Tag: Converse Cons

Karl Fredrik Førli is a nice guy, a somewhat shy guy(when we met him), a talented skateboarder with good style, weird tricks, and powerful pop, he is somewhat of an Instagram skate celebrity as well under the alias of @kf3hunna.

On his IG he mostly skates Malmö’s Bryggeriet “skate” high school park and thus it is always nice to see somebody take what they learned in the park and apply it to the streets. Enjoy!

A must watch even if you are not into the style of editing or music, simply because Vincent Touzery is one of the more interesting skaters to watch. Don’t hesitate to enter the Colin Read’s jungle, open your mind and come out with some new perspectives on the documentation and representation of skateboarding.

Sage is one of our favorites not only because of his skating, his vibe is what really sets him apart from all others. This video part really combines those aspects without even saying a word or hard selling the shoes (That looks great btw). Anyway watch this part, put on Illmatic afterwards and book a spring flight to NYC.

Read our interview from issue 54 here.

YES! YES! YES! The world rejoices, we thought it would never come, even when we heard last year that Mr. Gerwer had been skating hard. We didn’t want to believe (because of the possible let down) but it happened. A “new” Frank Gerwer part has hit the net. It spans all those years you saw nothing and he was out doing something. The best thing is it does not contain any newer footage which leaves us hoping for another part (in ten years or so).

Photo by Captain’ Conso

“As nine of us touched down in the desert oasis known as Tel Aviv, Israël, little was known of what laid beyond the great gates of Israeli customs. Over 10 days our humus powered crew, led by local skate guide Ofer Or would bomb coastal hills from northern points of Haïfa to Tel Aviv where spots flowed as if they were from a bottle of endless Munischewitz on Shabbat.
Lest we forget about the marble plazas of Ashdod… magical. A few found their deepest, most spiritual selves in the ally’s of Jerusalem’s old city. Sprawling across the tomb of Jesus, only to be lost again the following day in the blazing banks of the Dead Sea and through the desert to Eilat.
Enjoy our 4-wheeled pilgrimage into the Holy Land!”Lee Berman

Featuring Mike Anderson, Louie Lopez, Brian Delatorre, Al Davis, Dolan Stearns and Aaron Herrington.

Basically, this is little more than an ISLE and friends montage that Jacob Harris made for Thrasher. Jacob is one of the most interesting guys working in skateboard video making today. He doesn’t work that much with double screens and vhs type of work instead he relies a lot on music and the mixing of style and action and he really has perfect timing when it comes down to suspense and breaking the suspense. The music in this video gives off a thick atmosphere making it quite intense but balanced because of the aforementioned breaks. To be honest the way he presents to us is truly his own and that is what makes every video Jacob makes worth a watch.

Featuring: Sylvain Tognelli, Nick Jensen, Remy Taveira, Mike Arnold, Tom Knox, Chris Jones and Casper Brooker

I clearly remember when this project started, I was talking to Leon Rudolph and I asked: “Why don’t you do full-length videos anymore?” He answered: “Right now, I just don’t want to wait to put something out.” Leon did do a lot this year, he did some stuff for Converse Cons, Cleptomanicx and a couple of independent short videos. So an idea crept into our mind, what if we ask Leon to remix his 2016 work into one longer project? He loved the idea, and from that moment we started to talk regularly about the project, Leon would bring up ideas and started working on the project, he even found a date and a location to premiere the project. Yesterday the video had its premiere in Kassel it premiered together with Jonathon the Dog’s new project. So with, that out the way we are proud to introduce to you Leon Rudolph’s newest project “U Already Know” for PLACE, Enjoy!

Featuring: Danny Sommerfeld, Jonas Hess, Jan Hoffmann, Daniel Pannemann, Hyun Kummer (Versace_Germany), Jun Kummer (Seoul_air), Steffen Grap, Franz Grimm, Max Sand, Moritz Alte and much more.

A lot of Parisien action on the web lately, the Instagram videos have slightly slowed down but the Bloby video output has gone up. To bo honest, we like it better this way and this clip leaves way more room for us to actually check their style of skating.

Featuring the likes of Kevin Rodrigues, Roman Gonzales, Vincent Touzery, Karl Salah, Valentin Jutant, Bloby Greg and many more.

The Blobys are taking matters into their own hands once again with this insta mix. Instead of the fan mixes this one has the OG footage set to some tunes of their liking. Enjoy Repúblique and many other Parisian spots in this 10 minute video and click here to check out the first remix.

Featuring the likes of Kevin Rodrigues, Roman Gonzales, Vincent Touzery, Karl Salah, Valentin Jutant, Bloby Greg and many more.

Photo by Manuel Schenck.

