetite and see you at the DSS!

Yesterday Nike SB invited the winners of each Project DSS event plus the Nike SB team riders to an exclusive session at Nike Town Berlin. There they had the unique possibility to skate through the huge Nike shopping mall. After closing time, everyone could enjoy dinner while Jan Kliewer from Yamato Living Ramps revealed the outcome of the votings and the construction plans for the expansion of the Dog Shit Spot at Warschauer Straße. The final outcome of your votes and thus the plans for the park will be presented on Go Skateboarding Day next week. So make sure to join the upcoming Nike GSD event! For more information click here.

Photos by Danny Sommerfeld

In cooperation with


Yesterday the final voting event for Project DSS went down at Ringpark. It was a great success. Once again many locals gathered together to have a say in the construction plan for the expansion of Berlin’s famous DIY spot. While everybody was served cold drinks and grilled food, the session gained momentum and many tricks went down the bigger obstacles of the park. At the end, local hero Max Obert well-deserved could take home the 500€ voucher for Titus Zoopreme, also for the pleasure of his crew mates.

Photos by Danny Sommerfeld

In cooperation with


Join us in celebrating the #PROJECTDSS and get involved in the expansion of Berlin’s most famous DIY spot.

The session final session will be hosted by Titus Zoopreme at the Ringpark Skatepark, in Berlin the session starts at 6PM. Look forward to an open session with prizes for the best tricks – but most importantly a ballot box where YOU will be able to ultimately decide about the construction of a brand new DSS feature.

Register now to partake in the final session and have a good time with some free BBQ & cold drinks.

Click here to register!

This time it’ll be about the right side of the corner. It’s your last chance. All results and final drafts of PROJECT DSS will be presented at upcoming Go Skateboarding Day, June 21. Use your chance: Get involved in changing YOUR city’s main DIY-spot.

Click here to to our Facebook event.

Head over to the #ProjectDSS site to find out more about the project or to keep updated on all things DSS


Yesterday the third and second last event of Project DSS took place at the outdoor area of the Nike SB Shelter. While eating Berliner Currywurst and enjoying a cold drink everybody was discussing about the selectable obstacles for the expansion of the Dog Shit Spot, which is already under construction. Moreover, some brave ones joint the wild Fox track Race. After partly very close and exciting head to head runs Roland Hirsch could take home the victory plus the 500€ voucher.

For more information about the project, the voting and upcoming events click here.

Photos by Danny Sommerfeld

In cooperation with


The third event in the #ProjectDSS series will take place on the May the 31st (starting at 6PM) at the Nike SB Shelter.

At this event you will be able to partake in an open race through the Foxtrack while simultaneously enjoying a beer, some barbecued meat and most importantly participate in the next round of voting for a new DSS obstacle.

Register by clicking here.

Head over to the #ProjectDSS site to find out more about the project or to keep updated on all things DSS


Yesterday everybody gathered at the Titus Berlin Bowl for the second Project DSS event. Locals and visitors skated the bowl together during the open session, the crowd seemed to constantly switch between the session, the BBQ, the bar and not least to participate in the second vote -it was a hard one because basically everything looked great-.

The bowl got shredded both with flow and aggressive moves by people like Joscha Aicher, Farid Ulrich and Patrick Rogalski. In the end, Thomas Schielke flew the highest and took home the 500€ MVP voucher.

For more information about the project, the voting and upcoming events click here.





After this weeks launch event at Pappelplatz more and more things are happening. Yesterday we announced the second event at the Titus Bowl and today it is time to ask you to get involved even more. Voting for your favorite obstacle is something you can do when you are at these events but what if you can’t make it? We have thought of that and made it possible for those of you that can make it to vote online. So head over to the online voting page and cast your vote for your favorite Project Dss obstacle.

Go cast your vote!



It is time for the second event in the Project DSS sessions, join us in celebrating the #PROJECTDSS and get involved in the expansion of Berlin’s most famous DIY spot.

The event will take place on the 24th of May and the session starts at 6pm at the Titus Berlin indoor bowl.
Look forward to an open session with prizes for the best tricks – but most importantly a ballot box where YOU will be able to ultimately decide about the construction of a brand new DSS feature. This time it’ll be about the centerpiece. Use your chance: Get involved in changing YOUR city’s main DIY-spot.


Register now for some free BBQ and cold drinks


We are proud to announce that Nike SB and PLACE have teamed up once again and this one is special because of the launch of the Project DSS. “What is the Project DSS?” you might ask. Well Nike SB has collaborated with Yamato Living Ramps and 1. Berliner Skateboard Verein e.V. to expand one of Berlins most famous DIY spots “The Dog Shit Spot”. To celebrate the start of this project, we will host a couple events starting with the official Project DSS Launch Event on the 17th of May. The first event will be hosted by Civilist at the Pappelplatz skatepark.


You can expect cold drinks, a BBQ, and an open skate session, but most importantly, YOU the people can vote on obstacles that will be built at the spot. So if you care about skateboarding, voting, changing your city and having a good time, head over to Pappelplatz skatepark to participate in the Project DSS Launch event.

Register now for some free BBQ and cold drinks.



From August 21st, Vans presents a special exhibtion in the Sneakermuseum Cologne in cooperation with the local sneaker shop The Good Will Out and the Skateboardmuseum Berlin. The installation will be themed and titled “This is the Sk8-Hi – Style #38” according to the Vans iconic model. Go there and dive into history, the exhibition is free entry!

Sneakermuseum Köln
Jülicher Strasse 14
50674 Köln

August 21st – September 30th 2025

During the tradeshow days we hosted a couple of events: The first one was to celebrate the launch of our latest issue 53. But we also wanted to organize a skate contest. We thought about where to host the contest and ended up choosing our local skatepark at the Maybachufer, which is home to one of the coolest, but hard to skate obstacles: The volcano.

We teamed up with Vans, Electric and Becks Beer and put down some price money. There even was free chili con carne – everything set for a nice evening!

We expected about 200 people to show up but when it started to rain about an hour before the contest we where getting a tad bit nervous, but the sun came in and saved our day, drying up the the skatepark in just a few minutes. Luckily the people were not impressed by the weather and when the contest was about to start, 400 to 500 people were around. What an impressive setting!

With both the Bright and the Nike SB Open taking place last week, there were lots of people in town. Skaters like Ville Wester, who I had never heard of, but he and his crew turned out to be the surprise of the evening. Combining technical and creative tricks Ville took home some cash.

We also planned a surprise and asked Vulcanos the fire breather to perform his fire show to make the jam a bit more hot and spicy! Needless to say this created a special atmosphere: Louis Taubert who was ripping hard the entire time captured this atmosphere perfectly by popping a huge kickflip over the entire vulcano just moments after Vulcanos spit an enormous fire ball from the top of the vulcano! Guess who was crowned as the king of Volcano that evening? Right! Congratulations Louis – that was one for the books!

Enjoy the edit by Julius Krabbe and some pictures by Danny Sommerfeld and below:

PLACE_vulcano-jam-2 Kopie














Special thanks to Vans & Electric for making this happen!

The days around Bright Tradeshow are always packed with events and we also hosted some to tighten up the schedule even more. Last wednesday, we launched our latest issue and a special collab pack at the Our/Berlin Destillery. Thanks to all the lovely people that came out – we had a blast and here are some photos taken by Johannes Lehmann of Modest Department:
















Dear friends,
it’s time to celebrate again! We would like to cordially invite you to the release of issue 53, which will take place at the Our/Berlin distillery next to BRIGHT tradeshow in Berlin. For this occasion we teamed up with our beloved friends and created a limited edition collabo, which will be presented during the launch event at Our/Berlin. Spin the wheel of fortune, enjoy some tasty drinks and celebrate with us!

PLACE & Our/Berlin


PLACE x Our/Berlin – Issue 53 Launch
July 8th, 5PM
Am Flutgraben 2

Dear friends,

for the first time we’re crowning the King Of Volcano during The Hot & Spicy Jam presented by Electric and Vans at the world famous MBU skatepark in Berlin Neukölln. Expect hot tricks, hot tunes, hot drinks, hot food and hot eruptions! Take your chance to win 500€ cash and watch some spectacular skateboarding that will happen over Berlin’s most active volcano. Looking forward to see you at the BRIGHT Tradeshow Electric booth from 5 – 7pm before we all go together to MBU, starting the action on 7.30pm. Hell yeah!



King Of Volcano – The Hot & Spicy Jam presented by Electric & Vans
July 9th / 7.30PM
MBU Skatepark / Weichselstraße 34

Die Liason von PLACE und LookyLooky geht in die nächste Runde. Und auch wenn wir keine Gründe zum Feiern brauchen – wir haben sie. Ausgabe 52 ist gedruckt, die neuen PLACE X LookyLooky Shirts getrocknet und der Frühling ist auch endlich da. Ein optimaler Zeitpunkt um mal wieder etwas Geld zu verbrennen, wie wir finden. Gewohnt schonungslos, euphorisch und mit den besten Menschen der Welt – du bist eingeladen! Bring your Feuerzeug und lass uns leben!

Music: LookyLooky & Sooph

08. Mai 2015 – 21.00 Uhr

Köpenicker Str. 154 (2.Hinterhof – Türsteher weist euch freundlich den Weg)
10997 Berlin

Eintritt: 4 Euro – No Guestlist.

Hier gehts zum Facebook Event und so sah das Ganze im letzten Jahr aus.