For those of you that have followed Eli Reed for a longer period of time, you know what kind of a transition he has undergone. From looking like the white member of Dipset to dressing like Bjorn Borg we love his ability to pull it off. Now as far as his skating goes not that much has changed, he’s still a tech skater that gets gnarly from time to time and if you think there is no gnar in this part you have never tried to skate a Jersey barrier before.

A few weeks ago I was asked to come join a trip to Amsterdam. We met up with the guys from Pop Trading Co. to work on the article featured in the latest issue of Place. Whilst the weather was great, we went out skating with these guys every day. I took my camera with me and captured everything that went down in the interesting scenery of the Dutch capital.

Read the article here.

Video and text by Peter Buikema

Dane’s got a youtube channel and it seems only logical that he needed a creative outlet sooner or later. Skateboarding collectively seems to care more and more about b-side style footage, we want to see the other makes even if they are sketchy or the different angles that didn’t make it in the video. We feel that this video featuring both Dane himself and Nick Rios is in a sense a cultivated version that enlarges that feeling for behind the scenes stuff combined with that sketchy demo in the 90s type of vibe.

Do we really need to talk about this, I think we don’t really need to give anyone reasons to watch this right? It’s been a little while since Danny Sommerfeld put out a part and with him being part of our staff this edit brings together some of the TPDG’s more recent fascinations that are both contemporary and nostalgic.

Leon Rudolph put together the edit so nice he makes you watch it twice.


Our friend and editor in chief is having a great month, He has an interview in the current issue of Solo skate mag and yesterday he put out a new part together with Converse. Because we have known Daniel for a pretty long time it is nice to see somebody who is not afraid to change up or fine tune his style with each part he puts out. This part shows you what Daniel and his friends have been focussing on both spot and trick wise. Enjoy!

It is great when people manage to realize their dreams. We first heard about PACCBET (pronounced “rassvet”) when we were out in Moscow working on our “Project Russia” issue. While there we met both Gosha Rubchinskiy and Tolia, the latter told us about their idea to create a new brand next to the Gosha Rubchinskiy brand.

Now we all hear people talking about creating something of their own but not many manage to actually do it.  Especially in the way that PACCBET had its start with an event at Dover Street Market. If you are aware of Gosha’s work you probably know that it is important to him to observe and create his own moods, departing from this point he manages to develop his work. Because Tolia and Gosha have known each other for quite some time they also know how to create and work together, navigating between different moods and in the end creating PACCBET, a brand to watch.

Watch the PACCBET promo bellow and click here to read our “Project Russia” interviews with both Gosha and Tolia.


Do you remember your first roommate? The one-of-a-kind mess he could leave behind? The mess that only one person could bring into this world? This is the portrait of your roommate. The tomato sauce on the dishes, the coffee stains on the kitchen table: All of this is a unique expression of someone’s past presence.

The same goes for a photo, for example. I explained it a lot of people like this. Look at a Danny Sommerfeld photograph. There are plenty of shots in this issue. Very often, besides dogs, old people, and bananas, you see Danny himself in the shots, although he’s not physically present in the photos. He brings the moment to life in his own way of capturing it.

A portrait doesn’t have to be a mug shot or a full body shot. It can be a lot of things. You can take a portrait of a landscape as well as of a war, or of a situation or even one of love.
We gave this issue as much personality as possible while keeping ot dreamy and abstract. This issue is about each and every character in our world that we find interesting enough to feature, allowing the subjects the space they deserve to shine.

For our “One From Five” article, we asked five photographers if they could send in one photo. The only allowance was the world of a “portrait” as a guideline. The first reaction from all of them was, “yeah, of course. That’s easy.” Five days later it turned out to be the most difficult task ever. “Only one shot?” they came back asking. “Yup, just one!” We responded.
You’ll find the result in the pages of this issue. For the longest time I wanted to print an interview without a single word in it. Just because most of the time the skater is not able to catch up with his body language. A good photo can be ruined by only a couple of words. Here’s Dane Brady from Portland/Oregon, with the first interview, with both question and answer captured in just the photograph, minus the typical skater chitchat. That’s all you need, if you bring as much to the table as Mr. Brady does. Same goes for Jerry Hsu, Sara Parson Texas, Giorgi Armani or K-Rod & Jon, a piece that even has a romantic twist to it.

All of these people are easy to draw because they have such a strong character. Give it a try: Draw your person of choice, in your eyes, buoyant with character, and you will know what I mean.
The guy featured on this issue’s cover might be new to you, but for us his visual presence had a big impact on this issue. Almost like a muse, he appears throughout this issue. For us, he’s pretty easy to draw. Get the point?
Alright guys, get your pens out and we all hope you will enjoy this issue. Thank you!

by Daniel Pannemann
Photos: Matt Price



Emile Laurent

